Distinguish between the greenhouse effect and global warming

Biology homework help
Type name here__________________
Any marine animal that is an active swimmer must find some way to maintain neutral buoyancy; that is, it must have the same density as sea water. If it is more dense, it will sink to the bottom; if it is less dense, it will come bobbing to the surface like a cork.
The density of living tissue is approximately 105% that of sea water. In order to achieve neutral buoyancy, the animal needs to find some way to make itself less dense.
For each of the following groups of animals, use your knowledge you learned in the course and/or the internet, write short paragraph explaining how they maintain neutral buoyancy. For each group of animals, cite at least one webpage as a reference.
a) Bony fish
b) Sharks
c) Squids
d) Nautilus
1) What is a greenhouse gas? Distinguish between the greenhouse effect and global warming.
2) Discuss the four types of greenhouse gases. Give the sources of these gases, their relative contribution to global warming, and their half-lives in the atmosphere.
3) Discuss the evidence for global warming
4) What is a positive feedback process? Describe some ways global warming is a positive feedback process.
5) Discuss some possible effects of global warming
6) Discuss ocean acidification and its possible long-term effects
7) Discuss the factors contributing to the disappearance of coral reefs
Using this week’s assigned readings (and maybe an occasional peak at Google) you should be able to find the answers to your assigned discussion question. You must write one original post for your own assigned discussion question and two replies two other students’ posts. Each post should be at least 100 words in length. For full credit, link to a webpage that pertains to the subject. Have fun!
Dr. Hahn

Cooperative relationships between microorganisms

Biology homework help
Pick one of the following topics and write a primary post of at least 125 words addressing that topic. Also, please make a substantive reply to one of your fellow students.
Topic 1. Cooperative relationships between microorganisms. Gearin (2016) describes cooperative relationships between different species of microscopic organisms called syntrophy. Answer the following two questions about this arrangement:

  • (a) What are the main characteristics of their partnership?
  • (b) How does each species benefit?

Topic 2. The Hawaiian Bobtail Squid and its bacterial endosymbiont. In a 4 minute video clip (iBioEducation, 2013), Bonnie Bassler explains the relationship between the Hawaiian Bobtail squid and it’s endosymbiont, the bacterium Vibrio fisheri. Answer the following two questions about this arrangement:

  • (a) What are the main characteristics of the partnership between these two species?
  • (b) How does each species benefit?

Topic 3. Virus Reassortment and the Alaska Connection. Read the article from MIT News (Trafton, 2017) about tracking the spread of bird flu. Address the following:

  • (a) The Trafton (2017) article describes genetic reassortment of influenza viruses. Explain how genetic reassortment works and what the significance of it is for humans and for domestic fowl.
  • (b) The article explains that one way that influenza strains enters North America is through Alaska. Explain how that works and what the significance of it is for humans and for domestic fowl.

Gearin, C. (2016, April 20). The search for superorganisms. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/next/evolution/superorganisms/
iBioEducation (2013). Quorum sensing in bacteria – Bonnie Bassler. [Video clip]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LebqwdQSFHE
Trafton, A. (2017, March 17). Tracking the spread of bird flu. MIT News. Retrieved from http://news.mit.edu/2017/tracking-spread-bird-flu-alaska-north-america-0317

What are empty calories?

