Introduce what a polyclonal antibody is, and why and how you might want to purify a particular immunoglobulin isotype away from the remaining serum components
Antibody Isolation
Practical write-up report
Student name:
Student number:
Introduce what a polyclonal antibody is, and why and how you might want to purify a particular immunoglobulin isotype away from the remaining serum components
(maximum 300 words)
Present an extremely brief overview of the methods used
(maximum 200 words)
There is no maximum word count for any of the results section 1-5.
Practical write-up report
Student name:
Student number:
Introduce what a polyclonal antibody is, and why and how you might want to purify a particular immunoglobulin isotype away from the remaining serum components
(maximum 300 words)
Present an extremely brief overview of the methods used
(maximum 200 words)
There is no maximum word count for any of the results section 1-5.
Document Preview:
Antibody Isolation
Practical write-up report
Student name:
Student number:
Introduce what a polyclonal antibody is, and why and how you might want to purify a particular immunoglobulin isotype away from the remaining serum components
(maximum 300 words)
Present an extremely brief overview of the methods used
(maximum 200 words)
There is no maximum word count for any of the results section 1-5.
Section 1:
Present the results of your ouchterlony and describe which column fractions were pooled to form fraction 5 (F5)
Section 2:
Calculate total protein of all your fractions F1-5. Present all values as:
protein concentration in mg/ml
Total protein in your sample having corrected your value for any dilution factor and the volume of the sample
A calibration curve must be completed and attached to this report. Sample values collected from the graph must be clearly labeled
Section 3:
Calculate total IgG contained within all of your fractions F1-5. Present all values as:
IgG concentration in mg/ml of each sample
Total IgG in each sample having corrected your value for any dilution factor and the volume of the sample
A calibration curve must be completed and attached to this report. Sample values collected from the graph must be clearly labeled
Section 4:
Calculate percentage yield of IgG from the starting sample
((total IgG/ total protein) x 100)
Section 5:
Present the results of your immune-electrophoresis clearly labeling where your samples were loaded onto the gel and which antiserum was placed into which trough. Indicate where you observed lines of precipitation.
Discuss the results from section 1-5 in terms of quantity yield and quality of your samples. Critically review the relative advantages and disadvantages of both purification methods
(maximum 300 words)
Antibody Isolation
Practical write-up report
Student name:
Student number:
Introduce what a polyclonal antibody is, and why and how you might want to purify a particular immunoglobulin isotype away from the remaining serum components
(maximum 300 words)
Present an extremely brief overview of the methods used
(maximum 200 words)
There is no maximum word count for any of the results section 1-5.
Section 1:
Present the results of your ouchterlony and describe which column fractions were pooled to form fraction 5 (F5)
Section 2:
Calculate total protein of all your fractions F1-5. Present all values as:
protein concentration in mg/ml
Total protein in your sample having corrected your value for any dilution factor and the volume of the sample
A calibration curve must be completed and attached to this report. Sample values collected from the graph must be clearly labeled
Section 3:
Calculate total IgG contained within all of your fractions F1-5. Present all values as:
IgG concentration in mg/ml of each sample
Total IgG in each sample having corrected your value for any dilution factor and the volume of the sample
A calibration curve must be completed and attached to this report. Sample values collected from the graph must be clearly labeled
Section 4:
Calculate percentage yield of IgG from the starting sample
((total IgG/ total protein) x 100)
Section 5:
Present the results of your immune-electrophoresis clearly labeling where your samples were loaded onto the gel and which antiserum was placed into which trough. Indicate where you observed lines of precipitation.
Discuss the results from section 1-5 in terms of quantity yield and quality of your samples. Critically review the relative advantages and disadvantages of both purification methods
(maximum 300 words)