Find a popular publication or other popular media reference to a study on human evolution and then compare the original study with the popular presentation.

Biology homework help
You will need to submit a proposal for your paper topic.  Each option has slightly different requirements.  Please read Final paper – overview and options for a full summary.  I have provided brief guidelines for the proposal below.
You must obtain instructor approval for your topic choice. I will read your proposal and let you know if any modifications need to be made before you start to write/research your final paper.
Option 1: Find a popular publication or other popular media reference to a study on human evolution and then compare the original study with the popular presentation.
Option 1 proposal requirements:

  • 1 A working title and a brief summary of the “popular study” you have chosen.
  • 2 Who wrote your “popular study” or what venue was it presented in?
    • Give me a brief description of the publication, TV show, blog, or other popular venue where the study was mentioned.
  • 3 When was your “popular study” published (aired)?
  • 4 Identify the original study being referred to – title, author, where published

Option 2: Find an editorial or opinion piece on some aspect of human evolution, and see if you can find actual studies that support the editorial’s position/claims.
Option 2 proposal requirements:

  • 1 A working title and a brief summary of the editorial or opinion piece you have chosen.
  • 2 Who wrote your editorial and what venue was it presented in? Give me a brief description of the publication, TV show, blog, or other popular venue where the opinion was expressed.
  • 3 When was your editorial published (aired)?
  • 4 Identify the evolutionary principle(s) being referred to and a scientific study on that topic.

Option 3: Write a traditional research paper on some aspect of human evolution.
Option 3 proposal requirements:

  • 1 A working title and a brief summary of the topic you have chosen. Be sure to tell me how it pertains to human evolution.
  • 2 Include at least one scientific study on this topic that you have already identified – title, author, brief summary.
  • 3 Include at least three academic articles or books written on this topic that you have already identified – title, author, brief summary.

What is it about X−rays that makes them so useful in crystallography?

Biology homework help

Assignment 2 Due February 20, 2018 Details of assignment begin on p. 6
PDB shows us proteins like these

Electron microscope view of collagen fiber with those two LDL particles attached to it
in a heart valve —Frank et al 1994
Source: Biosites, David S. Goodsell, Scripps
The Basement Membrane is a layer of fibers found under the epidermis, also around the capillaries, in kidneys, etc. Goodsell’s painting of it is based microscopic views and on PDB structures like the one below
& What X-ray Crystallography Can Show Us About the Structures of Important Proteins
Basement Membrane
Length of dotted line: 8.33 nm
PDB ID: 1bkv
Collagen III
Physics 3750. Dr. Villanueva 1 Winter 2018
at crystal
Structures deduced (Fourier analysis, geometry …)
HUGE amount of math is done are projected
Images are made crystal layers in different ways
X−rays interact with
Source :R an dy Rea de, U nive rsity of Cam brid ge
What is it about X−rays that makes them so useful in crystallography? It is their very short wavelengths. X−rays are between 10 nm and 0.01 nm in length,
that is, between 100 and 0.1 Angstroms.
The phenomenon of X−rays was discovered in 1895 By 1914 scientists were
using X−rays to investigate
very simple: halite, or rock salt. atomic structure to be deduced crystals of minerals. The first
Halite crystal (Rock salt)
Atoms in Halite crystal
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkins produced the structure of cholesterol. In 1969
Thus some X−rays are on the same scale as atoms, 1 or 2 Angstroms,
with atoms and molecules, and the interactions can be analyzed as well as bonds between atoms . Being of similar size, X−rays can interact
Analysis of more complex organic compounds came later. In 1937
she unravelled the much more complex structure of the insulin molecule.
X−ray Crystallography
Introduction to Assignment 2
Physics 3750. Dr. Villanueva 2 Winter 2018
An early example of
X-ray Diffraction Analysis
Rosalyn Franklin’s “Photo 51”1 nm 10 “rungs”on the ladder~3.4 nm
This photo ↑ is based on an X-ray diffraction study of DNA.
It helped Francis Crick and James Watson show in 1953 that DNA is shaped like the double helix above.
For a simple explanation of how the deduction was made, see the PBS slide show, “Anatomy of Photo 51:”
An X-ray wavelength often used in X-ray crystallography: ~ 0.136 nm (< 1/7 of a nanometer: pretty small)
Physics 3750. Dr. Villanueva 3 Winter 2018

determine which of the statements you agree should be used to define Health Policy in the United States?

Biology homework help
Looking at Table 7 – 1 “Excerpts from the preamble of the Constitution of the World Health Organization” in the McLaughlin & McLaughlin text, determine which of the statements you agree should be used to define Health Policy in the United States? Which would you exclude from your policy? Support your conclusions with content form your textbook and outside readings.
Your thread is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday, and your three replies are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Saturday.
I need one Main Post (Minimum 400 words) and three Responses (200-250 Words each)
Below are the specific requirements for each part of this assignment.
· Must be at least 400 words.
· A minimum of one source is required (course textbook may be used).
· Citations used should be formatted in APA.
· Should thoroughly address the topic prompt, using citations as appropriate.
· Must post at least three 200–250-word replies to your classmates/instructor per forum.
· Should expand upon ideas expressed in your classmates’ threads by adding new ideas to points that you agree with and/or explaining areas of disagreement.
· Should be posted intermittently throughout the forum.  Do not complete all of the replies at one time; instead, allow for conversation to develop by posting multiple times throughout the week.
· A minimum of one source per reply is required (course textbook may be used).
· Citations used should be formatted in APA.
I have attached the Discussion Rubic as to how the Main post and Responses would be Graded. Please follow every single Instruction. There is a Video attachment too that NEEDS TO BE USED doing the work
I have also attached the Main post of two students and one for instructor you need to respond to. Please send me the main post as well as the responses
Required Resources:
McLaughlin, C. P., & McLaughlin, C. D. (2015). Health policy analysis: An interdisciplinary approach (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. ISBN: 9781284037777.
American Psychological Association. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (Current ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Iverson, C, Christiansen, S, & Flanagin, A. AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors Current ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Requirement from Instructor:
I want to encourage you to spend some time this week as you go through the Worldview assignment and not just throw something up. I think that we miss the point of a Christian Education if we don’t pause on occasion and reflect on our worldview and how it effects the view of our society. I know last week was some heavy lifting so breath a little deeper this week and enjoy a simple and personal reflection. I am always excited to read your reflections in week 4.

How would the organization identify the cost drivers?

Biology homework help
Activity-based costing is one of the most accurate methods that can be used to allocate overhead. However, it is not often used in many smaller organizations due to the substantial cost involved with its implementation.
Using the module readings and the Argosy University online library resources, research the activity-based costing method. Use your research and/or your experiences as a working professional to complete this assignment.
Respond to the following:

  • If you have utilized an activity-based costing system in your former or current employment, describe how this system had been used. In your response, be sure to include your experience and position on the effectiveness of the activity-based costing system. Support your ideas by drawing on your readings and scholarly articles.
  • If you have not encountered this type of system in your work experience, assume a company needs to switch to an ABC system. Describe the common cost drivers that could be used.
  • How would the organization identify the cost drivers?
  • How would the organization use them in the implementation of this system? You may use your former or current company for the analysis.Using the module readings and the Argosy University online library resources, research the activity-based costing method