Discuss the role of multidisciplinary teams in the care of clients.

CHAPTER 11, Therapeutic Relationships and Communication
In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objectives:
List the key ingredients of therapeutic relationships. Contrast effective and ineffective communication techniques with clients.
1. Two student nurses are preparing for psychiatric–mental health clinical learning experiences.  They decided to review the assigned reading and lecture notes from their class on therapeutic communication. After discussion, the students decided that the elements of respect, genuineness, and caring in talking to clients could lead to a trusting relationship. Both students voiced concern over their ability to develop and maintain a professional and not a social relationship.
(Learning Objectives: 1, 6)
a. How can the student nurses convey the essential elements of a therapeutic relationship in talking to clients?
b. How can the student nurses maintain a professional relationship and avoid a social one for clients in psychiatric settings?
Case Study, Mohr
CHAPTER 12, Working with the Multidisciplinary Team
In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objective:
Discuss the role of multidisciplinary teams in the care of clients.
1.   A multidisciplinary team meeting is in progress for Cindy, a 21-year-old college student who has recently been diagnosed with schizophrenia.  Cindy had been an excellent student on the dean’s list until 2 weeks ago, when she stopped attending classes, stayed in her room with the blinds drawn, and refused to eat because “they have poisoned the food.” The team includes Cindy’s psychiatrist, primary nurse, unit psychologist, social worker, occupational therapist, and a registered dietician.  Cindy and her parents attend the team meeting. The team members introduced themselves and stated that they would monitor and coordinate the treatment plan for Cindy, evaluate her progress in treatment, and plan for her discharge.
(Learning Objective: 1)

  • How will the multidisciplinary team help Cindy and her family in the treatment of her schizophrenia?

Case Study, Mohr