Gauge the size of various biological components and organisms.

The Virtual labs (below) are online laboratory simulations that enable you to perform experiments and observations in microscopy, microbial growth, inheritance, and genetic analysis from the relative comfort of your computer.
Use the Virtual Lab Report form to record your observations and results from these online experiments. When saving your work, title your report with your last name, first initial ‘_V1’. Thus the title for Charles Darwin’s report is DarwinC_V1. Use the ‘Save As’ option to save the file as Word 97 .doc file. Submit the report in the Dropbox before 11:00 PM PST on the second Saturday of class.
     Virtual Lab Report Part I         Due: Second Saturday of the course

Virtual Lab 1:            Virtual Microscopy
A. Gauge the size of various biological components and organisms. The Virtual Microscope can be used to make these observations. Estimate the size (length and width in microns) of
•  1. An E. Coli cell
•  2. A mitochondrion.
•  3. A Red blood cell
•  4. A virus.
•  5. A water molecule
B. Observe the various Cell types and learn to distinguish between Bacterial cells, Plant cells (1, 2), and Animal cells (1, 2, 3)
•  1. Observe and describe three differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
•  2. Observe and describe three differences and three similarities between plant and animal cells.
C. Form a hypothesis
•  1. Hypothesize about how you might be able to sort a mixed population of cells into prokaryotes and
eukaryotes. Try to be practical, build on your understanding of the differences between the two cell classes.
•  2. Hypothesize about a means to separate out plant cells from a mixed population of eukaryotic cells.
Cell structures and functions
Virtual Optical Microscope.
Virtual Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images.