Describe the organization of the human body at increasingly complex levels.

Biology homework help
Select a journal article on the subject of supplements and write a 500–700-word review of the article.  The media (newspapers, magazine articles, television news programs, and Web-based information sources) provide us with much of what we know about human biology. After taking a course on human biology, you might be interested in taking advantage of these resources for additional learning. Journal articles on a special topic are particularly informative, because they often go into depth and are a good source of current information, which you can use to continue learning or reviewing biology as a lifelong practice. Journal articles are a good source of information about current advances in a particular area of human biology, and they also highlight possible future advances in the treatment of certain conditions. Show Less Yet, with so much information available in the media, it is important to understand how to evaluate the credibility of these sources. We have all seen questionable statistics presented in the media, or information that appeared to be biased, misleading, or even inaccurate. How can we be sure we are taking in information that is objective, thorough, and accurate? Although we may not be experts, we can do our best to be informed and critical evaluators of information.  By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
•Competency 1: Describe the organization of the human body at increasingly complex levels. ◦Discuss how supplements affect cells and body systems.  •Competency 5: Evaluate the objectivity and legitimacy of biology information found in articles and online. ◦Compare article with multiple sources of information about the same concepts. ◦Incorporate an analysis of sources into an article review. ◦Compare the main points presented about supplements, including specific areas of research and the findings.
•Competency 6: Apply biological concepts to factors related to human health. ◦Examine the role of supplements in athletics and discuss why supplements are currently unregulated. ◦Interpret whether or not supplements should undergo more stringent testing.
•Competency 7: Communicate effectively in a variety of formats. ◦Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics, including correct APA format and citations.
You are encouraged, but not required, to use Senchina’s 2013 article “Athletics and Herbal Supplements,”
Formatting Requirements
•Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
•Length: Your paper should be between 500 and 700 words in length.
•Format: Either submit both the Article Review paper and the completed Source Evaluation Form, or write a paragraph into your paper addressing the questions from the form.

Describe three things you learned from this opinion article.

Biology homework help
Welcome to Biology!
For your primary post, select ONE of the following discussion topics. Please select only one of the three topics listed. Using your own words, write a primary post of at least 125 words that follows the instructions. Be sure to address everything listed in the instructions. Each topic has two subtopics [a, b]; please address both of them.
Your primary post is worth up to 14 points. Also, make a substantive reply to a fellow classmate on any topic. Use your own words. You don’t need to use any sources other than the ones specified, but if you do use other sources, you must cite them.
Topic 1. Climate Change / Terrestrial Species. Watch the 7.5 minute video by Cox (2016) about how climate change affects the “species range” of terrestrial species. This video can be found in the “Instructor Insights” of Week 1. Based on the video, address the following:

  1. Describe three things you learned from the video.
  2. Explain how the video relates to the field of biology.

Topic 2. Evo-devo. Watch the video (Olsen, 2007) featuring Sean Carroll discussing the science of evolution and the field of evolutionary-developmental biology (evo-devo).

  1. Describe three things you learned from the video.
  2. Tell me what these things teach us about biology.

Topic 3. The cusp of a revolution in medicine. In a recent op-ed, Craig Venter (2017) shares his opinion that we are “on the cusp of a revolution” in medicine.
Venter also addresses the issue of human germline editing, which is something we discuss in a later part of this course. For now, let me just note that editing the human germline means making permanent changes to the DNA of eggs, sperm, or a fertilized ova. Such changes would be permanent and would be passed on to future generations.

  1. Describe three things you learned from this opinion article.
  2. Explain how this article relates to biology.

Olsen, E. (2007, June 25) Sean Carroll on evolution and the science of evo-devo. [Video]. The New York Times. Retrieved from
Cox, J. (2016). Climate change and species range (version 2). [Video]. Retrieved from this course shell in Instructor Insights, Week 1. (×285/playerSkin/31110461/&course_id=_224226_1&content_id=_23868226_1)
Venter, C. (2017, December 13). Genetic sequencing is the future of medicine. [Op-Ed]. The Washington Post. Retrieved from

Describe how many herbivores and omnivores you added (and what they eat) in order to create an ecosystem in which all three plant species can coexist

