Compare and contrast the lytic cycle of infection of a DNA virus and an RNA virus

Characteristic A B C D E
Morphology Rod Rod Coccus Coccus Rod
Motile Yes Yes No No Yes
Gram Reaction – – + – –
Glucose Utilization Oxid. Ferm. Ferm. Ferm. None
% G+C 58-70 50-51 30-40 47-52 58-70
Cytochrome oxidase Present Absent Absent Present Present
a. Which organisms are most closely related? On what did you base your answer?
b. DNA from which organisms will probably hybridize?
3. One of the advantages of some newly developed rapid identification tools is that pure cultures aren’t needed. Why is a pure culture necessary for biochemical tests such as the Enterotube, but not for DNA probes?
4) Discuss the use of Bergey’s Manual as a tool of (1) classification and (2) identification.
5) Provide a reason to classify bacteria.
6) Bacteroides and Escherichia are both gram-negative rods found in the large intestine. Why are they in different phyla?
7) Provide an explanation for the complex life cycles exhibited by parasitic helminths. Cite specific examples in your discussion.
8) Explain how the presence of algae can indicate either pollution or productivity of a body of water.
9) Bacteriophages are used as vectors in genetic engineering to insert new genes into bacteria. Describe the process that makes this genetic recombination possible.
10) Compare and contrast the lytic cycle of infection of a DNA virus and an RNA virus.
11) Why was it previously believed that only DNA viruses could cause cancer? How can RNA viruses cause cancer?
12) You are growing Bacillus subtilis in nine 16,000-liter fermenters to produce enzymes…