Identify the situation in which a nurse would likely be charged with negligence

1. All of the following are true about the nursing code of ethics except:
2. The nurse is assigned to see a home-bound client on a daily basis to prepare the client’s medications. The nurse fails to visit the client and does not request that another nurse visit the client. The client is later admitted to the hospital after taking the wrong dosage of medication. Which ethical concept does this situation reflect?
3. A client is held down by the nurse and forced to have a nasogastric tube placed. Which of the following could this represent?
4. When applying the nursing process, which of the following should always be addressed first?                                Assessment
5. How can most living organisms be classified in general systems theory?
6. Which of the following are the steps to the nursing process? select all that apply
7. What type of tort may occur if a client is not allowed to leave the hospital after receiving emergency care until the bill is paid?
8. Which of the following is the best substitute for self-determination if an individual is no longer competent to make their own health care decisions?
9. Does clinical reasoning and judgment require various ways of thinking in the role of a nurse?
10. A client complains of hip pain and requests pain medication. For the nurse to apply the nursing process, what would the nurse do next?
11. The client’s short term outcome was to walk in the hallway by the end of the day. The nurse reviews the client outcome, determines that it was not met, and modifies the interventions. Which phase of the nursing process is this?
12. Which of the following phases of the nursing process determines client problems, risks, and strengths?
13. What is another term that can be used for professional negligence?
14. An example of invasion of privacy would be:
15. The client must have a treatment requiring an informed consent. Whose role is it to review the proposed treatment and its associated risks with the client?
16. Team building, nurse retention, and patient satisfaction are all benefits of being sensitive to personality types.
17. Why is it important for nurses to understand and use a nursing theory or model in practice?
18. Which of the following theorists authored the Model of Goal Attainment?
19. A client suffered a ruptured appendix and had to have an open appendectomy. She is post-op day 1. She is able to perform many of her activities of daily living independently, such as wash her face, brush her teeth, feed herself, and reposition. However, she requires assistance to care for her indwelling urinary catheter, Jackson-Pratt drain, and change her dressing. Which of the following describes the level of care the nurse provides according to Orem’s self-care model?
20. What are the primary ethical issues involved in genetic research?
21. Which of the following would not be appropriate to chart?
22. Identify the four concepts that are common in most nursing theories.
23. You are teaching a group of senior citizens about the importance of getting their influenza and pneumonia vaccines. What type of intervention are you providing based on Neuman’s Health Care Systems Model?
24. Upon what ethical principle do supporters of assisted suicide base their support for the practice?
25. Which of the following does not describe critical thinking in nursing?
26. Which professional nursing organization wrote the Code of Ethics for Nurses?
27. This theorist states that even though you may be a novice now, with a solid educational base and many patient care experiences over time, you will one day become an expert.
28. A 16-year-old boy brought to the emergency room with a gunshot wound to the head is declared brain dead. His driver’s license identifies him as an organ donor, but the hospital staff is unable to locate his family for permission to take his organs. Another client in the same hospital will die within 24 hours without a heart transplant. The tissues of both clients match sufficiently for a transplant. What is the ethical course of action in this case?
29. Identify the situation in which a nurse would likely be charged with negligence.
30. Which situation is the nurse allowed to breech a client’s right of confidentiality?
31. Critical thinking can also be referred to as common sense.
32. The requirement that health-care providers do no harm to their clients is known as:
33. Identify the statement that is most accurate concerning middle range nursing theories.
34. Which of the following is the appropriate order in Benner’s stages of knowledge?
35. The nurse is caring for a client who is a kinesthetic learner. How would the nurse best approach teaching the client how to self-inject insulin before discharge?
36. What is the practice of allowing a client to die without the use of any extraordinary measures?
37. A 9-month-old baby who is developmentally delayed is tested for genetic abnormalities. After the results are back from the laboratory, a representative from the client’s medical insurance company calls the nurses’ station on the phone and asks for the results of the tests. How can the nurse best respond to this request?
38. What study advice would you provide to a visual learner?
39. The ethical principle which requires the health-care provider to tell the truth and not to deceive or mislead clients is known as:
40. Under which category are nursing licensure laws included?
41. What is the underlying legal concept that protects health-care professionals under the Good Samaritan Act?
42. A client complains of pain to the nurse. The nurse medicates the client as prescribed, but then fails to follow up and make sure the patient is no longer in pain. Which of the following ethical principles has the nurse failed to demonstrate?
43. Which of the following demonstrates the planning phase of the nursing process?
44. A nurse is providing a back rub to a client just after administering a pain medication to help decrease the client’s pain. Which phase of the nursing process is this nurse demonstrating?
45. An 18 -month-old infant is brought into the emergency room with several recent cigarette burns on his chest and legs. What is the nurse’s legal responsibility in this case?
46. Which of the following “rights” are based on a moral principle?
47. A client is in a coma and unable to make health-care decisions. Who should sign the informed consent for a non-emergent, scheduled surgery?
48. The processes used in ethical decision making include all of the following except:
49. Theory can be defined in nursing as which of the following?
50. The term tort refers to a violation of the civil law