Biology homework help
Read the Overview and launch this ecolosystem simulator. Familiarize yourself with the simulator interface. Notice that you can control which species are present in your environment initially and what the diets of each species are. The types of species possible in the program are Plants (A,B,C), Herbivores (A,B,C), Omnivores (A,B) and one top Predator. You can control the diet of each by indicating what they feed on. By setting up different starting configurations you can investigate the evolution of this simulated ecological system.
•   A. In a couple of sentences describe what happens when you start with only plants (A & B) and then all species of plants present.
•   B. Describe how many herbivores and omnivores you added (and what they eat) in order to create an ecosystem in which all three plant species can coexist. (if you cannot accomplish the survival of Plant C describe your best configuration. Describe your ecologies by identifying the species present and their diet, for instance:
Omnivore A eats Herbivore A, Herbivore A eats plant A and plant B, Herbivore B eats plant A, All plants present.
•   C. If you can accomplish part B., see if you can get all of the species to coexist. (limit your time on this entire experiment to 90 minutes)
•   D. If we assume that this simulation is a reasonable oversimplification of a typical ecosystems food web what does it tell us about biodiversity and ecology- are they robust or fragile? In general is an ecosystem’s biodiversity preserved as it responds to change?
Food webs
Virtual Lab 6:           Evolution
Natural Selection simulator 1
Natural Selection Simulator 2
Alternative to Lab 6: Experiments in Evolution
Alternative Lab writeup for 6
Experiments in Evolution This simulation follows a set of real life experiments in evolution and natural selection. Read about Endler’s work then familiarize yourself with the interface, guppies, guppy predators, and the experiment. Use an “even mix” of the different guppy color types to start. Run three experiments one with each of the combination of predators. Each experiment should run for five or more generations.
•   State the percentage that each color type makes up in your guppy population both before and after you have let five generations pass. With each experiment state a conclusion that is consistent with your observation.
•   What two selection pressures are operative?
Virtual Lab 7:           Anatomy and Dissection

A. Complete one of the following online dissections:
1. Earth worm
•  Identify items 1 & 2 on the external dorsal surface of the worm.
•   Identify items 3, 4, & 5 on the external ventral surface of the worm.
•   Identify item 2 in the internal morphology w/o the digestive tract.
•   Do worms have sex?
2. Fetal Pig
•   Use the Anatomical References guide. To what region of the body does dorsal, ventral, anterior, and posterior refer to?
•  Investigate the Nervous system. Name four large regions (lobes) of the brain and indicate roughly where they are located in the brain and their associated functions.
B. Comparative Anatomy and the fossil evidence of human evolution
•   Compare the the skull casts of a chimp, AustralopithicusHomo erectus,neanderthal, and modern Homo sapiens. Be sure to use the lateral view.
•  Describe features that are common and different between the cranial structure of these creatures. What patterns do you see?
•   Describe the basic time-line and sequence of evolution for the creatures listed above.
The Human Brain 1, 2
Cat dissection 1, 2
Alternative lab for Comparative Anatomy
Virtual Lab 8:            Human Impacts
A. Water footprint:, 2. H20 Conserve, 3. Goblue, 4. BBC
•   Describe the water crisis. How is it impacting women and children? What is happening with the Ogalala?
•   Describe what the water footprint is and how it is estimated.
•   Report at least two estimates of your water footprint
(and the calculator(s) that you used).
•   Describe three ways that you could reduce your water footprint.
B. Carbon footprint: 1. UK Government, 2. Terrapass , 3. C Footprint Ltd
•   Describe what has happened to atmospheric CO2 over the last 100,000 years and how this is thought to be impacting the climate.
•   Describe what the carbon footprint is and how it is estimated.
•   Report at least two estimates of your carbon footprint
(and the calculator(s) that you used).
•   Describe two ways that you could reduce your carbon footprint.
•   Describe two approaches to lowering our carbon footprint as a nation that you would advocate we adapt society wide.
The Water cycle, Water crisis.
International comparison Carbon Footprints
Atmospheric CO2 levels- historical timeline
Ecological Footprint estimator 1 , 2
The human footprint over time

Why is it important to remove the adults in the parental generation?

Biology homework help
BIO 101 Week 2 What Can Fruit Flies Reveal About Inheritance? Lab – The Mastering Biology Lab: Chapter 9 Investigation
University of Phoenix
Resource: Mastering Biology Access
Log into Mastering Biology. Instructions for logging into Mastering Biology and accessing the investigations are found in the “Mastering Biology Access” document located on the student website.
Complete the Mastering Biology Lab: Chapter 9 Investigation: What Can Fruit Flies Reveal About Inheritance?

  • Take notes in the investigation’s notebook as you perform the experiments.
  • Answer the questions associated with the investigation.

1. Why is it important to remove the adults in the parental generation?
2.What generation will their offspring be?
3 Based on the data obtained, is the cross in Case 1 monohybrid or dihybrid? Explain
4. Is the cross in Case 1 sex-linked or autosomal? Explain.
5. Based on the data obtained, is the most likely mode of inheritance in Case 2 autosomal or sex-linked? Explain.
6. From the data presented, what is the genotype of the parental (before the F1 generation; not shown here) generation?
7. Determine the degrees of freedom. This is the number of categories (red eyes or sepia eyes) minus one. For the data in Case 1, what is the number of degrees of freedom?
8. Find the probability (p) value for 1 degree of freedom in the 0.05 row. Compare this with the chi-square value you calculated in your Lab Notebook. What can you say about the null hypothesis?