Barbara Maclure
South University Online
Week one Project
Center for Disease Control
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is one of the most outstanding and a very important center in the United States. The function is to provide information to the American population about various diseases and see how to prevent many contagious diseases for control and prevention. Dr. Joseph Mountain was the founder of The Center for Control and Prevention on July 1st in the year 1946. The Center for Control Disease headquarter is in Atlanta Georgia. There almost 500 employers who were mainly engineers and entomologist. The Center for Disease Control was established as an institution that has expanded to investigate many diseases and provide knowledge to prevent many illnesses. The Healthy People has a vision for The Center for Disease Control during the 21st century. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention put many hours into work to help the population to prevent diseases in the 21st century. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention works very hard to make individuals stay healthier and keep individuals safe by putting science in action, which allows the Center for Disease Control to deal with critical health problems through an enormous amount of the correct information, such as charting a definite course of action and work with other people in the community. The Center for Disease control plays a very important role in giving reliable information to individuals to diagnose and prevent diseases (CDC.2017).
The Center for Disease Control sustained and maintained public and private entities which includes thirteen services to the State of Alabama with over 3,000 centers for Disease workers at various locations with approximately 50 Health departments throughout The Center for Disease Control main headquarters in Atlanta Georgia.
There are approximately 125 States that are over seas and 45 nations that are assigned to The Center for Disease Control. Tuberculosis and HIV are infectious diseases that can put a strain on the community resources, threaten nations, and destroy lives. There are other diseases that can spread across the world in hours or days. The Center for Disease Control. The Center for Disease control have employees that travel to foreign countries to investigate diseases and the cause of outbreaks of infectious diseases. (Berros-Torres,rt,al. 2017). The primary protective source of disease outbreaks is the work that the Center for Disease Control does to assist both local and States departments by protecting society from using products and ideas of technology to detect food-borne sickness to evaluate a program for the prevention of family violence and train and educate people regarding HIV and the importance of immunizations of children for prevention of diseases such as polio, measles, mumps, tuberculosis just to name a few. The Center for Disease Control believes that the up-to-date information has little to no meaning unless the information is sensible or easily accessed to individuals that it was designed to serve. The Center for Disease Control improves health decisions to give credible information into the community and to Americans the information involves safety and allows patients to access the best health options in the community daily by using communication through the media and internet (CDC.2017). The Center for Disease Control also provide consultation to international agencies and many nations to assist in the prevention of diseases by control, health promotion and environmental health. The CDC gives assistance and administer health services and categories of grant programs while making certain that the health and wellbeing of Americans are being met. The center for Disease Control provides expert advice and assistance by responding to State, local, Federal, and private organization on matters that are related to prevention and control activities and prevention.
The office of the Center for Disease Control Prevention provides leadership for the CDC being responsible for related diseases participants in the development Of the Center for Diseases Control 1, provide the implementation and control direct leaders, give assistant to the secretary for Surgeon General and health on policies concerning The Center for Control activities. They also develop Center for Control objectives and goals, collaborate with Public Health of worldly health and international activities related to prevention and control of disease (CDC.2017). They provide technical expert opinions to handle consumer affairs for The Center for Disease Control. The program evaluation and program office mission are to make the impact greater in size for effective public health programs through program design and innovation for continuous improvements by bringing different elements of a complex activity within The Center for Disease Control into a relationship that will ensure new initiatives. They also guide the analysis and collection of accountable data and performance that includes the works of Healthy People 2020 and provide harmony performance and measurement by various programs within the Center for Disease Control.
Doctor Joseph Mountain was a public health leader and doctor that came up with a way to convert Malaria control in areas of wars to other agencies to control and monitor the disease. Doctor Alexander Langmuir was employed by The Center for Disease Control as chief epidemiologist. Doctor Langmuir set in motion the disease surveillance program to analyze, disseminate, and collect data for public health care employees. Emory University donated land to the Center for Control Disease that is located on Clifton Road during the year of 1946 to build The Center for Disease Control main headquarters. The Center for Disease Control established a relationship with Dr. Jonas Salk in the early fifties to test the polio vaccination after an outbreak of the disease. There were many other immunizations that the center was testing relating to diseases such as influenza, small pox, and Malaria. In the sixties the center took on other challenges to earn bigger achievements when the research was done to help cure venereal diseases, and tuberculosis when the jet gun vaccination was introduced for testing as a cure for tuberculosis. The Center for Control Disease Prevention has many missions and responsibilities to combat diseases, and the center has taken on many responsibilities since the year 1946 (Tharian.2018).
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2017). Guidelines for Preventing opportunistic infections among hematopoietic Stem cell transplant recipient MMWR Recommendations and reports: Morbidity and Mortality weekly report.
Recommendations and reports,49(RR-10),1
Berrios-Torres.S. I, Umscheid.C.A., Bratzler.D.W. (2017). Center for Disease Control and Prevention guideline for the prevention of surgical site infection 2017 JAMA surgery 152, (8),784-791
Tharian.B.(2018). Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Science and Medicine. prevention