brain-storm a commonality between art, literature, history, or philosophy with biology, and write an interpretive essay, suited for a museum-going audience with limited scientific background.

Biology homework help
“Natural History”, the magazine of the American Museum of Natural History, has commissioned you to write an essay in the tradition of Stephen Jay Gould’s column, “This View of Life”, relating evolutionary theory to an aspect of art, literature, history, philosophy or contemporary culture. The column, published monthly up through January, 2001, was based on musings of an evolutionary biologist who found analogies between evolutionary processes and diverse aspects of human culture.
For example, in one essay, “A Biological Homage to Mickey Mouse”, Gould likened the evolution of Mickey in drawings, to a reverse developmental process – where the later, most highly-evolved drawings of Mickey had the most infantile proportions, and the earliest drawings had the most adult proportions. The essay addressed how evolutionary principles are unconsciously interwoven in art.
Your task is to brain-storm a commonality between art, literature, history, or philosophy with biology, and write an interpretive essay, suited for a museum-going audience with limited scientific background.  Reading one of Gould’s essays will provide a model for this assignment.
-develop analogy between something biological and something contemporary (evolutionary theory or some other constant)
-how the compare and contrast over time ( i want to use something from psychology or philosophy)

This Idea Must Die: Scientific Theories that are Blocking Progress edited by John Brockman in 2014.

Biology homework help


For this extra credit assignment, students will read short essays from the book, This Idea Must Die: Scientific Theories that are Blocking Progress edited by John Brockman in 2014.
Each year,, a forum for thought advancement, poses a new question to exceptional scholars from various disciplines. In 2014, Laurie Santos, a professor of psychology at Yale University, posed the question, “What scientific idea is ready for retirement?” The prompt spurred 175 essays written by scholars ranging in expertise in fields such as anthropology, statistics, biology, computer science, philosophy and countless more. Below are 6 selected essays.
For this assignment, you may choose up to 4 essays to read and respond to. While the maximum number of essays you may respond to is 4, you may choose to only respond to 1, 2, or 3. In your responses, make sure you include what idea the author argues must die, why the idea must die, and how this idea is relevant to the field of biological anthropology by citing specific examples you have learned about in course material.
Download the assignment template here .
Here are the selected essays to choose from. Take a look at all of them and select your favorites or the articles that caught your attention most.
Heights and Lengths and Areas of Rectangles.pdf
Human Evolutionary Exceptionalism.pdf
Natural Selection is the Only Engine of Evolution.pdf
Each response will be worth 5 points, for a total of up to 20 points of extra credit. These extra credit points may be applied to an exam grade of your choice.

Analyze the social and cultural factors that can affect the drive state

Biology homework help
Question:          The Drive States: For this assignment, complete the following:     1.Choose one of the drive states—sleep, reproductive, or ingestive (eating)—that is most relevant to your professional interests or goals.  2.Look for peer-reviewed research articles on the topic. You will need at least three relevant resources      For the drive state you have selected, complete the following:  Describe the biological mechanisms involved in this drive.  Explain how the drive state affects behavior.•Analyze the social and cultural factors that can affect the drive state.  Analyze the ethical issues faced by researchers studying the drive state.  Choose a scenario from within your specialization- Clinical Psychology and describe how an individual’s problems with a drive state would impact his or her sphere of activity (for example, athlete, mental health client, employee, student, substance abuser client, professional colleague, a consultant’s client, et cetera). What evidence-based intervention or coping mechanism would you recommend?  Number of pages: 4-6.  At least 3 current scholarly or professional resources.

How did human nature interfere with their efforts? 

Biology homework help
1a – And the Band Played On
View HBO movie titled, “And the Band Played On.” The movie is 140 minutes in length and stars Matthew Modine. This movie is a chronicle of how HIV/AIDS was researched and made public in America. Matthew Modine, stars as Dr. Don Francis, a researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who seeks to uncover the cause of a number of mysterious deaths. With little funding, not only must he fight the disease, but also fight a disinterested public, the government, the media and even the communities where the mysterious virus strikes hardest. But as the death toll mounts, public interest is stirred and Francis’ research becomes a desperate race against time.
You can view the movie on cable,Netflix or you can download the movie for free at the following link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Write up a short commentary about one of the subtopics of the film that you found interesting. Please note that I’m not looking for a summary of the movie. I’m looking for your impression of the way it was dealt with by the characters. For example, what obstacles did the physicians, epidemiologists and other scientists meet with in trying to solve the mystery? How did human nature interfere with their efforts?
Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
a.  how they realized that they had a potential epidemic on their hands,
b. what they went through to determine how it was transmitted.
c. what obstacles they went through to they tried to assemble the clues and data to solve the mystery.
d.  target populations,
e.  efforts by epidemiologists to tracking the disease transmission
f.  how the politics of science put road blocks into their efforts
g. identifying the viral microbes
h. government agency intervention
i.  eliminating the HIV virus from the blood banks
j.  human emotions.
Create your own thread, and write your posts (150-200 words).  Be prepared to manage the discussion that sprouts from your own post, and write meaningful replies to at least two classmates’ posts.
1b.AIDS – Basic Question and Answers