What are the differences between Gender and Sex?

Biology homework help
8 Questions a Paragraph for each questions:
1)  Why is it SO hard to talk about sex? Since SEX is such a Taboo subject, some individuals may be participating in risky behavior without understanding the possible consequences or how to protect themselves and their partner. Should appropriate sex-talk destigmatized?? What do you think??
2) Read the article on Female Circumcision and post your comments on the Week 4 DISCUSSION BOARD.
Is this ‘barbaric’ or a ‘right-of-passage?’
3) OK… I know you might be saying, “Now wait a minute! I have plenty of sexual desire!” While that may be true, what humans experience is NOT “estrous” (or being “in heat”). Interestingly, despite having similar anatomy and bio-identical hormones, only humans and some very close relatives have menstrual cycles instead of estrous cycle. Read the article below to find out some of the guesses as to why humans are so unique in this aspect. Post your comments on the WEEK 5 DISCUSSION BOARD.
4) Please read this fascinating article on the differences between genders found at http://www.apa.org/research/action/difference.aspx
Men and Women: No Big Difference
Studies show that one’s sex has little or no bearing on personality, cognition and leadership.
The Truth about Gender “Differences”
5) Post in Week 7 Discussion Board – topic, “How do you feel knowing and understanding reproductive biology affects one’s opinions of sexual equality, gender roles, etc?”
6)  Week 8 Discussion Board – “What are the differences between Gender and Sex?”  http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/232363.php  Post Comments
7) https://www.psychologytoday.com/conditions/fetishism
Read the article on Fetishism in the PSYCHOLOGY TODAY WEBSITE. Post your ideas on what the article has to say about when fetishes
cross the line from a simple fetish to a sexual disorder.
” Fetishism is characterized as a disorder when there is a pathological assignment of sexual fixation, fantasies or behaviors toward an inanimate object — frequently an item of clothing — such as underclothing or a high-heeled shoe — or to nongenital body parts — such as the foot. Only through use of this object can the individual obtain sexual gratification. The fetishist usually holds, rubs or smells the fetish object for sexual gratification or asks their partner to wear the object during sexual encounters. Fetishism is a more common occurrence in males, and the causes are not clearly known.  Fetishism falls under the general category of paraphilias, abnormal or unnatural sexual attractions.”
8) Taboo?” on the Psychology today website. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-big-questions/201104/why-is-sex-so-taboo
Post your comments on how/why sex is taboo?

Discuss developmental, gender, and sociocultural factors that impact the health issue.

Biology homework help
Select one of the following widespread psychology-related health issues:
·         Stress
·         Employee conflict in the workplace
·         Obesity
·         Substance abuse
·         Mental health
·         Diabetes
·         Stroke
·         Cancer
Providean overview of the selected health issue and of psychology’s role in health.
Reviewat least one current psychology education program within your employer or your community that educates people about that disease or condition. If you are not sure where to find information, check your employer’s website or human resources department, your city’s website, the local community hospital’s website, or the county health department website.
Proposeimprovements to the selected psychology education or awareness program targeted at the population most affected by the health issue. Build on the existing program you are researching.
Writea 1,500- to 1,750-word paper in which you combine your health issue overview, your review of the education program, and your proposal to improve the program.
Include the following:
·         Identify the psychology health issue and describe characteristics of the individuals or group most affected by the disease.
·         Discuss risk factors that can be controlled, how to control them, and risk factors that cannot be controlled.
·         Discuss developmental, gender, and sociocultural factors that impact the health issue.
·         Discuss the treatment options available to individuals and groups.
·         Describe health-related behavior and health promotion strategies to address this health issue
·         Discuss lifestyles changes that are needed to enhance health and to prevent illness.

Discuss relationship between biological & cognitive psychology

Biology homework help

2013-10-11 07:40
Hello you are not online so im sending you a message of what i need done. Once you get online let me know i will post it and pay you. So you understande this is a group assignment i was choosen to do the introduction and conclusion. The assignment is as follows.
The relationship between biological and cognitive psychology with an emphasis placed on the contributions that Karl Lashley and Donald Olding Hebb have made towards the establishment of neurological-psychological theory.
Prepare a 10-12 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you discuss the topic you selected for your Biological and Cognitive Psychology Presentation. Use presenter notes in each slide for more in depth explanation.   The speaker notes for each slide should have 200-300 words in them and have in-text citations.  The slides can be bullet points.
The speaker notes for each slide should have 200-300 words in them and have in-text citations.
The introduction needs to discuss.(see below) Introduction must be strong .


A.      Discuss relationship between biological & cognitive psychology

B.       Briefly describe how Karl Lashley & Donald Olding Hebb contributed to each

C.       Karl Lashley & Donald Olding Hebb theories involving neuropsychology

The conclusion will have to be based on the other slides(which the team will have to me by sunday. Then i can send you the whole presentation and you can based the conclusion slide off their work. please let me know the charge ASAP.

Analyze the four key characteristics of social psychology as outlined in Fiske (2010)

Biology homework help
Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze the conceptual foundations of social psychology. As a part of your analysis, address the following items: Define social psychology. Analyze the four key characteristics of social psychology as outlined in Fiske (2010). Explain the concept of situationism and the role that it plays in social psychology. Identify the five core social motives and explain how they affect the field of social psychology. Format according to APA standards. The following questions need only be answered in a paragraph or two. Cannot be text book answers but journals a paragraph or two is all that is needed but no direct quotes. Thanks How do people form close relationships? (From a social Psychology perspective) What is antisocial behavior? What is the relationship between antisocial behavior and aggression? NB: This topic is not about antisocial personality disorder, an entirely different topic. Is stereotyping is an automatic response to socialization and cultural identity? What factors influence level of identification with a group? What factors make a group membership irrelevant? discuss how the effective application of a social psych principle might make the world a better place