Species and Scientific Correction

Biology homework help
“Species and Scientific Correction”
Note: Online students, please respond to one (1) of the following three (3) bulleted options.

  • Imagine you are explaining to a friend what the term species means. In your own words define the term species then provide three (3) examples of different species. Next determine three (3) ways that species within a genus are often related to one another. Furthermore, in your response briefly describe how the word “related” is being used when discussing species and genus.
  • Go to The Economist Website to read the article titled “Beetles and Bugs”, dated July 18, 2015, located here. Choose three (3) main points you found interesting in the article then summarize each of your chosen main points including in your summary connections made to the material covered in Chapter 1 of your textbook. Provide examples of the connections in your response.
  • Science is believed to be self-correcting. A 2010 article from Psychology Today entitled, “Why science is self-conducting”, argues that scientific misconduct is the rationale for science correction. View this article, which is found here then summarize the main points of the article you found most significant. Next in your response take a stance as to whether or not you believe that science is self-correcting. Be sure to provide support for your stance. Lastly, discuss three (3) reasons why you believe or do not believe that self-correcting science or disproven theories are good for science Justify your response.

Are you a night owl or a lark?

Biology homework help
Are you a night owl or a lark? Take the quiz here and share the results: http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=are-you-lark–owl_1.
We each have different preferences for when we go to sleep and when we wake up. Research suggests that about 10% of the population is morning people and 20% are night owls, with the rest of the population somewhere in between. This preference may be influenced by our genes, and relationships have been found between an individual’s chronotype (morning person or night person) and patterns of secretion of the stress hormone cortisol. Do you think your chronotype helps you be more or less productive? Do you think there are any ill effects on your health or social life due to your sleep patterns?
Discussion post should be at least 400 words. Answer each question with detail.

What questions do you have that could help your peers' clarify the themes in their literature?

Biology homework help
As we mentioned in the introduction, Bloom’s Taxonomy is a model developed by educational psychologists to help categorize learning. For this unit and your Unit 7 assignment, you are using this model to improve the cognitive complexity of your thinking and support your synthesis of the psychology relevant to your interests in the field. Let’s share the insights we gathered about using the taxonomy in this discussion. Use your completed work from the discussion preparation study to respond to the following questions:
*What does synthesize mean within the context of Bloom’s Taxonomy and Granello’s article?
*What patterns have you started to identify from reading your research articles so far?
*What strategies will you use to ensure you meet the expectations for synthesis within your paper?
If you have any trouble understanding Bloom’s Taxonomy or the strategies in the Granello article, use this discussion to receive support from your peers and instructor to work through your challenges.
Response Guidelines
Read your peers’ discussion posts and respond to at least two of them.
*What questions do you have that could help your peers’ clarify the themes in their literature?
*What strategies or insights can you share to help your peers’ understand Bloom’s model better and apply it to their assignment?
Be sure to provide substantive responses to help your peers build on their learning and reference any relevant assigned readings, additional resources, or professional literature to support your response.

Stress and the Cardiovascular and Digestive Systems

Biology homework help

Module 4 – SLP

Stress and the Cardiovascular and Digestive Systems

Note: If you have trouble viewing some of the course materials, install Quicktime and the Adobe Shockwave Player, both of which can be downloaded free from the Internet.
In this SLP we will investigate the effects of stress on the digestive system, including its effect on regulating blood sugar levels. As you can see, dysregulation of blood sugar levels can cause metabolic problems and unusually high or low blood sugar levels, such as in diabetes. View the trends for diabetes in America demonstrated in the graph.
Now continue to your readings for this SLP assignment:
Why We Gain Weight When We’re Stressed—And How Not To, in Psychology Today
Cortisol Connection: Tips on Managing Stress and Weight, by Christine A. Maglione-Garves, Len Kravitz, Ph.D., and Suzanne Schneider, Ph.D.
Part I: Stress and Weight Gain
Using complete sentences in paragraph format, address the following questions:
What hormones are implicated in the weight gain response that some individuals experience when stressed? Which type of stressor elicits this response? How does this influence fat deposition? What role do dietary choices and cravings play in stress-related weight gain?
Part II: Blood Sugar Regulation
Now review the article from the Dartmouth Undergraduate Science Journal:
The Physiology of Stress: Cortisol and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
How is the pathway described here different from those described in the first two articles? Which type of stressors influence the relationship between cortisol and insulin? Are the health risks different?
Part III: Conclusions
In a conclusion paragraph, compare and contrast the influence of short- and long-term stress effects on blood sugar regulation and fat deposition. Are these responses related to health risks in the cardiovascular system? Explain the connections between the body’s response to stress described in these articles and other health risks such a high cholesterol and hypertension.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Organize this assignment using the subtitles that summarize each group of questions. Answer each question under the subtitle using complete sentences that relate back to the question. Be sure to include a references section at the end of your assignment that lists the websites and articles used above and any additional resources you used to research your answers. Follow the format provided in the Background page.