Write a response to your friend explaining what stem cells are and where they come from, making sure to clarify the factual misconception(s) in the petition

Biology homework help
Stem Cell Writing Assignment
DUE FRIDAY    12/22/17            BY  9 AM LOS ANGELES TIME ZONE      
Paper must be 1 page NOT including reference 
The Scenario:  Your friend Bob asks you to sign a Change.org petition to encourage your Congressman to propose a bill that would outlaw all stem cell research and treatments.  The reason given for this petition is that stem cells come from aborted fetuses.
Assignment:  Write a response to your friend explaining what stem cells are and where they come from, making sure to clarify the factual misconception(s) in the petition. Your response needs to accurately explain stem cell biology and be well supported. Don’t forget to review the rubric!
Please note: a large portion of your grade on this paper will be based on how well you identify the misconception(s) your friend has, and how well you correctly “debunk” the misconception(s) with correct information. Please make sure you have done this – you may write a fantastic explanation of what stem cells are, but if you do not discuss the specific misconceptions you will score poorly.
Below are the general instructions for the writing assignments for each module. Pay attention to the instructions about the structure of the paper!
Biology 101 Writing Assignment Guidelines
The written assignments are designed to provide opportunities for the student to find, evaluate, select, synthesize, organize, cite, and present information and arguments clearly and effectively for understanding scientific issues on personal, societal, and global levels.  This requirement is designed to help students achieve the University-wide Student Learning Outcomes (UPS 300.003) specifically to “communicate clearly, effectively, and persuasively, both orally and in writing”. (See: http://www.fullerton.edu/senate/publications_policies_resolutions/ups/UPS%20300/UPS%20300.003.pdf)
It is important that your assignments are thoroughly researched and clearly written.  You should define all your terms and be concise.  These assignments are designed to give you the experience of applying your knowledge of biology to a current controversy or topic of interest.  You will use the same sort of method that you will later use as an informed citizen and consumer when making decisions that involve biology. You should review the relevant chapters in your textbook, other course materials and use other sources to fill in missing information when necessary.
The structure of your paper

  • Be sure to cover the points mentioned in each individual assignment and define all technical terms that you use in your own words.  Your paper needs to be written so the average person can understand it.
  • You are encouraged to use first and/or second person in all of these writing assignments. You may address your friend “Bob” directly.
  • Your paper must be between 1/2 -1 page (not including references).  The second page is only for the complete references of the material cited in your paper.  Any portion of your text on the second page will not be read or graded. Your paper should be double-spaced with one-inch margins, using 12 point Times New Roman font.  No cover page or heading is required (the body of your paper should begin on the first line of the first page).
  • You are not allowed to include any quotes in your paper.  All of your writing must be original. You must properly paraphrase ideas from the literature, even if you provide an in-text citation.
  • Information and ideas that are properly paraphrased must be accompanied by proper in-text citations in the body of your paper and a corresponding reference in American Psychological Association (APA) format. Note: only the references need to be in APA, other APA formatting items (such as a title page and abstract) should not be included.
  • You need to review your paper for format, spelling, grammar and usage errors before you submit it, or you will lose points.
  • Please also review the grading rubric before submitting your paper to make sure that you have done everything you can to receive a good grade.

