Critically evaluate the impact of new technology in modern corporate workplaces

Critically evaluate the impact of new technology in modern corporate workplaces

Question description1500 word essay +/- 10% (Not including references and tables).
Choose ONE question from below for your essay.
Very important for you to use examples in the essay.
The essay needs to reflect analysis rather than lists of issues.
Engage critically, rather than just putting forward a single perspective.
1. Critically evaluate the impact of new technology in modern corporate workplaces and the role of human resource management. Students may wish to consider the following when writing the essay:
a) Recent developments in the new technology in a range of fields
b) How/Why does it impact on job and role performance?
c) What/how/why do Issues of control and surveillance emerge?
2. ‘Boundaryless careers squarely place freedom and agency in the hands of the employee’. Critically evaluate this statement with reference to relevant theory. Students may wish to consider the following when writing the essay:
a) Structured organisational career management, is it one size fits all or are there issues of level of skills of individual employees?
b) Debates about balancing career management needs in the wider context of employment relationship and personal life of the employee.
c) Type of job and employment contract, and their consequent impact on career trajectories.
3. Gig economy and zero hour contracts present an example of a ‘double edged sword’. Critically engage with this statement drawing on an example of work in the gig economy (For example, Uber).
a) In such situations are psychological contracts really relevant?