Explain how two right-handed people might have a left-handed child


HelpHemophilia is carried as an X-linked trait in
humans. There are a number of types of hemophilia, but in all of them, blood
fails to clot properly and even the slightest injury can be life-threatening. A
hemophiliac male (XhY) has children with a female (XHXh)
whose father was hemophiliac. What are the chances that any daughters will have
hemophilia or will carry the trait like their mother? What about their sons?

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Mendel’s pea plants exhibited a number of simple dominant/recessive traits. Let’s say a dominant homozygous purple –flowered plant is crossed with a white-flowered plant (recessive). Using P for the purple allele for flower color, and p for the white allele for flower color,
Write the genotypes for each of these two plants.
Purple flowered:
What gametes might each plant produce?
If these two plants are crossed, give the genotypes and phenotypes of their offspring. (Use your paper to make a Punnett square, then give the results here.)
Assume that right-handedness (R) is dominant to left-handedness (r) in humans.
What are the possible genotypes of a right-handed person? What is the genotype of a left-hander?
Explain how two right-handed people might have a left-handed child.
If a left-handed person who had one left-handed parent has children with a left-handed person, what predictions could you make about the handedness of their children?
In cattle, polled (hornless) (P) is dominant to horned (p). If a breeder of purebred cattle, all of which are polled, suspects that one of her prize bulls is heterozygous and carries the horned allele, how might she determine if her suspicion is correct?
In horses, trotter (T) is dominant over pacer (t). A trotter is mated to a pacer, and the foal they produce is a trotter. Give the genotypes of these three horses.
In rabbits, black color is due to a dominant gene, B, and brown color is due to its recessive allele, b. Short hair is due to the dominant gene, S, while long hair is due to its recessive allele, s.
In a cross between a homozygous black, long-haired rabbit and a brown, homozygous short-haired one, describe the nature of the F1 generation. What is the phenotype of the resulting offspring? What is their genotype?
What does the F2 generation look like?…

Bacterial cells are prokaryotic. Choose two structures of bacterial cells and explain how these structures allow bacteria to function as unicellular organisms.


SCI206-0803A-15 Biology
Assignment Name: Unit 2 Discussion Board
Deliverable Length: 3-4 paragraphs
Details:There are two main types of cells: prokaryotic and eukaryotic.
1. Bacterial cells are prokaryotic. Choose two structures of bacterial cells and explain how these structures allow bacteria to function as unicellular organisms.
2. There are many examples of eurkaryotic cells. Algae, Fungi, Plants, and Animals are all composed of eurkaryotic cells. Some algae and fungi are unicellular organisms, but other algae and fungi, and all plants and animals are multicellular organisms that are composed of specialized eukaryotic cells that interact to support the life of the multicellular organism.
Choose either a plant or an animal cell. Describe two structures of the cell and how these function to support both the function of the cell and overall life (function) of a plant or animal organism.
Objective: Explain the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Describe the relationship between chemistry and the characteristics of living things.



You are the science reporter for your local newspaper. Your editor asks you to write an article on a major topic within the general field of microbiology. He stipulates that in this article you need to include the following three things:

  1. An historical timeline for the major scientific discoveries that has led to our current understanding of the topic.
  2. A summary of our current understanding of the topic.
  3. A projection of where the next major advance or breakthrough in your topic will come from.

Using the topic, outline and resources that you developed for Project 1, write a 2,000 word article for your newspaper following your editor’s instructions. Your article should not just quote the research articles you have consulted, but convert them into language that is understood by non-scientists without losing the meaning.

  • Submit your project in one WORD document and place it in the appropriate assignment dropbox.
  • Please format your article according to APA style. Your article should have a cover page, abstract, and reference page. These pages do not count towards the length specified (2000 words).


  • Please number each page, including the cover page and provide a running head.

What is the difference between Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology?

Case Assignment
For your first Case Assignment, IN YOUR OWN WORDS, answer these questions reviewing the content in your Course Overview within the Syllabus:
1. What will MIC 100 emphasize?
2. Why is microbiology important to health professionals?
3. How does death by infection compare to death by warfare?
4. What issues surrounding antibiotic resistance are named?
5. What STD epidemics are named?
6. What websites contain excellent resources for this class?
Now answer these questions regarding the material contained on the Module 1 Home Page:
1. Complete this sentence: Infections have killed more humans than…
2. What is the difference between Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology?
3. Name the three defense mechanisms listed.
4. What is a pathogen?
5. What Host-Microbe relations are described?
6. Where do you find the assignments for all of your SLPs?
Cells are the smallest unit of life. All cells are bound by a cell membrane which separates the internal parts of the cell from the external environment.
For the final part of this Case assignment, describe cell theory (hint: there are three components). Briefly describe the work of two scientists that contributed to this theory. Be sure to include your references for this answer.
Watch this video about your cells and answer these questions:
What does the video say is the function of:
• Cytoskeleton
• mictochondria
Note: The assignment will require you to engage in independent research of cell theory. You will find information on scientists who contributed to this theory in your required reading for your SLP. You will also find additional resources on your ebrary bookshelf, such as the book, Cell Biology: Fundamentals and Applications, a great place to begin your investigation of cell theory and cell biology.
Your assignment is due by the Monday following the end of this module. Please upload your Case Assignment.
Assignment Expectations
Please include a cover sheet for your Case Assignment. Use headings to separate each section’s questions, and answer each question using complete sentences.
References: List the references you used to describe cell theory. Cite them within your text (Author, date) and provide the full reference information in a References section.
Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.
The following items will be assessed:
Assignment-Driven Criteria – Did you address each requirement?
Critical Thinking – How well did you synthesize and evaluate the topics addressed?
Scholarly Writing – Is everything explained in complete sentences?
Quality of References and Assignment Organization – Did you organize your paper with headings?
Citing Sources – Did you list your references and cite information where necessary?