Sex selection (and other genetic manipulations)

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The Research Essay: Students are required to develop a 6 TO 8 PAGE investigative essay on the following topic:
Chosen Topic: Sex selection (and other genetic manipulations). What limits, if any, should be placed on the ability of prospective parents to guide or alter the genetic makeup of their offspring?
The final research paper applies ethical theories studied in class to a concrete biomedical issue in our contemporary world. Here are some of the theories that qualify for the project: natural law theory, social contract theory, utilitarianism, Kantianism (deontology), and virtue theory.
Drawing upon those theories, the student will prepare a written (6 to 8 page typed MLA or CMS-style pages) paper that addresses these current moral problems. Of particular importance is the student’s ability to use ethical reasoning to formulate reflective positions on some of the more pressing moral problems in contemporary society. Papers without this element tend to score at best a low B or C. The paper is graded for the following sections:
I. Composition (15 points): Paper written well with attention to syntax, clear thesis statement,
consistent paragraphing and proper citations style.
II. History of topic (15 points): set the context for the moral issue from 1960 onward. Do
NOT go back earlier without checking with the instructor first.
III. Pro/Con (20 points): what are the conflicting sides around the issue? Please note: using
only websites like to set up this issue generally reduces the grade in this section.
Look for journal and newspaper articles that summarize the positions. These are better and
more nuanced treatments of the conflicting sides.
IV. Application of ethical theories (30 points): I am looking for TWO treatments of the issue
from two ethical approaches studied during the term. These should be in depth because this
section is worth thirty points.
V. Personal Conclusion (20 points): In this last section argue for your personal analysis and
thoughts on the issue. Make sure this section receives the treatment and development it
Here is the rubric you will receive with your final paper:
15/15: Composition: Is paper written well with attention to syntax, grammar, clear thesis statement, consistent paragraphing and proper citations style or are there recurring problems with any of these?
15/15: History of topic: Does paper develop historical context for the moral issue from 1960 onward in a clear and chronologically coherent manner or does the paper fall short of doing this in specific ways?
20/20: Pro versus Con: Does paper spell out clearly conflicting sides of the issue or does it only show one side or is it entirely missing a pro/con section?
30/30: Application of ethical theories: Does author treat issue with two ethical approaches studied
during the term in depth (or analyzes the issue with unusual and sustained depth from the standpoint of one theory)?
20/20: Personal Conclusion: Does author develop a concluding personal analysis that expresses their standpoint on the subject in a thorough and clear way or does it sum up the issue superficially or is the paper missing a genuine personal conclusion?



Your paper must include a minimum of three sources and these are to be included in this assignment, i.e. you are to write an annotation for each source.  However you must use five or more sources in your final paper.
*Your paper must be submitted as an MS Word document (.doc, .docx file).
The reason the annotated bibliography is included as part of the research paper is because writing an annotated bibliography is important in that it provides excellent preparation for the final paper. One of the issues regarding any type of research, especially in the biosciences, medical,  health/ nutrition and exercise/fitness fields, is the credibility of the sources used, particularly those obtained from various websites. By forcing you to carefully evaluate each of your potential sources, the annotated bibliography helps you determine if in fact the source you chose is credible and also helps you determine how relevant it is too your topic and understand the topic better which will help you write your paper.
For this project your annotated bibliography will include: 1) a complete citation for each source, 2) a summary of each source, 3) an assessment/evaluation of each source, and 4) a critique of each source. Three sources are required.

  1. Citation:

Written in APA format. For more help with formatting, see APA handout.

  1. Summary:

What is purpose of the source, review article, original research? What topics are covered? This is generally 1 -3 sentences that summarize the author’s main point. For more help, see this link on paraphrasing sources.

  1. Assessment:

After summarizing the article (or research paper or book) it is necessary to evaluate it and also where you found it – its source (e.g. journal, website, etc).  Briefly answer the following questions:
What is the format or type of source. How reliable is the information in the article and how credible is the source and the author(s)? Is this article biased or objective?
For more help, see this handout on evaluating resources.