Biology homework help
Determine your BMI
The point of this exercise is for the student to become familiar with his or her own score using a very common biometric indicator. Conduct the exercise using your own data. However, if you do not wish to disclose your own data, then conduct it again with reasonable fictitious data and report that.
Questions 1–4 below are short answer questions. Answer each question in the space provided. Total: 20 points
1. What is your height? ft in What is your weight? Lbs (5 points)
Go to: http://www.choosemyplate.gov/ then click on ONLINE TOOLS in the menu and select BMI CALCULATOR from the drop down menu. Follow the links to the calculator tool hosted by the CDC.gov website. Enter the information to determine your BMI (or use the fictitious data) by clicking the link to the Adult BMI Calculator.
Type the information from above into the appropriate spaces and then click: Calculate BMI.
2. What is your BMI? What recommendations are listed? (5 points)
On the left menu click on: Finding a Balance.
3. What is the caloric balance equation? (5 points)
4. Do you think you are in caloric balance? What are the recommended physical activity levels? (5 points)
Determine your daily caloric input. Prior to completing this part of the lab, you will need to write down everything that you eat and drink for an entire day. Make sure you record everything, and divide the foods into breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. If you do not write down everything, you will have to try to think back and remember what you have eaten for entire day; make sure you include the full 24 hours. Try to pick a typical day. If you are going to a party or have to fast for a lab test, pick a different day.
· Go to the U.S. Department of Agriculture health food and fitness page: https://www.supertracker.usda.gov/ or copy and paste this address into your web browser.
· Click on: FOOD TRACKER
· Start with breakfast, and type in each food that you ate for one day. After each food you type in, click GO.
· Select the closest food from the list that is generated.
· Determine the amount and click the box for the meal in which the item was consumed.
· Click ADD.
· Continue this process until you have included all foods that you ate in a 24-hour period.
· Click on MY REPORTS in the menu at the top of the page.
· Enter the Date and click on CREATE REPORT.
Answer the following short answer questions: Total: 12 points
1. How many total calories did you consume? (4 points)
2. What are empty calories? (4 points)
3. How many empty calories did you consume? (4 points)
Next, you will create a Nutrition Report.
· Click on MY REPORTS, and generate a NUTRIENTS REPORT.
· Export this report as a Word document by clicking on WORD just above the CREATE REPORTS button in the top right corner of the page.
· Open the Nutrient Report that you saved, and copy and paste it after the following question. Paste it in the area marked “Copy and paste your Nutrients Report here.”
Answer Question 4 in essay format. Your answer should be at least 100 words in length. Total: 20 points
4. Using the information in the report and the information that you calculated concerning your BMI, what did you learn about your eating habits? Is there anything that you would change? Are you deficient in any nutrients? Are you above the required amounts in any nutrients?
Copy and paste your Nutrients Report here. Total: 8 points


Which product contains the most calories per serving?

Biology homework help
Unit I Homework
Nutritional Analysis
In Chapters 3 and 4 of the textbook, you learned that the body needs various macro and micronutrients in order to function properly. You also learned about cellular metabolism and what the human body uses as a fuel source. This all seems simple at first glance; however, it can be difficult to determine whether we are getting what our body needs. Even when we know what our body needs, it becomes even more difficult to make sure we are supplying our body with those needs. The car you drive probably requires gasoline in order to function properly. When you need to go somewhere, you make sure you have enough gasoline in the tank to reach your destination. If you do not, you probably stop at a gas station and fill your car’s tank with gas. You do not pour cola in the tank or jelly donuts; you put gas because that is what it needs. Why do we put cola and jelly donuts in our bodies when we do not need them? Often, it is difficult to determine what is in the foods that we eat. Sometimes it is hard to determine if the food contains the correct nutrients or processed foods that our body does not need. This lab exercise will help you learn how to read nutritional labels and determine what your body needs to function properly.
1. Analyze nutritional information based on what the body needs to function properly.
2. Calculate BMI and learn about caloric balance.
You will not need any extra materials other than your textbook and your computer (with internet access) to complete this lab.
· Type or paste all answers directly on this data sheet.
· Use the following nutritional label and answer the questions that follow. You may use your textbook as a resource when comparing the two products.
· Select Save As, and save this document using your last name and student ID as the file name.
· Upload the data sheet as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file when you are finished.

Product A Product B
Serving Size 1oz 1.5oz
Servings Per Container 1 1
Calories 150 165
Saturated Fat 3g 1g
Trans Fat 0g 0g
Cholesterol 3mg 1mg
Sodium 250mg 225mg
Fiber 1g 3g
Sugars 3g 1g
Protein 1g 4g
Vitamin A 35% 30%
Calcium 15% 25%
Vitamin C 100% 100%
Vitamin D 30% 30%
Main Ingredients Milk, potato, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, processed wheat flour Water, nonfat milk, whole corn, vegetable oil, whole wheat flour, rice flour, whole oat flour

Questions 1 – 5 are short answer questions. Answer each question in the space provided. Question 6 is a short essay. Total: 40 points
1. Which product contains the most calories per serving? (6 points)
2. Which product contains the largest serving size? (6 points)
3. Which product contains the most calories per ounce? (6 points)
4. Which product contains the most nutrients that are not as healthy for the body in large amounts?
(6 points)
5. Which product is a healthier choice? (6 points)
6. Explain why you picked the product that you did in question 5. Your answer should be in paragraph format and should be at least 100 words in length. Type your answer directly below.
(10 points)