Briefly explain how the Ames test is performed and the purpose of the Ames test?

Biology homework help

1/ Briefly explain how the Ames test is performed and the purpose of the Ames test?
2/ Briefly explain the following and their significance:
(A) Retrotransposon:
(B) Tm-
(C) Glycosylase:
3/ You have just been hired by a new pharmaceutical company, Double Helix, as their quality control scientist. The company has seen an increase in the number of laboratory mistakes lately and it is your job to solve these problems. Explain how the following procedures should or should not affect the experimental results.  Explain the reasoning for your answer. (A) a) In performing a DNA fingerprinting experiment, the researcher doesn’t denature the DNA. (B) The researcher uses two primers in the same di- deoxy (Sanger)sequencing reaction. (C) In performing a yeast knockout, the cells are grown in the absence of Uracil. (D) When performing a P element insertion in Drosophila, the researcher forgets to add the marker gene on one of the plasmids.
5/ Answer the following questions regarding PCR. Briefly explain how parent First and Second generation DNA strands differ in a PCR reaction (that is the template DNA, the First product of the PCR reaction and the Second product derived from the First).

6/ After working in the lab for some time, you have developed a series of inhibitors that block specific enzymes and proteins from functioning properly (both in bacteria and in mammalian cells depending on the protein). These inhibitors work immediately and completely (the protein does not function) upon addition to cells in culture. Given inhibitors for the proteins shown below, what will happen to the cells on the treated plates? Determine if the affect on cell function will be immediate, slow or unnoticeable and explain your answers. (A) DNA (bacteria)- (B) Primase (bacteria)- (C) Telomerase (mammalian cells)-

Which course of action treats everyone the same and does not show discrimination?

Biology homework help

Controversial Issues in Biology and Ethical Decision making
Objective: This assignment is designed as an introduction to thinking ethically. The goal for students: identify facts and parties involved as well as the ethical standards necessary in ethical and policy decision making.
1. Visit the following website:
2. select an article from the numerous available categories
3. Click on the “tools” tab, then scroll down to “blogs”
4. Post a short essay (400-800 words) describing the research and your reaction to this controversial issue in biology today. Please use the questions below to guide you in your efforts.
5. Suggested topics may include stem cell research, cloning, GMOs, end of life decisions, transhumanism or any issue that relates to the environment or ethical treatment of animals. Select a topic that interests YOU.
6. You may also site other references which may or may not be peer reviewed as we are generating public discussion and debate.
7. Respectfully respond to one other student’s blog.
8. Please Visit the following website: for excellent examples of student blogs

Question or concern
1.Please post the link to the article you visited
Point value
2. What is the ethical issue or topic of concern? Why is this issue controversial? 2
3. What is the procedure, activity, research or technology used for?
4. What is the goal?
5. What studies are being conducted?
6. What are the pros and cons? 3
7. What parties are affected?
8. What moral rights do the affected parties have?
9. How are these rights being violated?
10. What role has the media or education system played (if any) in reporting this issue and how has it affected the public?
11. Do you feel the reporting has been fair and unbiased?
12. What treatment (policy or decision) do you support?
13. Which method (below) will you use to arrive at this decision?
1. What leads to the best overall consequences? (Utilitarian approach)
2. Which course of action best respects all parties’ rights? (rights approach)
3. Which course of action treats everyone the same and does not show discrimination? (The fairness or justice approach)
4. Which course of action advances the common good (common good approach)
5. Which course of action develops moral virtues (The virtue approach)
14. Find another article on this same issue. Describe how this article relates to the article you summarized (above) (Does the study contradict what you found? IS the author for or against the technology? Etc.)Please the link to the 2nd article you found. 3
15. Respectfully respond to one other student blog; Reply to any comments made to your blog. Your comments should attempt to generate discussion and dig deeper into the issues. 5
Total points 25

How can understanding biomedical situations assist in your career?

Biology homework help
Biomedical Simulations Research
There have been many changes in healthcare informatics in the last years, and research has aided immensely in these changes.
In order to stay informed, you must become familiar with research, as the information obtained can assist you in staying abreast of the newest findings and products. One source for health care informatics research is MEDLINE®, which contains journal citations and abstracts for biomedical literature from around the world, and will help you quickly find the latest research findings on specific subjects.
For your initial Discussion Board post, please focus on the topic of biomedical simulations
Please include the following in your post:

  • Include one research publication related to biomedical simulations.
  • Explain what this publications details about biomedical simulations.
  • How can understanding biomedical situations assist in your career?
  • In order to stay informed, you must become familiar with research, as the information obtained can assist you in staying abreast of the newest findings and products. One source for health care informatics research is MEDLINE®, which contains journal citations and abstracts for biomedical literature from around the world, and will help you quickly find the latest research findings on specific subjects

What are the three physical factors that influence pulmonary ventilation?

