Considering what you now know about the biological basis of learning and memory, how might you enhance your short- and long-term retention and retrieval of the information you are learning in this course?

Biology homework help
Brain and Behavior Psychology Essay Questions on Learning and Memory.
APA Format/ 2 full pages/Proper Grammar and Puncuation/References cited throughout whole paper..
Must use Garrett, B. (2015). Brain and Behavior: An Introduction to Biological Psychology, (4th ed.). Los Angeles: Sage. as a required reference
Other references you can use our as follows:
Briefly explain how you study for this class.

  • What activities do you engage in to learn the material?
  • How much time per week do you devote to reading the assigned chapters?
  • How frequently do you review the week’s material before moving on to the next week?
  • Is your pattern of studying for this class similar to or different from how you study for other classes? Explain.
  • You have read that the process known as long-term potentiation is a likely phenomenon underlying learning.
    • As you study material for this class, what is happening to the neural cells involved in processing the information? (In other words, explain the process of long-term potentiation.)
    • Based on the material in the chapter, what brain areas are involved in your initial processing of this information? (Keep in mind that this involves declarative memory.)
  • Once you have learned the material, you are required to retrieve it for a test, or to complete an assignment.
    • What brain areas are involved in this process?
    • Is the information likely to have been consolidated into long-term memory? Explain your answer.
  • Assume that one year from now, you are asked to give a talk at your job about what happens in the brain when we learn and remember information.
    • Assuming you can still recall the information, will it be stored in the same location that it is now? Explain.
    • Assume that you are unable to recall the information clearly. Why? What has happened to the memory?
  • Considering what you now know about the biological basis of learning and memory, how might you enhance your short- and long-term retention and retrieval of the information you are learning in this course?

Answer all questions in Red… Follow all instuctions.. Use required Reference
Must be completed by Sunday 03/22/15 5 pm Cental Standard Time US (No excuses)