Outside Sources
Primary Sources You may find information in the “primary literature,” which is where the research was originally published.  You can find these articles by using CSUF’s on-line search engines, or by asking for the help of a CSUF librarian.  Examples of the primary literature include Science, Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy, and Genetics.
Secondary Sources You may find relevant articles in recent newspapers, popular magazines, or popular science journals.  These are referred to as “secondary” sources, since they describe research that was published elsewhere.  Examples of these include The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Guardian, Time, Scientific American, Discover, New Scientist, and Science News.
Websites: If you choose to use a website, be aware that most websites are not peer-reviewed, and often present inaccurate information.  Examples of excellent websites include those of the National Academy of Science, the National Institute of Health, the Centers for Disease Control, and WebMD. If you are unsure of the appropriateness of a website, check with your instructor.  Alternatively, the CSUF library has an excellent guide to evaluating websites at http://library.fullerton.edu/ under Guides for Undergraduates.  Wikipedia is not an appropriate website for research in a college course.
Guidelines for citing references
In-Text Citations are REQUIRED for any information included in your paper (everything that is not common knowledge or opinion)
In-text citations should be in APA format.  You can find a summary of APA guidelines for your citations at:  https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/02/
NOTE:  Any course materials used to complete these assignments must also be properly cited in your paper.
Reference Page is REQUIRED and should include all sources cited in text
Your references should be formatted using APA guidelines.  You can find a summary of APA guidelines for your reference page at: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/05/
The Purdue OWL: Citation Chart is a quick reference on how to format citations and references using different formats, including APA can be found at: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/media/pdf/20110928111055_949.pdf

Explain the role of supplements and athletics, including why supplements are currently unregulated, and if supplements should undergo more stringent testing

Biology homework help
2a1] Unit 2 Assignment 1
Article Review – Supplements
•By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
•Competency 5: Evaluate the objectivity and legitimacy of biology information found in articles and online.
•                   Compare article with multiple sources of information about the same concepts.
•                   Evaluate sources by answering the questions in the source evaluation forms and provide an analysis within the paper.
•Competency 6: Apply biological concepts to factors related to human health.
•                   Describe the main points presented about supplements, including specific areas of research and the findings.
•                   Explain the role of supplements and athletics, including why supplements are currently unregulated, and if supplements should undergo more stringent testing.
•Competency 7: Communicate effectively in a variety of formats.
•                   Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics, including correct APA format and citations.
The media (newspapers, magazine articles, television news programs, and Web-based information) provide us with much of what we know about human biology. People often overlook these learning opportunities, but after taking a course on human biology, one is primed to take advantage of these chances for additional learning. Magazine articles on a special topic are particularly informative because they often go into greater depth and are a good way to continue learning or reviewing biology as a lifelong practice. Current articles are a good source of information about advances in a particular area of human biology, and they also highlight possible future advances in the treatment of certain conditions.
Still, with so much information available in the media, it is important to understand how to evaluate the credibility of these sources of information. We have all seen statistics presented in the media that we questioned, and information that appeared to be biased, misleading, or even inaccurate. How can we be sure we are taking in information that is objective, thorough, and accurate? Although we may not be experts, we can do our best to be informed and critical evaluators of information.
Review the article “Athletics and Herbal Supplements” from this unit’s readings and write and submit a summary. Include the following:
•Describe the main points presented in the article. What message is the author trying to convey? Discuss specific areas of research and the findings.
•Explain the role of supplements and athletics. Why are supplements currently unregulated? Do you think supplements should undergo more stringent testing? If so, how would this be monitored and paid for?
•Cross-check the information. What do other sources of information say about the same concepts presented in the article? Are there discrepancies between the information in the article and from other sources?
•Include an evaluation of your source by answering the questions in the Source Evaluation Form – Journals given in the resources. Explain in a paragraph or two why you would or would not consider this article to be a credible source of information on this topic.
Your paper should be between 500 and 700 words unless otherwise specified by your instructor. Read the Article Review – Supplements Scoring Guide prior to submitting to make sure you have met all expectations of the assignment.

please tell us if you would prefer to have your personal health evaluated from an evolutionary perspective?

How would an understanding of evolution help health care professionals manage infectious diseases and epidemics? I would like you to consider the factors affecting the evolution of disease organisms and their level of virulence as part of your response. Please support your response with examples of humans coevolving with disease microbes. Lastly, please tell us if you would prefer to have your personal health evaluated from an evolutionary perspective?

