Why do you think Americans use so many legal drugs

 Each thread must be 250 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Important Concepts from Chapter 13:Section 13.3: How Neurons Communicate The region where an axon terminal sends chemical sign

 Each thread must be 250 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Important Concepts from Chapter 13:

  • Section 13.3: How Neurons Communicate The region where an axon terminal sends chemical signals to a neuron, a muscle fiber, or a gland cell is a chemical synapse. Axon terminals have synaptic vesicles filled with neurotransmitter, a signaling molecule that relays messages between cells at a synapse. The plasma membrane of a postsynaptic cell has receptor proteins that reversibly bind neurotransmitter. How a receiving cell responds depends on the type and amount of the neurotransmitter, the kinds of receptors, and other factors. Certain drugs can block reuptake of neurotransmitters.
  • Section 13.13: The Brain on Mind Altering Drugs Drugs such as morphine and heroin mimic a neurotransmitter’s effect on a postsynaptic cell; they bind to receptors for endorphins (natural pain relievers), and elicit pain relief and feelings of well-being. Caffeine binds and inactivates receptors for adenosine, a neurotransmitter that causes drowsiness. Alcohol encourages drowsiness by releasing adenosine. Other drugs interfere with reuptake of neurotransmitter from the synaptic cleft. For example, cocaine slows reuptake of several neurotransmitters, including dopamine.

1. Visit the NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse and read the article Drugs, Brains and Behavior: The Science of Drug Addiction.
2. Go to Indiana University and read an article on Addictive Behaviors.
Prompt : – Using the sources provided, briefly describe one factor that can increase the risk of drug addiction, and one protective factor that can reduce the risk of drug addiction. – Why do you think Americans use so many legal drugs (e.g., alcohol, tobacco, and OTC drugs)?
Replies: Reply to 2 classmates, describing an additional risk factor and protective factor. Note: your factors should differ from the post to which you are replying and also those used in your other reply

Which chamber of the heart receives oxygen-depleted blood from the superior and inferior vena cava?

Introduction Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. One procedure to treat blockage in the arteries of the heart is bypass surgery. Someone you know may have already had this pro

Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. One procedure to treat blockage in the arteries of the heart is bypass surgery. Someone you know may have already had this procedure; however, few people really realize what occurs during the surgery. The following lab will guide you through the steps of a virtual bypass surgery.
1.     Identify the major structures and functions of the cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, digestive, and immune systems.
2.     Evaluate various risk factors for diseases within body systems.
3.     Relate homeostatic imbalances to disease states.
4.     Discuss various treatments, cures, and procedures for common diseases.
Computer with internet access
1.     Go to the following website: http://www.abc.net.au/science/lcs/swf/heart.swf (or http://www.abc.net.au/science/lcs/heart.htm)
2.     Click on ENTER
3.     Click on ANATOMY to review the anatomy of the heart.
4.     When you are ready to conduct the surgery:
a.     Select INTERN from the three choices provided (Intern, Surgeon, Specialist). This will allow you more time.
b.     Make sure you read all information on the screen.
5.     Type all answers directly on the data sheet. All answers must be written in complete sentences.
6.     Select Save As, and use your last name and student ID as a file name.
7.     Upload the data sheet as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file when finished.
Questions 1 – 10 are short answer questions and should be answered in two to three words or one to two complete sentences. Total: 60 points
1.     Which chamber of the heart receives oxygen-depleted blood from the superior and inferior vena cava? (6 points)
2.     Which chamber of the heart pumps oxygenated blood to the rest of the body? (6 points)
3.     How much blood can the heart move the through the body in an average lifetime? (6 points)
4.     How is the patient’s anxiety level reduced before surgery? (6 points)
5.     What are the responsibilities of the perfusionist? (6 points)
6.     What are the responsibilities of the anaesthetist? (6 points)
7.     What vein is harvested from the leg to be grafted to the heart? (6 points)
8.     What is the name of the membranous sac that encloses the heart? (6 points)
9.     What is injected into the heart to stop it from beating? (6 points)
10.  In your own words, what is the purpose of the drug protamine? (6 points)
Question 11 is an extended response question. Your response should go into significant detail and should be at least 200 words. Total: 40 points
1.     The American Heart Association is a national voluntary health agency to help reduce disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Click here or copy and paste the URL below into your web browser to read the article and answer the question:
11.  Based on the key screening tests recommended for optimal cardiovascular health and coronary heart disease risk factors listed, what are your risk factors? Are you healthy? Do you know the answers to all of the tests listed? What are some things that you might change in your life or your family’s lives in order to reduce your risk factors? You can view helpful information under each of the tabs at the top of the site

What is meant by thermohaline circulation?

