Describe the family as a system adapting to change.

CHAPTER 15, Families and Family Interventions
In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objective:
Describe the family as a system adapting to change.
1. Wanda, a 17-year-old high school senior, has been rejected by a boy in her chemistry class whom she wanted to date for the senior prom.  Wanda became severely depressed and attempted suicide with an overdose of barbiturates.  Wanda’s mother found her unconscious and called an emergency ambulance to take her to the emergency department at the local hospital.  After Wanda’s recovery, she was in individual counseling, and the psychiatrist referred all family members for counseling.   Naomi, her younger sister, refused to go, saying that she did not have a problem and that Wanda was the one who had tried to commit suicide.  Her older brother, Matthew, had a similar response and added that Wanda had embarrassed the family.  Wanda’s parents stated that they would attend and urged both Naomi and Matthew to attend family counseling.
(Learning Objective: 1)

  • Wanda’s family must reorganize to survive the disturbance created by the suicide attempt. Describe the family as a system adapting to change.

Case Study, Mohr
CHAPTER 16, Psychopharmacology
In completing the case study, students will be addressing the following learning objective:
Discuss the therapeutic indication, mechanism of action, recommended dosage, routes of administration, side effects, potential adverse effects, contraindications, and nursing implications for major psychotropic medications.
1. The student was reviewing the medication record for a client diagnosed with major depressive disorder with psychotic features. The client has been on medications for the past 12 years, has exhibited many side effects, and experienced multiple medication changes. On this admission, the client has developed abnormal movements of the tongue, a masklike face, shuffling gait, and constipation. The client is taking a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and an antipsychotic.
(Learning Objective: 6)
a. Identify the medication classification that may be responsible for the side effects and explain your choice.
b. Discuss the most important nursing implication related to the side effects the client is experiencing.
c. Explain why psychiatric clients experience multiple side effects and often need medication changes.