HN300-3: Identify skills to influence social policy

HN300-3: Identify skills to influence social policy.

This Assignment assesses the following course outcomes:
HN300-3: Identify skills to influence social policy.
GEL-6.5: Use electronic libraries/databases for research.
As a human service professional it is important to be aware of policies that exist to meet the needs of a population, to be able to assess the effectiveness of these policies and to understand how to advocate for their improvement. This Assignment will give you a chance to practice those skills as you will identify social policies that exist to meet the needs of one of the populations served by the human services profession. You will select a population then research and identify a policy that exists to meet the needs of that group. You will locate a program in your community that serves this population as well. Finally, you will identify skills needed to influence and improve these policies.
Select one of the populations described in Chapter 2. You may either choose the same population you chose for your Unit 3 paper or a new one.Using the internet and the Kaplan library database, research current social policies designed to improve the lives of members of this population.Describe one of these policies in detail, including criteria necessary to qualify for benefits and the benefits provided by this policy.Discuss whether this policy is effective in meeting the needs of this population. Why or why not? Be sure to support your opinion with your research.Locate a program in your own community designed to meet the needs of this population. Describe the program and include your opinion (supported by facts from your research) of its effectiveness.Finally identify skills needed to influence and improve each of the policies you have identified.Your Assignment should:
Be presented in the form of a well-written college level documentUse an essay format, 12 point font and double spacing.Be 3–5 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.Include a title page and reference pageIncluding at least two references from the Kaplan Library database in support of your observations and conclusions using proper APA citation and reference formatting.All work should be in your own words with quotes used very sparingly. Please be sure to answer every question within the body of your paper. The Kaplan Library offers you credible articles from which to draw your supportive references.
HN300-3: Identify skills to influence social policy.