You are to write a 1-page Lab Report using the Scientific Method sections below


Write a Lab Report of 1 page that you will submit to “Submitted Assignments.”
Almost every place on Earth, from the surface of your skin to the bottom of the ocean, is filled with living things. To keep track of the vast diversity of life, biologists historically named and classified organisms according to their appearance. The system of categorizing organisms is known as taxonomy. Today, scientists classify organisms into taxonomic groups (taxa) according to their evolutionary history. This discipline is known as systematics.

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Write a Lab Report of 1 page that you will submit to “Submitted Assignments.”
Almost every place on Earth, from the surface of your skin to the bottom of the ocean, is filled with living things. To keep track of the vast diversity of life, biologists historically named and classified organisms according to their appearance. The system of categorizing organisms is known as taxonomy. Today, scientists classify organisms into taxonomic groups (taxa) according to their evolutionary history. This discipline is known as systematics.
The Virtual Systematics Lab features a collection of pictures and descriptions of diverse species that represent major evolutionary pathways. In the Systematics Lab, you can explore 5 different taxonomic classification schemes that biologists have used (from the traditional Linnaean scheme to the current 3-domain system).
In this activity, you will learn how to use the Virtual Systematics Lab to identify the characteristics that various organisms share, and determine the relatedness of different taxa.
You are to write a 1-page Lab Report using the Scientific Method sections below. Your Pearson report is your data to support your report. Attach the Pearson report as part of your lab report results. The Pearson questions are to help you understand the topic and may be used in your report to support your findings.
Complete the steps of the scientific method for your lab option choice. Use these headings in your paper, please.
State the purpose of the lab.
This is an investigation of what is currently known about the question being asked. Use background information from credible references to write a short summary about concepts in the lab. List and cite references in APA style.
Hypothesis / Predicted Outcome:
An hypothesis is an “educated guess.” Based on what you have learned and written about in the Introduction, state what you expect to be the results of the lab procedures.
Summarize the procedures…