What effect does the intensity of light have on the rate of photosynthesis


Here is the M.U.S.E. link:
For each assignment, you will complete the following steps:

  1. Click on Learning Materials to Access the M.U.S.E.
  2. Use the M.U.S.E. link to complete the lab for this Unit.
  3. Track your results in the lab worksheet that is provided.
  4. Complete a lab report using the scientific method.
  5. Submit your completed lab worksheet to the assignment box.

Using the Scientific Method Lab
Establish a better understanding of photosynthesis and cellular respiration, and apply the scientific method to solve (or understand) a problem. Photosynthesis and respiration are reactions that complement each other in the environment. They are essentially the same reactions, but they occur in reverse. During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water yield glucose and oxygen. Through the respiration process, glucose and oxygen yield carbon dioxide and water. They work well together because living organisms supply plants with carbon dioxide, which undergoes photosynthesis and produces glucose, and these plants and bacteria give out oxygen, which all living organisms need for respiration.
Using the M.U.S.E. link, review the background information and animation to complete your report. Use the lab 1 worksheet for assignment instructions and data collection.
Please submit your completed assignment in your assignment box.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Reading Assignment
Biology (2012), Chapters 1 & 2
Assignment Objectives

  • Design a scientific experiment.

Other Information
Don’t forget to answer part one questions of your worksheet separately
Using what you learned on the lab animation, answer the following questions:

  • Define a hypothesis that is suggested by the data that are collected in the lab.
  • Complete a lab report using the scientific method.
  • What effect does the intensity of light have on the rate of photosynthesis (measured as the number of oxygen bubbles)?
  • Is it possible to examine the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration under controlled experimental conditions? Explain your answer in detail.

Instructor’s Comments:
You cannot resubmit your paper for a better grade
Make sure the correct content is under each header
Do not use bullet form

  • Purpose
    • State the purpose of the lab.
  • Introduction
    • This is an investigation of what is currently known about the question that is being asked. Use background information from credible references to write a short summary about the concepts in the lab. List and cite references in APA style.
  • Hypothesis or Predicted Outcome
    • A hypothesis is an educated guess. Based on what you have learned and written about in the introduction, state what you expect to be the results of the lab procedures.
    • Use the If–then format
  • Methods
    • Summarize the procedures that you used in the lab. The methods section should also state clearly how data (numbers) were collected during the lab; this will be reported in the results or outcome section.
    • Name the control variable, independent variable and dependent variable.
  • Results or Outcome
    • In this section, provide any results or data that were generated while doing the lab procedure.
    • Must copy table and write a description of data.
  • Discussion and Analysis
    • In this section, state clearly whether you obtained the expected results and if the outcome was as expected.
    • Note: You can use the lab data to help you discuss the results and what you learned.
    • Must state whether you accept or reject the hypothesis

Provide reference list in APA format, include a reference for in-text citations used in the introduction

Does yeast need air to make bread rise?

