Species and Scientific Correction

Biology homework help
“Species and Scientific Correction”
Note: Online students, please respond to one (1) of the following three (3) bulleted options.

  • Imagine you are explaining to a friend what the term species means. In your own words define the term species then provide three (3) examples of different species. Next determine three (3) ways that species within a genus are often related to one another. Furthermore, in your response briefly describe how the word “related” is being used when discussing species and genus.
  • Go to The Economist Website to read the article titled “Beetles and Bugs”, dated July 18, 2015, located here. Choose three (3) main points you found interesting in the article then summarize each of your chosen main points including in your summary connections made to the material covered in Chapter 1 of your textbook. Provide examples of the connections in your response.
  • Science is believed to be self-correcting. A 2010 article from Psychology Today entitled, “Why science is self-conducting”, argues that scientific misconduct is the rationale for science correction. View this article, which is found here then summarize the main points of the article you found most significant. Next in your response take a stance as to whether or not you believe that science is self-correcting. Be sure to provide support for your stance. Lastly, discuss three (3) reasons why you believe or do not believe that self-correcting science or disproven theories are good for science Justify your response.