Describe the environmental conditions required for coral reef formation

Biology homework help
Week 5 Discussion Board and Quiz

Here are the assigned discussion questions for Week 5:
1) Discuss the adaptations of intertidal organisms for coping with each of the following environmental stressors:
a) Wave shock
b) Temperature variation
c) Oxygen stress
d) Dessication
2) Describe four categories of estuaries based on geomorphology and give an example of each
3) Describe four categories of estuaries based on patterns of water circulation and give an example of each
4) Discuss coral reefs
a) Describe the environmental conditions required for coral reef formation
b) Describe the three main types of coral reefs.
c) Discuss the factors that contribute to high primary productivity in coral reefs
d) Discuss the factors that contribute to high species diversity in coral reefs
5) Define the following terms: euryhaline, stenohaline, osmoconformers, osmoregulators
Using this week’s assigned readings (and maybe an occasional peak at Google) you should be able to find the answers to your assigned discussion question. You must write one original post for your own assigned discussion question and two replies two other students’ posts. Each post should be at least 100 words in length. For full credit, link to a webpage that pertains to the subject. Have fun!
Dr. Hahn
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Respiratory Syncytial Virus

Biology homework help
Topic: Respiratory Syncytial Virus
This microbe has been in the news in the past year.You must provide a written review a major news article focusing on the  microbe as the primary discussion!Find a media-based, mass-distributed news source where even Grandma gets her news, that reported the microbe within the past year, as the main reference.Use government-based or other scholarly references only as secondary information, to explain details missing above such as, how the organism affects us, or follow -up information not known at the time of the news release but has been provided since that time.
You must write a review of the news article contents, discuss what type of microorganism it is, and if the organism is in nature or is used in industry or causes disease. If it causes disease you must discuss transmission, increasing incidence, factors contributing to the spread of the organism, lab culturing, etc.
the  discussion should be well-written, in your own words, paraphrasing from only credible academic sources. You may not directly quote from your sources.  You must also cite your credible academic reference sources in text and provide full end ref information in APA format. The initial post must be at least 300-400  word

Describe the structure of your ecosystem including important abiotic features and dominant plant and             animal species.

Ecosystem Paper

This is a TWO part paper which must consist outside reference – APA format not needed as it will be plugged into another sheet.
PART 1 – 
Select an ecosystem in your area (forest, lake, desert, grassland).
Write a 525- to 700-word paper explaining the following:
1)   Describe the structure of your ecosystem including important abiotic features and dominant plant and             animal species.
2)   Explain some functions/processes of your ecosystem including one nutrient cycle and one food chain.
3)  Give two examples of species interactions (predation, competition, mutualism, etc.) that occur in your ecosystem.
4)  Identify an invasive species in your ecosystem. Explain its effects on the ecosystem and efforts to control or eradicate it.
Include two outside references
Using the textbooks or resources, answer each of the following questions in 150- to 300-words.  Be sure to provide references for the sources you use
1)    Your neighbor faithfully applies fertilizer to his lawn to ensure beautiful, healthy green grass.  Explain how your neighbor’s fertilizing habit affects at least one nutrient cycle.
2)    Your friend commutes to work every day by driving a standard gasoline-powered car.  Explain how your friend’s commute affects one or more nutrient cycles.
3)    Urban areas typically have lots of pavement and compacted soils.  Explain how these impermeable surfaces affect at least one aspect of the hydrologic cycle
4)     Why is understanding the cycling of matter and energy in ecosystems important to environmental science? Provide an example.  What are some human effects on the natural cycling process of ecosystems in your community?
5)     Because ecosystems change and may recover naturally from disturbance over time, what factors affect decisions about whether human intervention is needed to help ecosystem recovery? Provide examples.

Identify the major structures and functions of the cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, digestive, and immune systems.

Introduction Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. One procedure to treat blockage in the arteries of the heart is bypass surgery. Someone you know may have already had this pro

Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. One procedure to treat blockage in the arteries of the heart is bypass surgery. Someone you know may have already had this procedure; however, few people really realize what occurs during the surgery. The following lab will guide you through the steps of a virtual bypass surgery.
1.     Identify the major structures and functions of the cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, digestive, and immune systems.
2.     Evaluate various risk factors for diseases within body systems.
3.     Relate homeostatic imbalances to disease states.
4.     Discuss various treatments, cures, and procedures for common diseases.
Computer with internet access
1.     Go to the following website: (or
2.     Click on ENTER
3.     Click on ANATOMY to review the anatomy of the heart.
4.     When you are ready to conduct the surgery:
a.     Select INTERN from the three choices provided (Intern, Surgeon, Specialist). This will allow you more time.
b.     Make sure you read all information on the screen.
5.     Type all answers directly on the data sheet. All answers must be written in complete sentences.
6.     Select Save As, and use your last name and student ID as a file name.
7.     Upload the data sheet as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file when finished.
Questions 1 – 10 are short answer questions and should be answered in two to three words or one to two complete sentences. Total: 60 points
1.     Which chamber of the heart receives oxygen-depleted blood from the superior and inferior vena cava? (6 points)
2.     Which chamber of the heart pumps oxygenated blood to the rest of the body? (6 points)
3.     How much blood can the heart move the through the body in an average lifetime? (6 points)
4.     How is the patient’s anxiety level reduced before surgery? (6 points)
5.     What are the responsibilities of the perfusionist? (6 points)
6.     What are the responsibilities of the anaesthetist? (6 points)
7.     What vein is harvested from the leg to be grafted to the heart? (6 points)
8.     What is the name of the membranous sac that encloses the heart? (6 points)
9.     What is injected into the heart to stop it from beating? (6 points)
10.  In your own words, what is the purpose of the drug protamine? (6 points)
Question 11 is an extended response question. Your response should go into significant detail and should be at least 200 words. Total: 40 points