 What is meant by thermohaline circulation? What is AABW? NADW? 2. If the sun warms the ocean’s surface, creating a layer of warm water, why doesn’t the structure remain that way? 3. What does a l

1. What is meant by thermohaline circulation? What is AABW? NADW?
2. If the sun warms the ocean’s surface, creating a layer of warm water, why doesn’t the structure remain that way?
3. What does a longshore current have to do with the seasonal beach cycle?
4. Why is the Chesapeake Bay an estuary? What kind of estuary is it?
5. What is a gyre? Give an example.
6. Describe the ecological hierarchy.
7.  What constitutes a species?
8. What is territoriality?
9. How is resistance to predators enhanced by natural selection?
10. What is crypsis?
11. Define mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism.
12. Why are nutrients concentrated at oceanic fronts?
13. What plankton category would the Portuguese Man-o-War fall into? Why?
14. If someone told you that a bottom sample from the deep ocean contained foraminiferous ooze, what do you think would be the dominant material in this substance?
15. Describe a simple planktonic food chain, naming a primary, secondary, and tertiary producer.
16. What is a Hardy-Bainbridge Plankton Wheel?
17. Many tropical zooplankton have elaborate spines. These have been interpreted as either a defense against predation or a means to increase drag and prevent sinking. How would you determine which was the likely reason for these structures?
18. What type of planktonic organisms causes “red tides”? What sort of damage do these blooms create?
19. What structure is used by gastropods to scrape, puncture, or tear apart prey?
20.  Name three factors that cause a reduction in biodiversity.
21. What are the 3 types of sewage treatment and describe each one?

investigate the use of stem cells and treatment of two disorders, diseases, or dysfunctions of cell structures

For this project you will investigate the use of stem cells and treatment of two disorders, diseases, or dysfunctions of cell structures of your choice. Some examples include a specific cancer, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease. Your main goal is to gain insight into how these diseases/disorders affect the cell structure but ultimately how they disrupt the entire anatomy. Choose two diseases, disorders, or mutations and address the following questions for each.  Please do not pick general diseases such as “cancer”.  If you would like to research cancer please pick a particular type of cancer such as Acancer or tleukemia.  Also, please write TWO separate essays, one on each disease or disorder.
1.What it is you’re researching? Give a description and overview of each choice (6 pts). What specific genes (2 pts) AND cells (2 pts) are affected?
2.How common is this disease or disorder? (5 pts) Is there stem cell therapy available for this disease/disorder? If so, explain the current use of the stem cell therapy? (5 pts)
3.What type of treatment is available AND what is the outcome/life expectancy for the patient under normal circumstances if treatment is sought? (10 points)
4.Is this disease/disorder/dysfunction concentrated in certain parts of the world? OR Does this disease/disorder/dysfunction mainly affect a certain ethnicity? (5 points)
5.State and explain the medical findings on why researchers have concluded this disease/disorder/dysfunction is concentrated in a certain part of the world or affects a certain
ethnicity. (5 points)
6.What type of research is currently under way to reduce or eliminate this disease/disorder/dysfunction? (10 points) ***Please Note*** this is different than indicating if stem cell therapy is or is not available. Provide a discussion and cite your source regarding current research.
Informational Essay
You will write an informational essay based on the previous five questions. Each question is worth 20 points. You are not restricted to just those five questions if additional information is needed to provide further explanation.
Your essay will be submitted either as a Word document (.doc) or Adobe Reader file (.pdf). Your essay should be a minimum of 700 words per essay (per disease). Cite your sources using correct format and use only highly trusted resources from the Internet and your local library. Use the following citation link to help format your citations, or look up APA style at the library or online. You are not limited in the number of sources you use, but are required to use at least three different sources. Your textbook is a great start.
For help in citing sources you can go to http://citationmachine.net/index2.php
Use you Internet source and visit these sites to gain more information about your investigation project. You are not limited to just these sites.