  • Responses should be at least 450 words and must substantively integrate the subjects covered in the questions.
  • APA style formatting
  • Use 2 additional sources relevant to the discussion and in-text citations in APA style.
  • ·       See attach video links to complete assignment
  • Don’t forget to create references

* Responses should be at least 450 words and must substantively integrate the subjects covered in the question.
* Use 2 additional sources relevant to the discussion and in-text citations in APA style.
* See attach video links to complete assignment
*APA format
* Original Work about
*Due Thursday, February 25, 2016 5:00 PM

How would an understanding of evolution help health care professionals manage infectious diseases and epidemics?

Biology homework help
Respond to Biology Questions: Human Health and Disease from an Evolutionary Perspective Discussion
Throughout the last couple of decades scientists have been taking a closer look at human health and disease through the lens of evolution. From hypothesizing as to the benefits of your body’s fever response to infections (see Function of Fever and Annals of Internal Medicine), to maintaining overall human health (see Michael Rose’s 55), to the burgeoning science of aging (see Evolutionary Theories of Aging and Longevity), evolutionary thinking can be used to develop testable hypotheses. For example, some scientists are using evolutionary biology concepts to determine why some bacteria and viruses are highly virulent while others are not, living in their hosts with few, if any, ill effects. Please watch these brief videos “Cholera: Domesticating Disease” [Video File] [04 Min 50 Sec] and “Double Immunity” [Video File] [02 Min 30 Sec] and then develop responses to the question below.
Function of Fever:  http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/10/4/l_104_04.html
Annals of Internal Medicine: http://annals.org/article.aspx?articleid=707462
Michael Rose’s 55:  http://55theses.org/the-55-theses/
Evolutionary Theories of Aging and Longevity: http://longevity-science.org/Evolution.htm
Cholera: Domesticating Disease:http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/10/4/quicktime/l_104_01.html
Double Immunity: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/10/4/quicktime/l_104_05.html
How would an understanding of evolution help health care professionals manage infectious diseases and epidemics? I would like you to consider the factors affecting the evolution of disease organisms and their level of virulence as part of your response. Please support your response with examples of humans coevolving with disease microbes. Lastly, please tell us if you would prefer to have your personal health evaluated from an evolutionary perspective?

  • Responses should be at least 450 words and must substantively integrate the subjects covered in the questions.
  • APA style formatting
  • Use 2 additional sources relevant to the discussion and in-text citations in APA style.
  • ·       See attach video links to complete assignment
  • Don’t forget to create references

* Responses should be at least 450 words and must substantively integrate the subjects covered in the question.
* Use 2 additional sources relevant to the discussion and in-text citations in APA style.
* See attach video links to complete assignment
*APA format
* Original Work about
*Due Tuesday, February 23, 2016 8:00 PM
Throughout the last couple of decades scientists have been taking a closer look at human health and disease through the lens of evolution. From hypothesizing as to the benefits of your body’s fever response to infections (see Function of Fever and Annals of Internal Medicine), to maintaining overall human health (see Michael Rose’s 55), to the burgeoning science of aging (see Evolutionary Theories of Aging and Longevity), evolutionary thinking can be used to develop testable hypotheses. For example, some scientists are using evolutionary biology concepts to determine why some bacteria and viruses are highly virulent while others are not, living in their hosts with few, if any, ill effects. Please watch these brief videos “Cholera: Domesticating Disease” [Video File] [04 Min 50 Sec] and “Double Immunity” [Video File] [02 Min 30 Sec] and then develop responses to the question below.
Function of Fever:  http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/10/4/l_104_04.html
Annals of Internal Medicine: http://annals.org/article.aspx?articleid=707462
Michael Rose’s 55:  http://55theses.org/the-55-theses/
Evolutionary Theories of Aging and Longevity: http://longevity-science.org/Evolution.htm
Cholera: Domesticating Disease:http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/10/4/quicktime/l_104_01.html
Double Immunity: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/10/4/quicktime/l_104_05.html