Estimate the percentage of time that a constantly developing cell spends in interphase.

Virtual Lab 2:           Cellular Processes
A. Bacterial Growth. Observing the growth of the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae
These Streptococcus bacteria have been placed on a nutrient rich agar medium and their growth visualized. You can monitor their growth by watching the middle frame and moving through time with the time step buttons.
•   Estimate how long it takes for this population of bacteria to double. Hint- this population doubles multiple times during the duration of this recording.
B. Cellular Reproduction : The Cell Cycle (1 , 2 , 3), Mitosis (1 , 2), Meiosis (1 , 2), and Binary fission (1 , 2).
•  1. Estimate the percentage of time that a constantly developing cell spends in interphase.
•  2. In a random selection of 100 such cells, estimate the number that would be undergoing mitosis at any given time.
•  3. Understand the basic differences between mitosis, meiosis, and binary fission.  Is mitosis
more similar to meiosis or to binary fission? Explain your reasoning.
C. Cellular Metabolism: Cellular Respiration (1 , 2), Photosynthesis (1 , 2), and The Carbon Cycle (1 , 2 , 3)
•  1. In a paragraph or two compare and contrast  photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
•  2. Describe the ecological relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
•  3. Hypothesize about what might happen if a large number of producers were suddenly removed from the biosphere. Where might carbon accumulate if the ratio of number of producers to consumers was markedly reduced?