what roles personal hygiene, quorum sensing and sequential timing play in :microbial respiratory tract diseases


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FimalEssays , i , n.) Pleased iscusst he meehanismsth at Eordeteiiap ertussis,S treptococcups neumoniaet, Corynebacterium diphtheriae and lufycobacterium tuberculosis utilize to cause disease in the respiratory tract You must statew hat diseaset hese,m icroorganismsc ausea nd what role does transduction play in their disease catrsing process. In addition, please discuss the host immune defensest he microbes would have to overcome to be successftila t cau-singd isease.A lso, please discuss what the microbe could contain that would allow them to overcome these host imrnune responses,a nd the associatio.nb etwerenn ormal flora and respiratory tract infections. Include a discussion what roles personal hygiene, quorum sensing and sequential timing play in :microbial respiratory tract diseases.W hat’s a receptor-mecliatedp rocess?W hat’s the significanee of SOD and catalase to the pathogenesis of lTordetella pertusis? What’s an obligate aerobe? Slhat’s generalized and specialized hansduction and their significance to the pathogenesis of Str epto co c cws pneurnoniae and C orlmeb acteriurn diphtheriae? 2.) Please discuss the mechanisms that Clostridium tetani and botulinum, Streptococctts pneumoniae and Trypanosomac ruz,ia nd brucei. utilize to causied iseasei n the nervous system. You must state what disease these nticroorganisms cause.

Describe the characteristics of life needed to classify the entity as a potential life form.


Hey, I’m really having trouble with 2 questions in particular on my Biology homework and was wondering if someone could please help me out, or at least explain what I need to write to me. The two questions are:
1. In the original TV series of Star Trek, Mr. Spock reported the discovery of a possible life form based on element 14 (Silicon0 instead of element 6 (Carbon). As a Federation Science Officer station in San Francisco, you request the following information from the crew of the Enterprise:
a) Describe the characteristics of life needed to classify the entity as a potential life form.
b) Discuss how the atomic structure of silicon allows it to function like carbon.
c) Draw the general structure of an amino acid based on silicon (Si) instead of carbon.2. The physical structure of a protein often reflects and affects its function:
a) Describe THREE types of chemical bonds/interactions found in proteins. For each type, explain its role in determining protein structure.
b) Discuss how protein structure is likely to be affected if changes in the pH or salt content are made to the environment of the protein, or if the temperature is increased greatly.
c) Speculate on what might happen to the structure of a hydrophilic protein that is places into a hydrophobic environment. Explain.
d) A mutation has changed a non-polar amino acid in a protein to a polar amino acid. Discuss what affect this might have on the protein’s structure and function.
1 second ago – 4 days left to answer.

Explain how competitive and noncompetive inhibitors work.


Unit 2This assignment consists of traveling to the sites listed above and writing a brief paragraph about your visit to that site, and then answering some questions after you have looked over the chapters in the text and in resources for Unit 2. http://www.cellsalive.com/toc.htm#microbiol2. Assume you are looking under the microscope at a Gram-stained slide of an open wound, and you see large red rod shaped cells, and smaller blue violet round cells. What is your explanation for the red and blue cells?3.

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Unit 2This assignment consists of traveling to the sites listed above and writing a brief paragraph about your visit to that site, and then answering some questions after you have looked over the chapters in the text and in resources for Unit 2. http://www.cellsalive.com/toc.htm#microbiol2. Assume you are looking under the microscope at a Gram-stained slide of an open wound, and you see large red rod shaped cells, and smaller blue violet round cells. What is your explanation for the red and blue cells?3. Explain the gram stain, and what does the gram stain tell you about the anatomical differences in cells? What information is gained from this staining technique, and how could that information affect an ill patient?Unit 3 chapter 3 and 5:•1. A facultative anaerobe utilizes glucose either by fermentation or by respiration. If more ATP is generated through respiration, why is the rate of glucose consumption less when the microbe uses respiration than when it uses fermentation? .2. What does a cell need to produce energy? •3. Explain how competitive and noncompetive inhibitors work. .•4. Define growth, and list the requirements for various organisms to “grow”. .•5. this is the question for the discussion board: Explain how a particular microbe responds to efforts to control its growth. (you may work with other students in this class to complete this part of the assignment, be sure to list the names of all involved in developing this activity when you post at discussion board).1. choose a microbe, 2. then research what environmental and O2 requirements are necessary for your microbe to grow. 3. What are the necessary growth factors for your particular microbe, and 4. how you could influence its ability to grow by this knowledge.

Why are metastatic tumors more dangerous than primary tumors


See attached questions for Biology of Cancer assignment.

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Name: ___________________
BIOL 304
Biology of Cancer
The genetic makeup of an organism is called its ______________, while the physical traits of an organism are called its _______________.
The _________________ part of the cell cycle is where chromatids are separated to opposite poles.
Anaphase c. Metaphase
Interphase d. None of the above
Genes that promote tumor cell development are called ___________________.
Mendel’s 1st law (segregation) applies to genes on separate chromosomes. True (A) / False (B)
The _______________ is a theory used to explain why certain types of tumors only metastasize to specific sites in the body.
The _________________ part of the cell cycle is where chromosomes are duplicated.
Anaphase c. Metaphase
Interphase d. None of the above
What is the difference in DNA packaging (genome structure) in prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and viruses? (How would DNA appear under the microscope in each?) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Why are metastatic tumors more dangerous than primary tumors? …