Kaufman describes intelligence as both

PSY 560 Clinical Psychology
6. Kaufman describes intelligence as both
verbal and visual motor abilities.
intuitive and objective understanding.
higher order and basic functions.
the ability to solve problems and “crystallized” intelligence.
7. In what ways are values different from attitudes and interests?
They are fewer in number and more central to a person’s belief system.
They have a much more clearly pronounced effect on a person’s behavior.
They are much more directly related to intelligence.
Research indicates that values aren’t different from attitudes and interests.
8. Which of the following individuals is likely to be a more effective therapist?
Sam, who is trained in all the most current evidence-based treatments.
Susan, who is very self-controlled but conveys sympathy to her clients.
Mary, who is very self-controlled and rarely expresses emotions directly to her
Andrew, who at times expresses his emotions very assertively.
One area that graduate programs may not address fully, according to many
therapists, is
how to choose the correct assessment protocols.
how to conduct initial sessions to develop therapeutic alliances.
how to manage their own emotions and use them therapeutically.
knowing when to terminate treatment.
Which of the following is an example of a competency-related difficulty that a
clinician might experience?
A woman who has been seen regularly for outpatient treatment seeks help for
her adolescent son who has just been arrested for underage drinking.
A clinician can’t seem to like one of his clients, and has begun to dread his
scheduled sessions.
A clinician who works in a hospice setting struggles with feelings of deep sad-
All of the above
Which of the following dimensions are especially important to the therapeutic
The emotional bonds that develop between the therapist and client.
The shared understanding of the task at hand.
Neither a nor b.
Both a and b.
The theorist and therapist who deserves the most credit for our understanding
of the importance of the therapeutic alliance was
Sigmund Freud.
Carl Rogers.
Fritz Perls.
Erik Erikson.
Which of the following is NOT a factor that contributes to the establishment
of a flourishing therapeutic alliance?
the client and clinician sharing many personal similarities
a high amount of investment in the therapeutic effort by both parties
both parties being on the same wavelength
both parties caring for the well-being of one another
A similarity between Kohut’s self-psychology practitioners and the object rela-
tions therapists is that they both
remain relatively passive in the therapeutic relationship.
attempt to provide remedial nurturing and attachment experiences.
view therapy as a short-term endeavor.
all of the above
15. Relational Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
stresses the importance of early relationships.
borrows heavily from both psychoanalysis, ego-analysis, person-centered and
humanistic approaches.
has achieved popularity in the United States in the past decade.
all of the above
PSY 560 Clinical
Which of the following approaches stress pragmatic goals, establishing a
therapeutic alliance as quickly as possible, and focusing on a current crisis or
Relational Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Object Relations Psychotherapy
Ego Psychoanalytic Therapy
Short-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.
17. Which of the following is true about psychodynamic psychotherapy?
It is practiced by only 2 of clinicians.
Its foundations have been largely challenged and discredited.
It has failed to evolve to keep up with the demands of modern clinical prac-
It is among the top three most popular approaches to therapy.
Humanistic approaches to psychotherapy emphasize -‘
while psychodynamic therapies emphasize ,
conscious awareness; unconscious conflict
man’s inherent goodness; man’s tendency towards evil
childhood experiences; adult trauma
all of the above
Which of the following statements would NOT be supported by a humanistic
Humans are naturally good and able to make choices about their lives.
Humans are creative and will guide their own behavior towards their full po-
The therapeutic relationship is not very important because growth towards
potential is inevitable.
Clients are equal partners in the therapeutic endeavor.
20. Cognitions may include all but which of the following?
beliefs, causal explanations
schemas and self-statements
free-floating anxiety
problem-solving strategies
PSY 560 Clinical Psychology
Organized knowledge structures that influence how we process information
are called
constellations of belief.