Formulate and refine clinical research questions relevant to advanced practice nursing


The student will develop a PICOT-formatted question that is based on a quantitative process for investigation. It should be systems oriented.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcome.
CO 1: Formulate and refine clinical research questions relevant to advanced practice nursing. (PO #3)
CO 10: Employ an evidence-based practice model for quality improvement. (PO #5)
Points: This assignment is worth a total of 325 points.

  1. Write your scholarly paper using APA format. Include a cover page and headers.
  2. Write an introduction.
  3. Your paper must be no more than five pages in length (not including the cover page or references page).
  4. The body of your report should include a heading titled with your PICO question.
  5. Break out the main ideas according to the rubric. Include sections that are labeled with headings.
  6. All Chamberlain College of Nursing policies related to plagiarism must be observed.
  7. Post questions about this assignment to the weekly Q & A Forum.

Directions and Grading Criteria

Category Points % Description
PICOT question 30 9 State the quantitative clinical question in PICO format clearly and concisely.
Population of interest 35 11 Describe your population of interest.
Intervention of interest 50 15 Describe your intervention of interest. Evidence from the literature must be present with a minimum of 3 scholarly references to support the evidence based practice intervention? Remember you are not completing primary research but taking an evidence-based intervention and applying it to a problem in your current role.
Comparison of interest 35 11 Describe your comparison of interest. Remove the rest of it that states or if no comparison as there should be a comparison
Outcome of interest 35 11 Describe your outcome of interest. Is it measurable? Is the tool that you will utilize to measure outcomes proven to be reliable and valid?
Design 35 11 Identify the appropriate design for the study.
Feasibility in reference to time frame of app. 16 weeks for intervention 30 9 The design of the study is feasible within the practice setting and population.
Identification (micro, meso, macro) system and appropriate integration with practice question. 30 9 The correct identification and application of the system is identified and integrated with the PICO question.
APA formatting, scholarly writing 45 14 Follow APA formatting guidelines and use correct grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and so forth. Writes in a scholarly manner.
Total 325 100% A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria AOutstanding or highest level of performance BVery good or high level of performance CCompetent or satisfactory level of performance FPoor or failing or unsatisfactory level of performance
PICOT question 
25 points
Correctly and concisely states a quantitative practice question in PICO format. 
23–25 points
States a quantitative practice question in PICO format, but fails to be concise. 
21–22 points
States a practice question in PICO format, but may have one or two incorrect elements. 
19–20 points
Fails to state a quantitative practice question in PICO format. 
0–18 points
Population of interest 
15 points
Provides a detailed description of the population of interest. 
14–15 points
Generally describes the population of interest. 
12–13 points
Identifies the population of interest. 
11 points
Fails to identify a population of interest. 
0–10 points
Intervention of interest 
15 points
Provides a detailed description of the intervention of interest. 
14–15 points
Generally describes the intervention of interest. 
12–13 points
Identifies the intervention of interest. 
11 points
Fails to identify an intervention of interest. 
0–10 points
Comparison of interest 
15 points
Provides a detailed description of the comparison of interest. Indicates if there is no comparison of interest. 
14–15 points
Generally describes the comparison of interest. Indicates if there is no comparison of interest. 
12–13 points
Identifies the comparison of interest. Indicates if there is no comparison of interest. 
11 points
Fails to identify a comparison of interest, or if there is none. 
0–10 points
Outcome of interest15 points Provides a detailed description of the outcome of interest. 
14–15 points
Generally describes the outcome of interest. 
12–13 points
Identifies the outcome of interest. 
11 points
Fails to identify an outcome of interest. 
0–10 points
Design25 points Identifies the best, most appropriate design for the study. 
23–25 points
Identifies an appropriate design for the study, but not the best one. 
21–22 points
Identifies a design for a study, but one that is not necessarily appropriate. 
19–20 points
Fails to identify a design for the study. 
0–18 points
Feasibility in reference to time frame of app. 16 weeks for intervention30 points Describes the feasibility of the study population (app. 16 weeks) with respect to the practice setting and population. 
28–30 points
Describes the feasibility (app. 16 weeks) of the study, but does not fully address the practice setting or the population. 
26–27 points
Indicates if the design is feasible, (app. 16 weeks), but provides few details regarding the practice setting or the population. 
23–25 points
Fails to indicate if the study is feasible within the 16-week period. 
0–22 points
Identification and application of correct system (micro, meso, macro) to the practice question40 points Identifies the correct system approach and applies the correct system approach to the practice question correctly and in detail. 
37–40 points
Identifies the correct system approach, but does not fully apply the system to the practice question in detail. 
34–36 points
Either identifies the correct system approach and/or has little detail on applying the system to the practice question. 
30–33 points
Incorrectly identifies the system and does not apply it to the practice question. 
0–29 points
APA formatting, scholarly writing20 points Writes in a scholarly manner with no grammar, spelling, or syntax errors. Follows the rules of APA formatting. 
18–20 points
Writes in a scholarly manner with minimal grammar, spelling, or syntax errors. Follows the rules of APA formatting. 
17 points
Writes in a scholarly manner with several grammar, spelling, or syntax errors. Breaks minor rules of APA formatting. 
15–16 points
Does not write in a scholarly manner. Commits many errors in grammar, spelling, and syntax. Does not follow rules for APA formatting. 
0–14 points
Total Points Possible =    325    points