You are a global health nursing leader that has been asked to develop a project to address a health need in a community/population. Include an introduction that establishes the purpose of the presentation.

Global Health Nursing 3

Assignment Steps:

  1. Textbook: Holtz, C. (2017). Global healthcare: Issues and policies. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. Read chapters 7, 8, 17, 18, and 19.
  2. Review the Assignment Directions below. The purpose of the presentation is to describe a global health issue affecting a vulnerable population within a community and provide a discussion on a possible community-based nursing project aimed to improve outcomes in the population identified. You are a global health nursing leader that has been asked to develop a project to address a health need in a community.

Assignment Directions: Complete the presentation in 10-12 slides
Introduction: You are a global health nursing leader that has been asked to develop a project to address a health need in a community/population. Include an introduction that establishes the purpose of the presentation.
Slide 1Global Health Issue Overview:  In your own words, provide a thorough overview of a global health issue that has affected a vulnerable population within one global community/population. The community should be defined according to geographical location. The population should be defined according to demographics ie age, gender, race. The description should also include literary or statistical support that the global health problem exists in the community and population identified. Compare and contrast 4 or more cultural factors that affect health status of vulnerability and resilience with the community/population you selected.
Slide 2Epidemiological Significance: Discuss the epidemiological significance of the health issue in the identified population Include the following components: (a) Distribution (frequency, pattern) of health issue (b) Determinants (causes, risk factors) of the health issue in the community and specified vulnerable population. (c) Discuss the epidemiological significance of a health concern and 5 ways to reduce vulnerability of populations in disenfranchised geographical regions. Include literary support for your discussion.
Slide 3Sustainable Development SMART Goals linkage: Describe how the Identified health issue is linked to one Sustainable Development Goal. Clearly identify the SDG you are addressing.
Slide 4-Nursing Discipline Linkage: Describe how the identified issue is manageable within the scope of nursing. Include literary support for your discussion
Slide 5-Identify one community-based, health promotion project nurses could implement to address the health issue in the population identified. Include literary support for your discussion.  In your description, include the proposed project’s mission and vision.
Slide 6-Using the SMART Goals framework identify two goals you would like the project to achieve. After you identify the goals address the following SMART components.

  1. a) Specific:  In your description identify who will be involved in achieving this goal?   Identify what you would like to accomplish. Include the requirements and the constraints.  Describe where the intervention will take place. Provide a deadline for achieving this goal. Include support from the literature
  2. b) Measurable: Describe how you will determine the goal has been met. Identify 2 measurements. Include support from the literature for the measurements selected
  3. c) Attainable: Identify the required attitudes, skills, abilities, financial costs required to achieve this goal?
    d) Results-focused:  Describe the reason, purpose, or  benefit of accomplishing the goal. Describe the potential impact in the population and community if the goal is met. Include literary support for your discussion.
  4. e) Time-bound: Describe the time-frame in which the goal will be met. Describe strategies you will employ to keep the project on target. Include literary support for your discussion

Slide 7-Conclusion: Include concluding statements that summarize the paper. Include personal insights gained as a result of completing the assignment.