gender pay equality

gender pay equality

Question descriptionThis only needs to be about 300 words long. no APA
Equal pay for men and women was first legislatively addressed in the Equal Pay Act of 1963. Today, over fifty years later, we are still dealing with a gender pay gap. In 2017, women earned around 81% as much as men on average, even though women earn more college degrees than men. The gap is worse for women of color.
In the folder, there are four brief reports on gender wage gap, men in nursing, single mothers in college, and independent students. Pick the report that seems most interesting to you.
In your group discussion forum, give a brief summary of your chosen report. Use key concepts to frame your summary.

  • What is the main point or problem being presented?
  • What evidence is given for support?
  • How would a sociologist interpret the data (use key concepts)?

below is the report I choose ( let me know if it doesn’t load) I chose single mothers in college…