Describe the production of antibodies using the clonal selection theory


Please answer the questions below in approximately 200 words. DO NOT PLAGERIZE. Reference sources.ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.
1) Antibiotics can kill gram-negative bacteria, but symptoms of fever and low blood pressure can persist. Why?
2) Why is diagnosis of botulism difficult?
3) Explain how each of the following avoids being killed by phagocytes.
a. Streptococcus pneumoniae
b. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
c. Streptococcus pyogenes

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Please answer the questions below in approximately 200 words. DO NOT PLAGERIZE. Reference sources.
ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.
1) Antibiotics can kill gram-negative bacteria, but symptoms of fever and low blood pressure can persist. Why?
2) Why is diagnosis of botulism difficult?
3) Explain how each of the following avoids being killed by phagocytes.
a. Streptococcus pneumoniae
b. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
c. Streptococcus pyogenes
d. Shigella dysenteriae
4) A patient consulted a physician for symptoms that included a swollen toe, a red streak along his ankle, and enlarged lymph nodes in his groin. Explain the cause of these symptoms.
5) A person has antibodies against the measles virus. Identify three ways in which these antibodies could be acquired.
6) Describe the production of antibodies using the clonal selection theory.
7) Positive diagnosis of AIDS is made when a patient has antibodies against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Why does a patient have an immune deficiency if he or she is making antibodies?
8) What is the effect of discharging primary-treated sewage on the BOD and dissolved O2 (DO) of the receiving body of water? What is the effect of secondary-treated sewage on the BOD and DO?
9) A newspaper headline reported “Algal Bloom Kills Fish.”
a. What actually caused fish death, given that the algae were not toxic?
b. What could have caused the algal bloom?
Table 27.1
These results were obtained from a bioremediation experiment:
10) Explain the data in Table 27.1.
11) Why does fermentation preserve foods?
12) Why would a farmer purchase Rhizobium? Bacillus thuringiensis?
13) Most of the world’s population relies on wheat for food. Research is being conducted to produce wheat with a higher protein content. Design a biotechnological approach to improving the amino acid content of wheat.

Why is there radioactive Carbon in the starch?


A photosynthesis experiment uses Chlorella to track the route taken by 14C in photosynthesis. The 14C is provided from CO2 and no new sources of CO2 are available. After the experiment the scientist extracts all of the starch produced and analyses the Carbon present. She finds that only half of the carbon is 14C. She repeats the experiment with more time and twice as much CO2 and finds that three quarters of the Carbon in the starch is radioactive.
Answer the following questions about the experiment:
Why is there radioactive Carbon in the starch? 2 marks
Why is only some of the Carbon in starch radioactive after the experiment? 2 marks
Using ideas from the Calvin cycle explain why doubling the amount of radioactive Carbon does not lead to all of the Carbon in starch being radioactive. 5 marks
How did Calvin himself use radioactive carbon? 5 marks
i got a deadline please help me.

Describe the purpose of the methods used to achieve the outcomes of the project.


Please check out the attachments. I’ve got all the results

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Molecular Techniques (SLE321) Practical Report Section Mark INTRODUCTION and AIM (1 page max) -What is yZnt? -Clear aims and/or objectives o Overall aim(s) o Brief description of techniques used (1-2 sentences) o Here we…. ? PCR ? Ligate linear plasmid & PCR fragment ? Transform into E. coli ? Confirm by Taq pol. screen (colonies) and Southern blot (gel). -Hypothesis and expected outcomes o Expected band sizes in gels o Blue/white screening result o Expected bands in Southern blot /15 MATERIALS and METHODS (2 pages max) -Appropriate use of headings (Some of the headings in the lab manual can be appropriated) -Clear and concise descriptions of changes or alterations made to methods -Outline the methods used in paragraph form – not as the recipe format in the lab manual. Two scientific papers have been provided as examples (Heras et al, 2009) o PCR & visualization of product o Mini-prep o RE digest & AP treatment o Gel purification o Ligation o Heat-shock transformation o Southern blot o PCR colony screen There should be sufficient detail for another scientist to repeat the experiment. As you see from the papers, research scientists tend to write abbreviated methods when standard practices are employed. This is very field-specific. Your supervisor will be able to guide you when you publish your own research. As the prac write-up is a learning exercise, it is better to err on the side of too much rather than too little detail. /10 RESULTS (2 pages max) -Clear and concise description of results achieved with reference to methods. -Appropriate use of figures and figure legends o Gels should be clearly labeled (MWM, lanes, band sizes) o Photos of blue/white screen plates are not necessary o Use line diagrams where appropriate. o Interpretation of gel pictures and Southern membrane /25 DISCUSSION (1-2 pages) -Describe the purpose of the methods used to achieve the outcomes of the project. -Clear explanations when problems or errors were encountered with experiments…

Examine cellular interactions within tissues and between organ systems in order to recognize factors that contribute to mental and physical well-being


The paper information is on the attached document. Also the PDF file is the article needed for the paper. Paperlengthbetween 2500-3000 words.

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Applied Final Project – Scholarly Paper
Subject: Sarcopenia
Scholarly Paper Subject Article: Sarcopenia, obesity, and natural killer cell immune senescence in aging: Altered cytokine levels as a common mechanism (Attached as PDF)
In this assignment, you are required to write a scholarly paper that summarizes a particular aspect of aging research. The final paper will need to be ~7 double spaced pages (approximately 2500-3000 words), excluding title and bibliographic pages.  This is a scholarly paper about a review article (a scientific paper, written for scientists that reviews what is currently known about a subject) or a research article (generally the result of a single (highly significant) experiment in series of related experiments).
You will be required to include the following sections:
1)      The importance of the subject to aging research in general
2)      An analysis of the article such that fellow class members will understand it without additional research.
3)      Information on how the mechanism of the condition discussed contributes to aging
4)      How the information revealed in the article may lead to treatments or cures
Within in those section you much address the following course outcomes:
Demonstrate an understanding of cellular structure and function in order to define homeostasis in aging
Examine cellular interactions within tissues and between organ systems in order to recognize factors that contribute to mental and physical well-being
Define the developmental processes involved in cellular maturation in order to make informed decisions about health maintenance and disease prevention throughout the human lifespan
Apply knowledge of human aging to influence decision making in economics and public health policy
Make sure to include a Reference section in which you provide the full citation of your chosen articles and any additional materials you used to prepare your paper; a full citations includes: title of the article,…