Discuss how the unique physical and chemical properties of water contribute to the importance of water for life on Earth to survive

Final Project
This assignment will be worth 20% of your grade.  Your paper should be creative and interesting, and should be a minimum 1500  words in length. It should be well-organized and demonstrate an orderly flow of information that clearly addresses the subject chosen.
You will be required to do a term paper on one of the topics listed below.

  1. Discuss how the unique physical and chemical properties of water contribute to the importance of water for life on Earth to survive.
  2. Discuss how the methods of experimentation and observation have changed throughout the history of science.
  3. Explain the role so called “accidental” discoveries played in the history of science.
  4. Describe the major experiments and scientists involved in the discovery of DNA as our hereditary material and its structure.
  5. Explain what role women played in the Scientific Revolution of the 18th Century? What role do women in science play today?

This assignment will be worth 20% of your grade.  Your paper should be creative and interesting, and should be a minimum 1500  words in length. It should be well-organized and demonstrate an orderly flow of information that clearly addresses the subject chosen.

 Identify at least three (3) such factors/theories

Biology help 2

  1. Project 1: You are working as a criminal justice research specialist in a local television production company. The managing director has an assignment for you. The company will be producing a documentary on the root causes of specific crimes that occurs in low-income, “inner-city” neighborhoods. The focused crimes are personal assault, robbery, burglary, and theft. While race and ethnicity are not factors, there may be other identifiable factors or theories that motivate or predict a personal propensity to criminal behavior.  Your assignment is to:
    1.  Identify at least three (3) such factors/theories and,

    2. Compare each with the other two (2) determining which is the most likely to be the primary contributor to criminal activity.

    1. Theory 1, compared to  2 and 3
    2. Theory 2, compared to  1 and 3
    3. Theory 3, compared to  1 and 2
  2. Collectively, these comparisons must be supported by at least three (3) cited sources from the course instructional materials or outside scholarly sources.
    (Note:  “Scholarly” sources include articles from professional journals – See UMUC Library database—and other professional publications, textbooks, professional association sponsored websites, etc. Not included are blogs, commercial websites and/or anything from Wikipedia.)

1. A minimum of 2,000 and maximum of 2,500 words, not including cover page and references page.
2. The cover page should include the name and number of the course, the name of the student, title of the project and the date of submission.
3. The narrative composition is to be 12 pt. font, double spacing, with 1 inch margins.
4. Resources, including course materials, must be cited both in the narrative where appropriate and on a separate references page, using APA citation rules. (Note: APA format for materials collected from the Internet is required; the url address alone is unacceptable.)
5. At the instructor’s discretion, this project may be submitted to Turnitin or other service for verification of originality.
1. A minimum of 2,500 words, not including cover page and references page
2. The cover page should include the name and number of the course, the name of the student, title of the project and the date of submission.
3. The narrative composition is to be 12 pt. font, double spacing, with 1 inch margins
4. Resources, including course materials, must be cited both in the narrative where appropriate and on a separate references page, using APA citation rules. (Note: APA format for materials collected from the Internet is required; the url address alone is unacceptable.)
5. At the instructor’s discretion, this project may be submitted to Turnitin or other service for verification of originality

Anthropology Extra Credit 1

Anthropology Extra Credit 1

Part I—Go to the Zoo (20 points)
The San Francisco Zoo is great place to visit and has a lot of primates to observe. You can see the aye-aye and some other lemurs, several monkey species, and chimpanzees. Admission to the zoo is pretty reasonable at just $17. In order to earn full credit for this assignment, you must choose one primate species to observe for at least hours and submit a 2-3 page report on that species, including:
·       Taxonomic Classification—Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and species
·       Social Structure—what kind of groups do they live in?
·       Habitat—where do they live (geographical range) and in what kind of vegetation?
·       Diet—what do they eat?
·       Are they endangered? Threatened?
·       What time of the day did you observe them?
·       How many animals were in the enclosure? Could you tell how many are adults, juveniles, or infants? Could you tell the difference between males and females?
·       What kinds of behaviors did you see them engage in? (e.g., grooming, feeding, resting, nursing, sexual behavior, aggression, play)
·       What did you think about while watching them?
All of this information may not be posted at the zoo. You can also use the zoo website or PrimateInfoNet. If you use any other sources, be sure to cite them and include references.
Part II—Film Extra Credit Assignment (5 points)

You can watch any film that is related to biological anthropology that we do not watch in class but you have to be able to make a good argument for how the film is related to the class. If you have any questions about whether or not a film you are interested in is appropriate, just ask.
In order to receive the extra credit points, you must submit a 2-3 page review of the film that includes:
1. The title and date of production
2. When and where you watched it
3. A summary of the film that explicitly addresses how it is related to biological anthropology
4. Your personal assessment of the film in the context of the course

