Personal Essay: How do relationships impact us in crucial ways?
Please make sure your essay adheres in these ways:
— You state how a specific relationship impacted you in an important way and why
— From this event, you will choose concepts that can be RESEARCHED
— 3.5 – 4 pages in length
— 4 quotes using researched viewpoints for supporting your own ideas (using MLA and in-text citations)
— Works Cited section after essay
— Essay must start with an in-the-moment scene using narrative description and DIALOGUE
— Essay must have an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion
For this first essay, we’ll be telling HOW a relationship impact us in an important way. Please include how your experience can help others learn something of value.
DIALOGUE is executed as follows:

It was January. A great deal of snow settled upon the tree branches outside my dad’s dining room window. Thoughts plagued my mind of the future. How long might it be before I was able to start a business? More practically speaking, how could I raise the money enough to do such a thing? I sat cross-legged on a chair in that room, and noted how clear and vibrant my mom’s skin was, despite her age. “Ma’am, you have amazing skin,” I offered, as I sipped on my hot, bitter coffee.
Her face lit up from across the table. “Thanks, cookie! If you and I were not long-time soul sisters, you might not notice such a thing!” For whatever reason, I was taken into that moment from my worries to her words. Soul sisters. My mother was right: we were very close, always had been. I imagined people like my sister who do not feel close to their mothers. What about people whose mothers died when their children were young? They would never come to know a charismatic, loving mother such as mine.
Suddenly, as I considered the snowy branches outside and reflected on my mom’s olive, clear complexion once more, the future didn’t matter. Suddenly, I vowed to appreciate the power of family connections more and more every day. Such strong bonds, if we’re fortunate enough to have them, allow us to remain in the present moment. They help us to protect ourselves from worrying about events that may never come to pass. My relationship with my mother helps me to realize I should enjoy every moment in the now.

It might be helpful to structure some of your sections using these questions:
–Significance: Why is this researchable topic significant in society, or important to consider?
–Time period: What is significant about THIS period of your life when you encountered the change?
–Change: What types of changes did you undergo? How are you different now? How has this change shaped who you are today?
–Researchable concepts: What are the most important ideas for me to support in my research?
–Teachable: What can others learn about my experiences?
Here’s an example of how an essay can work:
PAR 1: Introduction from Above
Thesis: Such strong bonds, if we’re fortunate enough to have them, allow us to remain in the present moment. They help us to protect ourselves from worrying about events that may never come to pass. My relationship with my mother helps me to realize I should enjoy every moment in the now.
PAR 2: Researchable concept #1:
How do relationships work on our brains? What is the science behind how they make us feel supported? (Look up brain scientist’s view)
PAR 3: Back to scene or exposition (story of thought)
PAR 4: Researchable concept #2:
The role of mothers in a young person’s life. How is success more possible if a child trusts its parent? (Look up psychology)
Back to scene or exposition (story of thought)
PAR 5: Back to scene or exposition (story of thought)
PAR 6: Researchable concept #3:
The impacts of having strained relationships with family (Look up psychology)
PAR 7: Conclusion