Neuroanatomy Project

Assignment 3: Neuroanatomy Project
Imagine that you are working in a neurology clinic. One of the neurologists tells you that as his or her practice is expanding, he or she is having difficulty meeting the education needs of his or her patients. Part of this problem is explaining the basic neuroanatomical structures to the patients in layperson’s language so that they understand their diagnoses and their underlying neurological impairments. The neurologist asks you to create a written guide for the patients, including both the CNS and the PNS. He or she describes what the basic neuroanatomical structures are, where they are located, how they interact, and what function they serve.
He or she asks you to name the structures by using the correct technical language but to use layperson’s language as much as possible elsewhere.
Your neuroanatomy guide should cover the following:

  • Basic neuroanatomical structures (including the CNS and the PNS, as well as the structural packaging that protects the brain from the environment)
  • Locations of these structures
  • Functions they serve (what functions damage to these areas may affect)
  • How they interact

Be sure to explain the information in layperson’s language and use graphics and pictures where helpful. Use APA format when citing material from scholarly sources such as your textbook and online notes. Include a cover page and a reference page listing the resources you used to create your guide.
Your response should be at least 2 pages long. Save the response as AU_PSY350_M1_A3_LastName_FirstInitial.doc. Submit your response to the M1 Assignment 3 Dropbox by Wednesday, February 22, 2017.

Identify key cell or tissue typescontained in this organ system

POWERPOINT presentation on Lymphatic System, biology homework help

Thisfinal project for is the creation of a POWERPOINT PRESENTATION investigating one organ system.
Please discuss the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. I have attached 2 documents that need to be part of this presentation.
Specifically,the following critical elements must be addressed:
1. Describe the anatomy of the primary organ system in 2–3 slides,ensuring that you:
1.  Provide a description of the organsystem’s location as presented in the anatomical position within the humanbody.
2.  Describe the organs and structurescontained in this organ system.
3.  Identify key cell or tissue typescontained in this organ system.
4.  Provide a labeled diagram or imageillustrating the organ system’s location relative to other organ systems.
2. Explain the physiology of the organ system in 2–3 slides, including:
1.  A description of the majorphysiological functions of the organ system.
2.  A labeled diagram or imageillustrating one of the functions of the organ system
3. Describe the relationship of theprimary organ system to a secondary organ system in 2–3 slides, specifically: The secondary organ system can be the endocrine system.
a. The interactions of the twosystems, including physiological functions that require the two systems toperform together. b.The dependence of thehuman body on this specific relationship, i.e., its significance.
4. Discuss common medical issues and diseases affecting the primary organsystem in 2–3 slides, describing for each:
1.  The nature of the condition ordisease (e.g., who can have this and when it can occur).
2.  The implications of the conditionor disease (i.e., the impaired function, the ultimate consequences).
3.  The cause(s) of the condition ordisease.
d. The prevalence of the condition ordisease in the American population

why recycling is important, what materials can be recycled

Biology Paper

  1. View Dr. David Suzuki’s Stander Symposium talk at:
  1. Prepare a paper (4-pages typed, double space, 12 point – Times New Roman or similar sized font) answering some of the following questions.
    1. What were the most significant aspects of his presentation?
    2. Did you gain any insights or better perspectives on environmental issues from Dr. Suzuki?
    3. Did the Dr. Suzuki help you better understand the issues regarding environmental concerns?
    4. Why does Dr. Suzuki say we are a new geological force on the planet?
    5. Why does Dr. Suzuki think that foresight, the ability to look ahead, is the key to our enormous success as a species? How can we use that foresight to help us today?
    6. Dr. Suzuki speaks about four sacred elements – air, water, earth and fire. How does he tie them into his talk? According to Dr. Suzuki, how do these sacred elements connect us to all of life?
    7. Why does Dr. Suzuki consider the air, water, earth and fire to be the bottom line?
    8. What does Dr. Suzuki describe as the clash between two radically different ways of seeing the world?
    9. What is the connection he makes between ecology and economics?
    10. Why does Dr. Suzuki say that the tragedy of our economic system is that it doesn’t pay attention to the fact that nature is the source of our very lives and livelihood? What examples does he give to show how an intact forest supports our lives?
    11. What were the areas that you most agreed with him? Areas where you disagreed?
    12. Did he say anything that surprised you or found particularly interesting?
    13. Has this talk motivated you to want to look deeper into the topic or particular aspect that he brought up in his talk?
    14. Are there questions that you would have liked to ask him?
    15. Any other comments and reflections?
  2. Recycling 
    1. Recycling 
      1. The purpose of this project is to help you get into the habit of recycling, if you are not already doing so.
      2. Find out what the University and the City of Cincinnati accepts for recycling and how, when and where you can recycle materials used in you hall, house or apartment.
      3. Over a four-week period keep a weekly itemized list, with the count, of the individual items that you and your roommates recycle in the different areas (glass, aluminum, tin cans, plastics, paper, etc.)
      4. Write a 4-page typewritten report (double spaced, 12 point):  2-pages about why recycling is important, what materials can be recycled, how recycling  saves energy and resources, how the United States compares to other countries in recycling efforts, etc.; 1-page on what the 1) City of Cincinnati, 2) your hometown and 3) University accept for recycling and composting, and where you can recycle on the campus; and 1 page on your reflections of what you have learned through this project and what you can do in the future.
      5. Attach your itemized list of recycled items to your report

Wood Stork

Two research papers

(8 pages include the reference page and without first page of the name) research paper about Wood Stork , and the other topic about Bald Eagle
How it lives, in groups or individual
The majority of the paper will deal with its status, the reasons why it is endangered, and management strategies.
I want one page or so will discuss a description Wood Stork/ Bald Eagle (the general biology/ecology) such as:
·         Their Habitat and where it is found
·         What it eats and diet
·         How it lives, in groups or individual
The majority of the paper will deal with its status, the reasons why it is endangered, and management strategies.
Research Project Guidelines
1.    Keep the paper short (between 1200 and 1800 words)
2.    Use at least six sources, no more than one of which may be a web page.  If you use a web page, it must be from a government agency, a university, or another “authoritative” source.  An “edu” or “org” and No Wikipedia, etc.
3.    Employ the citation style of the Council of Science Editors
4.    Do not employ direct quotes
6.    Cited  or reference section which will be in a separate page