summarize what research has found regarding the idea of subliminal perception


Using APA formatting, please summarize what research has found regarding the idea of subliminal perception. In addition, please give your personal opinion of the validity of subliminal perception as it relates to subliminal persuasion (using our subconscious mind to influence us to do something, such as to buy a product). To create your response, please use the following website article:
In addition, please be sure to connect the information in your textbook in Chapter 4 on Sensation and Perception to your response to show understanding of the weekly readings. Your response should be a minimum of 500 words.
The class is Fundamentals of Psychology (PS240) and the book we are reading is PSYCH by Spencer A. Rathus 2008-2009 edition. The essay is due on 04/25/11 by noon. The pages are 74-94 in our textbook, I am not sure if you access to that information in any of your databases. Thanks.
I will pay 20 dollars.