Biology homework help
Discussion Post
—Word Count Is Your Discretion for All Questions Except Question 6 750 Words Minimum!!!
—MLA Format
— Cite All Sources
— Due 2pm American/ New York Time
— 2/14/18
**Read Case Study 1 Attached & Answer Question 1**
Case 6-1: An Adolescent Couple with HIV
Question 1: “You are the nurse in the clinic on the day Alexa finds out she has HIV. She remains in the clinic for more than an hour with you while you try to support and console her. You have had formal HIV counseling training, so you apply your skills as you communicate with her. Several weeks later, after Alexia is more composed and has had time to think more about her situation, she drops by the clinic and wants to talk with you on a more personal basis. She needs comforting. What approaches will you use with Alexa? Please explore how to use and apply the nursing ethical competencies to help Alexa. Be specific with your approaches and rationales. You can approach this issue keeping in mind the three key ethical principles of autonomy, beneficience and nonmaleficense as they relate to your nursing interventions.
** Read Case Study 2 Attached & Answer Question 2 **
Question 2: CBRT Case Study Attached. Use article to answer questions below
1. Phosgene exposure causes inflammation and pulmonary edema that is deleterious to the function of the lungs. (a) What are the three physical factors that influence pulmonary ventilation? How would each of these factors be affected by inflammation and edema?
2. After exposure to phosgene gas, the partial pressures of both O2 and CO2 would be altered in the blood and tissues, because the mechanism for moving these gases in and out of the body has been compromised. After severe exposure to phosgene, what would you expect to find if you measured the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) and carbon dioxide (PCO2) in the alveoli, the blood plasma, and the cells of the tissues?
3. The transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood is critical for survival. The victims with the most severe symptoms would need mechanical ventilation to overcome the inability of their respiratory systems to maintain normal blood levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Phosgene gas would reduce the amount of oxygen available for transport to the tissues. In addition, the metabolic waste product carbon dioxide is transported by three mechanisms back to the alveoli in the blood. Here carbon dioxide crosses the respiratory membrane, driven by a pressure gradient that favors its exit via the lungs during exhalation. By knowing which mechanism transports the most CO2, predict what would happen to the blood pH if the CO2 level dramatically increased?
** Read Below & Answer Question 3**
Question 3:  Give a brief description of Botox & briefly describes how it affects the nervous system and action potential conduction. You should have a minimum of 2 academically appropriate resources.
** Read Below & Answer Question 4 I Attached Chapters** 
Question 4:  Please read Controversy 13 in your text, about Childhood Obesity and Early Chronic Diseases. As with many public health concerns, there is a controversy around personal responsibility and environmental influence. This conflict is further complicated when it involves children. Discuss what individuals, groups, or agencies you think are responsible for addressing childhood obesity? Please propose two to three solutions to address this concern and provide evidence to support your ideas.
** Read Below & Answer Question 5**
Question 5: Please read the following scenario and submit a report with a response to each of the associated questions. Cite sources in APA style.
                                                     Mini Case Study of Betsy’s Bones
Betsy is a 72-year-old retired teacher who lives alone. She used to love gardening, but since moving to a condo, doesn’t get much time outside, and spends most of her days reading or talking on the phone. She presents to her doctor complaining of right leg pain and muscle weakness. Her laboratory results showed deficient vitamin D and reduced bone density, and a diet recall included:
• Breakfast: two hard-boiled eggs, 1 whole grapefruit with 1 tsp sugar, 12 oz. black coffee
• Lunch: cucumber sandwich (made with a ½ cup of sliced cucumber, 2 slices white bread, and 1 T mayonnaise), 1 oz. potato chips, 16 oz. unsweetened iced tea
• Dinner: pasta (1 c.) with meatless marinara sauce (1/2 c.), small white roll, 1 glass red wine, fun-size Milky Way.
Betsy is 5’4” and weighs 126# (57kg). She says she loves to cook, but since it’s just her, she usually just prepares something quick and easy. Every Sunday she goes to church and to the grocery store, but otherwise, she doesn’t leave the house much.
1. Estimate how much protein Betsy is getting. How much does she need? Is her intake adequate? What recommendations do you have regarding Betsy’s protein intake?
2. What about Betsy’ fluid intake? Is she getting enough water? What are potential consequences of not taking in enough fluid?
3. Her doctor recommended a vitamin D supplement. What other ways can Betsy improve her vitamin D status? List some foods that are good sources of vitamin D.
4. Betsy’s mom had osteoporosis and she’s concerned about developing it too. What steps can Betsy take to maintain her bone health? Are there specific nutrients other than vitamin D and calcium that are important to bone health?
5. Why is vitamin D deficiency more common in the elderly?
** Read Below & Answer Question 6**
Question 1: You are required to post  750-word summary of a personal response to a attached  article (MATERNAL-FETAL CONFLICT). The summary should reflect self-awareness and critical thinking regarding why you chose both the article and the subject matter. Validate your opinion with references to the code of ethics. Articles and references used in researching the topic summary must be cited using proper APA format.
Provide some background describing it and why it is timely and worth consideration.
What are the pro and con arguments about the problem? Refer to ethical concepts, theories and principles in your book.
What is your position on this problem and why? How do you think it could be resolved?
** View the Video Below & Answer Question 7**
Question 7: Reflection: After viewing the “Unusual Support Group” material, why is it that infection rates went up AFTER better sanitation? If Polio had infected the human population for centuries and only a small percentage has long-lasting damage, why were we so determined to “fight” this infection and eradicate it?