  1. Critique

Once you’ve summarized and assessed a source, you need to ask how it fits into your research. Why is this source relevant to your research paper and how can you use this source in your research project? What are the strengths and weaknesses? It is biased in any way? Compare the source with other sources in your bibliography.
Also please see the resources below at The Owl at Purdue site for more information on how to write an annotated bibliography as well as other pages on the site to assist you with the other parts of the research paper.
*Annotations vs. Abstracts
Annotations in an annotated bibliography perform three functions, specify the source, evaluate the source, and critique the source. The annotation is a concise description of a particular source. It enables the researcher to establish the relevance of a specific journal article, book, research report, or government document, etc.. Abstracts, on the other hand, are descriptive summaries that precede scholarly journal articles or can be found stand alone in periodical databases and are more detailed in this respect. Assignment 2 late in the class will specifically cover the abstract.

Evolution of Animals and Population of Humans

Evolution of Animals and Population of Humans”

  • Read the New York Times article entitled “From Single Cells, a Vast Kingdom Arose” found here then provide a summary of the article. Next discuss what you believe to be the origins of animals.
  • Consider three (3) problems out of control population growth will create in regards to the environment. Next discuss three (3) effects of China’s one child rule. In your response please consider social, ethical and environmental sides of the effect.
  • Read the Guardian article entitled, “Humans creating sixth great extinction of animal species, say scientist” found here. Next provide a brief summary of the article and in your summary discuss what, if anything happens when an animal or plant species becomes extinct. Next propose three (3) human behavior changes that could help prevent or slow down animal extinction. Justify your response.

**includes answering classmates post

  • Question: Consider three (3) problems out of control population growth will create in regards to the environment. Next discuss three (3) effects of China’s one child rule. In your response please consider social, ethical and environmental sides of the effect.
  • The inception of the one-child policy occurred as China regained social and political stability in the late 1970s after the chaotic decade of the Cultural Revolution. After the death of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping rose to power and began his four-fronted modernization project in industry, agriculture, national defense, and science/technology.The ideas behind the one-child policy developed from studies of population growth and ecological habitat as propounded by Thomas Malthus, the classical economist.According to the World Population Facts in the 1980s, it was estimated that one half billion people were starving or malnourished; an additional one billion lacked access to basic conditions for human subsistence such as clean water and medical care. Moreover, one-third of the world’s labor force was unemployed. From 1950 to 1975, population in Third World countries increased from 1.7 billion to 3.0 billion. This rapid growth in population is widely understood as the chief factor contributing to poverty and backward economic conditions.

List modern relatives and their adaptations

Paper on Evolution of a Species

Animal Evolution Paper Due by Email 5/12 2pm
Charles Darwin was one of the most influential scientific figures. For this project, you will create an evolutionary history of a modern day organism. You need to find the organism’s earliest ancestor, and create a timeline of how your organism may have evolved to what it is today. You should also be able to describe certain adaptations your organism acquired and has that allowed and helped its evolution.
Select one of the following organisms:
OR you may choose a different organism that you feel strongly about, but please get it approved by me first.
For this paper, you need to use reputable sources (try and stay away from .com websites), and at least three different sources that give you information about your animal. PLEASE CITE THROUGHOUT YOUR PAPER. I will take off several points for improper citations and no works cited/bibliography page.
Format: 4 pages long, double spaced, with a work cited page (5th page). Please use Times New Roman size 12 font, and 1 inch margins on all four sides of the paper. I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY PAPERS THAT ARE SHORTER THAN FOUR PAGES LONG. This is 10% of your grade and you need to work hard on it- I will not be grading it as easily as the last paper.
Your paper should address the following content (10 points, 10%):
•The earliest ancestor of your organism and the intermediate forms that led to the modern day animal (2 points)
•Compare and contrast modern and intermediate species adaptations (2 points)
•Compare and contrast the environmental conditions that influenced your organisms evolution (i.e. any ice ages etc., 2 points)
•List modern relatives and their adaptations (2 points) i.e. wolves are a modern relative of the dog
•Give a direct timeline of the evolution of your organism’s evolution (2 points) – this can either be a picture that shows all the different organisms your modern day organism evolved from (with dates) or you may write out the timeline in words