How do the two articles inform each other? Do findings conflict?

How do the two articles inform each other? Do findings conflict?

READ BOOK Nieswiadomy, R. (2018). Foundations of Nursing Research. 7th Edition. Upper Saddle River. NJ: Pearson
ISBN10: 0132118572
ISBN13: 9780132118576

Chapters 6, 7 and 9

BELOW is the assignment.

Locate one research study that falls between Level I through IV and one study that is between level V through VII. These need to be from the same topic area (EXAMPLE. pain management in patients with dementia). Briefly (in one paragraph) describe each study and the major findings.

In a second paragraph, discuss: How do the two articles inform each other? Do findings conflict? Cite each article using APA format.

Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence/Levels of Evidence

Level I
Evidence for a systematic review or meta-analysis of all relevant RCTs or evidence-based clinical practice guidelines based on systematic reviews of RCTs.

Level II
Evidence obtained from at least one well-designed RCT.

Level III
Evidence obtained from one well-designed controlled trials without Randomization.

Level IV
Evidence from well-designed case-control and cohort studies.

Level V
Evidence from systematic reviews of descriptive or qualitative study.

Level VI
Evidence from single descriptive or qualitative study.

Level VII
Evidence from the opinion of authorities and/or reports of expert committees.

* Table from Melnyk, Bernadette Mazurek and Ellen Fineout-Overholt. Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005:10.

Critical Appraisal of the Literature
From the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford
How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine
(2nd Edition), Trisha Greenhalgh

hese are some of the most trusted EBP Nursing research resources for evidence-based summaries and guidelines available freely on the Internet:

National Guidelines Clearinghouse
AHRQ’s National Guideline Clearinghouse™ (NGC) is a public resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines.

TRIP (Turning Research Into Practice)
TRIP was created in 1997 to bring together all the evidence-based health care resources available on the Internet.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
The home page contains links to selective sites for evidence-based practice guidelines.

Cochrane Summaries
This link provides free access for the public to the index of Cochrane Reviews, which also includes abstracts and the plain language summaries for each review. To access the full-text reviews, use the subscription link (SSU only) in the section above.

PubMed (Public Index)
PubMed is a publicly available citation index. However, the SSU link to PubMed in the section above will include the SSU Find It feature, which allows you to directly access the full text when available. For other options on obtaining full-text articles, click the information icon.

Univ. of Massachusetts Public Health Clinical Guidelines and Systematic Reviews
This website, managed by the New England Region of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, provides free online access to evidence-based public health (EBPH) resources, knowledge domains of public health, and public health journals and databases.


• An open-source Nursing Research Resource: Current Nursing.
• Scope of Practice and Nursing Standards Sites:
◦ Standards for Acute Care Nurses
◦ Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) Standards
◦ Healthy People 2020
National Guidelines Database


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