Is it possible to examine the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration under controlled experimental conditions?


Here is the M.U.S.E. link:
For each assignment, you will complete the following steps:

  1. Click on Learning Materials to Access the M.U.S.E.
  2. Use the M.U.S.E. link to complete the lab for this Unit.
  3. Track your results in the lab worksheet that is provided.
  4. Complete a lab report using the scientific method.
  5. Submit your completed lab worksheet to the assignment box.

Using the Scientific Method Lab
Establish a better understanding of photosynthesis and cellular respiration, and apply the scientific method to solve (or understand) a problem. Photosynthesis and respiration are reactions that complement each other in the environment. They are essentially the same reactions, but they occur in reverse. During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water yield glucose and oxygen. Through the respiration process, glucose and oxygen yield carbon dioxide and water. They work well together because living organisms supply plants with carbon dioxide, which undergoes photosynthesis and produces glucose, and these plants and bacteria give out oxygen, which all living organisms need for respiration.
Using the M.U.S.E. link, review the background information and animation to complete your report. Use the lab 1 worksheet for assignment instructions and data collection.
Please submit your completed assignment in your assignment box.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Reading Assignment
Biology (2012), Chapters 1 & 2
Assignment Objectives

  • Design a scientific experiment.

Other Information
Don’t forget to answer part one questions of your worksheet separately
Using what you learned on the lab animation, answer the following questions:

  • Define a hypothesis that is suggested by the data that are collected in the lab.
  • Complete a lab report using the scientific method.
  • What effect does the intensity of light have on the rate of photosynthesis (measured as the number of oxygen bubbles)?
  • Is it possible to examine the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration under controlled experimental conditions? Explain your answer in detail.

Instructor’s Comments:
You cannot resubmit your paper for a better grade
Make sure the correct content is under each header
Do not use bullet form

  • Purpose
    • State the purpose of the lab.
  • Introduction
    • This is an investigation of what is currently known about the question that is being asked. Use background information from credible references to write a short summary about the concepts in the lab. List and cite references in APA style.
  • Hypothesis or Predicted Outcome
    • A hypothesis is an educated guess. Based on what you have learned and written about in the introduction, state what you expect to be the results of the lab procedures.
    • Use the If–then format
  • Methods
    • Summarize the procedures that you used in the lab. The methods section should also state clearly how data (numbers) were collected during the lab; this will be reported in the results or outcome section.
    • Name the control variable, independent variable and dependent variable.
  • Results or Outcome
    • In this section, provide any results or data that were generated while doing the lab procedure.
    • Must copy table and write a description of data.
  • Discussion and Analysis
    • In this section, state clearly whether you obtained the expected results and if the outcome was as expected.
    • Note: You can use the lab data to help you discuss the results and what you learned.
    • Must state whether you accept or reject the hypothesis

Provide reference list in APA format, include a reference for in-text citations used in the introduction

Compare the definitions of Acute Infections and Chronic Infections

Question: Compare the definitions of Acute Infections and Chronic Infections below. Based on what you know about HIV/AIDS at this point, which description most closely matches AIDS? Explain your answer, using evidence from the book to support your position.
What is an acute infection?
1. Produces symptoms and makes a person infectious soon after infection.
2. The infected person may:                                                                                                                                                                                          transmit the disease
die from the infection
recover and develop immunity
3. the acute microorganism
infects entire group (small group)
dies out
What is a chronic infection?
Person may never show symptoms
Person continues to carry infectious agent at a low level
Does NOT mount an effective immune response
Subtopic 4: Controlling infectious disease
Question: Explain what herd immunity is and how it works. Use an example from either the book or the internet to explain your position.
Herd immunity = when all, or nearly all susceptibles are immunized, no new infection can occur. Agent can be eradicated from the population.
Subtopic 5: Modern concepts of Infectious Disease and Koch’s Postulates
From the Oxford Dictionary:
Definition: postulate
verb |ˈpäsCHəˌlāt| [ with obj. ]
1 suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief: his theory postulated a rotatory movement for hurricanes | [ with clause ] : he postulated that the environmentalists might have a case.
a thing suggested or assumed as true as the basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief: perhaps the postulate of Babylonian influence on Greek astronomy is incorrect.
Robert Koch was a physician/scientist in the 1800s who studied the transmission of infectious disease. He proposed 4 postulates, also known as Koch’s Postulates (p. 12-13) help control the spread of infectious disease.  He proposed that a microorganism can be considered to be a disease if it fulfills certain criteria or conditions. These are listed on p. 12 in the textbook. The book also goes on to describe how these postulates helped to prevent the spread of the plague pandemic in the late 1800s.
Question: Using what you learned from the movie “And the Band Played On”, described the ways that Koch’s postulates helped scientists to identify what was going on with this new acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and to help it from exploding completely out of control.
Module 2 Reflection
In each module, we’ll have a final discussion to “reflect” on what we learned this week. Here you can post commentary on something that we discussed, how a concept would apply to a particular situation, etc. For Week 2, why don’t you each just tell me a new insight that you learned about infectious disease. You can make multiple posts if you’d like, or pose questions for additional discussions. be creative. Everyone should make at least one meaningful comment, and that should be at least 100 words.

