Discuss vertical zonation in the marine environment

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Here are the assigned discussion questions for Week 6:
1) Discuss vertical zonation in the marine environment
2) Discuss some adaptations organisms in the open ocean use to avoid predation
3) Discuss the classification of plankton by each of these factors:
a) Size
b) Mode of nutrition
c) Life history
d) Taxonomic category
4) What is the bacterial loop, and why is it important in the open ocean?
5) Explain the relationship between pressure and ocean depth
6) Discuss some adaptations of deep-sea organisms to high pressure
7) Discuss some adaptations of deep-sea organisms to low temperatures
8) Discuss some adaptations of deep-sea organisms to lack of food
9) Discuss the adaptive value of bioluminescence for deep-sea organisms
Using this week’s assigned readings (and maybe an occasional peak at Google) you should be able to find the answers to your assigned discussion question. You must write one original post for your own assigned discussion question and two replies two other students’ posts. Each post should be at least 100 words in length. For full credit, link to a webpage that pertains to the subject. Have fun!

Explain your personal opinions about eating a cloned animal

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Ethics of Cloning
In 2008, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved food derived from cloned animals. In addition, these products did not need to be labeled as “cloned” or “from clones” (Black, 2008). The FDA explained that you would not be eating the clone itself. It takes thousands of dollars to clone a food animal such as a cow or pig. Animals that are cloned for improved food production are used for a breeding program to produce many offspring with the desirable traits for increased meat or milk yield. These offspring of the clones are fair game for food.
Recommended: Click on the following link to review material to enhance your knowledge biotechnology, and to support your opinion of the benefit, difference or safety of food from cloned animals.
Clones as Food
In your discussion post, respond to ALL of the following questions:

  • Based on research and evidence relating to DNA or the process of cloning a mammal, did you find that there are differences between a clone and a “normal” animal?
  • Explain your personal opinions about eating a cloned animal.
  • Is your opinion of eating a cloned plant different?

Utilize at least 1 credible source to support the arguments presented in your post. Make sure you cite appropriately within your narrative, and list the reference(s) in APA format.

Discuss the relationship between health information decision-making and cognitive support in the clinical setting.

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Course outcome addressed in this Assignment:
HI501-2: Discuss the relationship between health information decision-making and cognitive support in the clinical setting.
Unit 3 Assignment Instructions:
Review the scenario, and write a 3–4 page paper, answering the questions below.
A 410-bed hospital has been using a homegrown provider order entry system for 5 years. It has recently decided to put in bar code administration software to scan medications at the time of delivery in order to decrease medical error.
The administration is concerned about medication errors, top-level administration is concerned about meeting The Joint Commission accreditation standards, and the IT department is worried that the scanners may not be reliable and may break, increasing their costs.
The plan is to have a scanner in each patient’s room; nurses will scan the medication when they get to the room and also scan their own badges and the patient’s arm band. The application makes it possible to print out a list of the patients with their scan patterns and the nurses sometimes carry this printout because patient’s arm bands can be difficult to locate or nurses do not want to disturb patients while they are sleeping.
The bar code software was purchased from a vendor and the facility has spent about a year refining it. The IT department is responsible for implementation and has decided that it will implement each of the four inpatient settings one at a time at 6-month intervals.
The hospital administration wants to conduct an evaluation study. You are assigned to be the lead on the evaluation.

  • What is the key evaluation question for this project?
  • Who are the stakeholders?
  • What level of theory is most appropriate?
  • What are specific elements to measure by stakeholder group?

Elaborate on an ethical concern, such as leftover embryos, DNA privacy, or mandated vaccines

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Assignment DetailsUtilize at least 2 credible sources to support the arguments presented in the paper. Make sure you cite them appropriately within your paper and list the references in APA format on your Reference page.Your paper should be 2–3 pages in length, not counting the Title page, Abstract, and Reference page. In accordance with APA formatting requirements, it should be double-spaced and include a running head and page numbers.
Choose 1 of the following biotechnology applications:

  • in vitro fertilization
  • DNA profiling
  • Vaccines
  • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
  • Gene therapy

In an APA-formatted report, research the topic that you have chosen, and answer the following questions:

  • Explain how the process you have chosen meets the definition of biotechnology.
  • Describe how the process is performed.
  • Explain the uses of the application.
  • Discuss at least 1 benefit, 1 drawback, and 1 risk of each of the processes.
  • Elaborate on an ethical concern, such as leftover embryos, DNA privacy, or mandated vaccines.

Use the following guidelines for your report:

  • Utilize at least 2 credible sources to support the arguments presented in the paper. Make sure you cite them appropriately within your paper and list the references in APA format on your Reference page.
  • Your paper should be 2–3 pages in length, not counting the Title page, Abstract, and Reference page. In accordance with APA formatting requirements, it should be double-spaced and include a running head and page numbers.