APR 24, 2017


First, choose 1 of the following observations or questions:

  • Option A
    • Observation: During the winter, you spread salt daily on your driveway to melt the snow. In the springtime, when the lawn begins to grow, you notice that there is no grass growing for about 3 inches from the driveway. Furthermore, the grass seems to be growing more slowly up to about 1 foot from the driveway.
    • Question: Might grass growth be inhibited by salt?
  • Option B
    • Observation: You and your neighbor have small kitchen gardens where you both grow tomatoes. His blotchy green and red tomatoes taste much sweeter than your perfectly uniform red ones.
    • Question: Might tomato sweetness be effected by the green chloroplasts in the fruits?
  • Option C
    • Observation: You went to the bakery to get a loaf of bread, but all of the loaves seemed small. The baker said that he used the same recipe and tested to be sure the yeast in the dough was active, but the machine he used broke down during the kneading process. Because the bread rose, he decided that it had developed enough gluten, and he baked it off anyway.
    • Question: Does yeast need air to make bread rise?

After choosing 1 of the above options (observation and question), you will do some library or Internet research about the subject. Once you have become familiar with the topic, propose a testable hypothesis to answer the question, and follow the rest of scientific method to determine if your hypothesis is correct by designing a controlled experiment.
You will not actually do the experiment or collect results; rather, you will propose a workable controlled experiment and make up what would seem to be reasonable results. You will then discuss those imagined results and draw a conclusion (based upon your imagined results) about whether or not to accept your hypothesis.
Complete the steps of the scientific method for your choice of observation and question using the directions below. Use the following headings in your paper.
The introduction is an investigation of what is currently known about the question being asked. Before one proposes a hypothesis or dashes off to the lab to do an experiment, a thorough search is made in the existing literature about the specific question and about topics related to the question. Once one is familiar with what is known about the question under consideration, one is in a position to propose a reasonable hypothesis to test the question.
This is an educated guess or a best guess about what might be the explanation for the question that is asked. A hypothesis should be a 1-sentence statement (not a question) that can be tested in an experiment. A hypothesis can be stated as a prediction using an if/then statement. The ability to test a hypothesis implies that it has a natural, repeatable cause.
Controlled Experimental Method
The hypothesis is tested in a controlled experiment. A controlled experiment compares a control (e.g., the normal, unmodified, or unrestricted, or uninhibited set-up based on the observation) to one or several experimental set-ups. The conditions in the experimental set-ups are identical to the control in every way (e.g., temperature, composition, shape, kind, etc.), except for the one experimental variable that is being tested. The results obtained from the experimental set-ups will be compared to each other and to those obtained from the control. If done correctly, any differences in the results may be attributed to the experimental variable under consideration.
When designing an experiment, it is important to use multiples (replicates) for each set-up to avoid drawing the wrong conclusion. If the experiment only has one control and only one experimental setup with just one test subject in each, there is always the chance that a single living organism (test subject) could get sick or even die for reasons not caused by the experimental variable. Because living organisms are genetically different, the results from just one test subject in a given setup may not be typical for the species as a whole. This could result in errors when interpreting the results. This kind of problem is avoided by using multiple controls and multiple experimental setups with multiple test subjects.
Be sure to provide sufficient details in your method section so that someone could reproduce your experiment.
The experimental method section should also state clearly how data (numbers) will be collected during the experiment, which will be used to compare results in each test setup.
Because this is a suppositional experiment, you will make up results according to what you think might happen if you actually did the experiment.
Results should include detailed raw data (numbers) rather than just a summary of the results. For example, if data are collected daily for five weeks, results should include the actual data from each day, and not just a summary of what happened at the end of the five weeks. Recorded results should match the experimental method.
In this section, clearly state whether you reject or accept the hypothesis based on the (imagined) results. Discuss what this means in terms of the hypothesis, such as the need for additional experiments or the practical uses or implications of the results