Factors that affect the spread of epidemics


Discussion 2 – Concepts of Infectious Disease
Read Chapter 2 first. Then come to this discussion.
I have set the discussion up around the general topic of Concepts of infectious disease. Since the chapter in the textbook is so full of important concepts, it would be difficult to narrow it down to a single topic for discussion. So I have posted this introduction and 5 separate subtopics.
Each student should choose one of these subtopics for your major post.
Take an active role in presenting this topic to the other students.
Explain the concept in your own words, or develop it further using a relevant example. You should then read the comments of other students in the other subtopics, and respond to at least one in every subtopic that has a primary comment in it. That allows you to develop one subtopic in an active sense, but learn about the others by being drawn into them through other people’s posts.
You should write well thought out primary comments on at least one of the points below (150-200 words). Then, you should make well thought-out comments to your classmates’ comments, at least one in every subtopic that is being developed.
Subtopic 1: Factors that affect the spread of epidemics – Part 1
Question: Explain the following statement:
Epidemiology is the Study of the relationship between an infectious agent and its host population
A balanced host/parasite relationship must exist:
The virus can deplete host, but if virus completely eliminates the host, it will become extinct.
Subtopic 2: Factors that affect the spread of epidemics – Part 2
Question: Explain how the interaction between these factors are relevant to the transmission of AIDS. For example, which of these factors are most critical to the transmission of HIV. Which aren’t.
1. Total number of hosts
2. Host’s birth rate
3. Rate at which new susceptible hosts migrate into population
4. Number of susceptible uninfected hosts
5. Rate at which disease can be transmitted from infected to uninfected hosts
6. Death rate of infected hosts
7. The number of infected hosts who survive and become immune or resistant to further infection
Subtopic 3: Acute versus Chronic Infections

implications of stem cell therapy and neurogenesis.  What could this mean for patients with nervous tissue injury and all of us as we age?

Neurogenesis and Stem Cell Use

Discussion: Neurogenesis and Stem Cell Use
For full credit on discussions, you  must address all questions to be considered (see instructions below).
It was the belief for many years that the cells of nervous tissue do not regenerate.  In other words, until the last decade, researchers felt that when a neuron died, it was not replaced.  Therefore, injury and/or damage  to nervous tissue was likely permanent.
In the last decade, researchers have learned that there are possible ways for patients who have suffered injuries to the nervous system to experience improvement.  One is through the use of stem cells, which are undifferentiated cells that can divide to make more stem cells and have the ability to specialize to become a wide variety of cells types.  The other discovery involves neurogeneisis, or formation of nervous tissue.  The idea of neurogenesis, and practices that will promote it, is also promising for us as we age, since neurons die as we age.
You will find look at two links in this module before responding to this discussion.  One is a blog that debunks the myth that neurons do not regenerate.  The other is a short news segment that introduces the use of stem cells to treat spinal cord injuries.
For this discussion, you will respond with your thoughts on the implications of stem cell therapy and neurogenesis.  What could this mean for patients with nervous tissue injury and all of us as we age?
Your response should be thoughtful and related to content.  This discussion is due no later than Friday.