Construct and apply Gantt charts, CPM, and PERT techniques to project management

Type: Individual Project
Unit:  Models in project management
Due Date:  Tue, 7/25/17
Deliverable Length:  3-4 pages
MGT 656
Assignment Objectives
Construct and apply Gantt charts, CPM, and PERT techniques to project management.
Rank the value and utility of different types of models in project management.
Assignment Details
Assignment Description
As a newly assigned project manager for the Ohio Department of Human Services, you are excited about working with technology projects throughout the state. The Ohio Department of Human Services’ (ODHS) Office of Network Support (ONS) is responsible for managing the network and software applications for over 15,000 state and county agency employees throughout Ohio’s 88 counties. The office coordinates software upgrades and network modifications from an operations center located in the capital, Columbus, with assistance from local technology employees in each of the county seats.
The position is not without its challenges, however. The network infrastructure throughout the state ranges from high quality, high-bandwidth connections in major population centers to older, partially working connections in the poorer, more regional counties. Additionally, budget and resources are a constant issue, with a high turnover rate among existing employees and an emphasis on outsourcing the labor force to several vendors to accomplish the myriad of support and project tasks. Your initial assignment is to examine the viability and costs associated with upgrading the existing e-mail, with the objective of developing the implementation project for the organization. ODHS had adopted the e-mail software called Globalupgrades (a Worldviewupgrades product) as its e-mail standard in 1994 and executed minor upgrades since then. However, the latest version of Globalupgrades, Version 9.0, contains significant enhancements desired by the ODHS user base, and the existing Version 7.0’s support will be phased out in the next year by Worldviewupgrades. The Worldviewupgrades sales representatives have been offering discounts for a Version 9.0 license, but the costs are approximately 20% more than previous licenses. Additionally, several other e-mail product vendors are lobbying state officials for business, some of them offering significant incentives. Generally, these products are viewed as less robust than Globalupgrades, but there are some segments of the user community that are supportive of these other options.
You are reviewing the existing documentation on the current state of the e-mail system, including license agreements and the Worldviewupgrades Globalupgrades 9.0 preliminary proposal. You are also examining the staffing structure and developing ideas on how to accomplish this task. In two weeks, you will need to brief the ONS Director on your planned approach to completing this effort.
Develop a high-level project charter for the E-Mail Upgrade Project described in the scenario. Also, prepare and submit a statement of work, identification of a project management methodology and project team, and a baseline schedule. While the scenario does not contain enough specifics to completely fill out the charter, you can use the project team member list below to creatively provide the missing detail by making the necessary assumptions.
Use the following guidelines to complete this assignment:

  • The statement of work should define the project objective.
  • The project management methodology section should explain the project management model that will be used to manage the project.
  • The project team section should explain the relationship among the team members and amplify their role based on your understanding of the methodology.
  • The baseline schedule should identify the key milestones and deliverables of the project and may be presented in a basic Gantt chart or other graphical format, including a table.

Project Team List Candidates & Roles

  • You: Project Manager for the Office of Network Support, ODHS. Key PM for the E-Mail Upgrade Project.
  • Peter Parker: Director of Office of Network Support and project sponsor.
  • Diana Prince: ONS Software Engineer with specific experience in implementing and administering various e-mail systems.
  • Steve Rogers: Globalcom’s sales representative and chief point of contact for the State.
  • Linda Lee Danvers: a support specialist within the ODHS, selected as the liaison between the ODHS User Group community and the project team.
  • ODHS User Group: a number of ODHS employees that are used to test system upgrades before implementation.

Basic Formatting (as cited in Course Expectations)

  • Title page, abstract, and use of APA headings

Scholarly Writing (sentence structure and paragraph development)

  • Understands basic principles of sentence structure and paragraph development
  • Extent of scholarly writing
  • Extent of Research
  • Chooses appropriate reference sources
  • Quality and content


  • Answers all portions of the discussion/assignment question
  • Provides depth and clarity to posts and responses
  • Uses concrete examples for explanations

Responses to Classmates

  • Thoughtful responses that extend the dialogue of the class content
  • Adheres to guidelines in course expectations for response submissions
  • Applies proper formatting (including APA when applicable)

Adherence to APA formatting

  • Applies principles of APA formatting
  • Uses of proper in-text citations throughout the document
  • Uses appropriate punctuation and italics for reference section

Deliverable Length

  • Does not include title page, abstract, or reference page
  • The deliverable length requirement is the minimum length of the body of the paper