The Effect of low pH on Enzyme Activity

Final Applied Lab. ProjectInstructions
Final Applied Lab Project (1 credit Lab Component)
Addresses course outcomes 1-5:

  • apply the scientific method to scientific investigations
  • state a scientific hypothesis and design a basic experiment
  • conduct an experiment, make observations, and collect data
  • use knowledge of biological principles to correctly interpret qualitative and quantitative information
  • use critical analysis to draw conclusions

This is the culminating assessment in BIOL 102. It is designed to assess your ability to apply the principles of the scientific method. For this project, you will complete the activity below. Make sure to address all points (questions) associated with the activity.
The Effect of low pH on Enzyme Activity
Design an experiment in which you will test the effect of an acidic fluid on enzymatic activity. (Recall: enzymes are proteins.) To complete this project, it may be useful for you to review the Scientific Method Tutorial (found the Course Content section of the classroom under the Science Learning Center link) and the Scientific Method lab (Lab 1), so that you can better understand how to design an experiment.  It may also be helpful for you to review your textbook and Lab 4 (Enzymes).  As you review Lab 4, you will be reminded that there are several factors that impact enzymatic activity: pH, temperature, and amount of reagent.  Feel free to refer to observations and information from Lab 4 as you complete the Final Applied Project (see the questions below). Or in other words, it is OK to use the same enzyme/subtrate/method as you did in lab 4 (but modify the treatment), or you can search on-line to find a different enzyme/subtrate/method for measuring enzyme activity.
As you design your experiment for this project, please remember that you are trying to examine how an acidic fluid will modify the outcome of an enzymatic reaction.  To successfully complete this project, you will need to identify the question(s) being asked in your experiment and the hypothesis that you are testing.  In your experimental design, you must clearly explain what you are doing. That means that you will need to identify the enzyme and the acid, as well as explain your experimental protocol (this information will help you to answer question 2).  You must also thoroughly explain how the addition of the acidic fluid impacted the overall reaction process (this information will help you to answer question 4).
Hint: Keep in mind that the acid will change the environmental conditions of the experiment (for example, a low pH value could change the shape of the active site on the enzyme protein), without directly participating in the reaction.
Lab Materials
You may need all or some of the following, depending on your experimental design:
Materials from your lab kit:

  • pH paper
  • hydrogen peroxide solution (you can purchase this at a pharmacy if you have used up the bottle that came with the lab kit)
  • plastic beakers or cups
  • vinegar
  • yeast (can be purchased at grocery store if you need more)
  • balloons
  • plastic bottle
  • marker for labeling of beakers

You may choose to use additional materials (different acidic solutions and/or different organisms and/or differnet subtrate(s) if you chose to look at an enzyme other than catalase).
Outline  submit in assignment folder in week 7.
I suggest you include the following in your outline:

  • Name of enzyme you will use, and source (organism)
  • The substrate
  • How you will measure enzyme activity (method)
  • What type of treatment you will you; type of solution(s), pH, length of exposure, how you will treat your samples
  • The control(s) in the experiment
  • Sample size
  • Maybe how you plan to present your data (table and/or type of graph)
  • Anything else you would like to get feedback on before you start your experiment.

Write a paper that includes the following:
1. Title page: title, your name, course name, semester
2. Introduction: introduce your project, include needed background information, the question(s) that you are asking and a clear hypothesis for your experiment.
3. Design an experiment. Provide a detailed account of the materials and methods used to conduct the experiment. Also include the methods for data collection and analysis.
4. Conduct the experiment and record your results. What did you observe? Present your data in table and/or graph . Remember to include the unit of measure.
5. Use your knowledge about enzymes and acids to interpret and discuss your results. It may be necessary for you to refer to your textbook and/or use other information resources. What effect does the acidic treatement have on the enzyme activity? Looking back, how could you have improved your experiment?
6. What is your conclusion? Was your hypothesis supported?
7. Cite all reference sources used (including text book) and provide a reference section with citations in APA format
Submit your final applied lab project as an attached Word document in the assignment folder by the due date specified in the course schedule