What information do you find most important when recruiting staff?

Biology homework help
1. The Vice President of HR asked you to develop a policy for recruiting and hiring employees for the hospital. Given that the employees will be working in close proximity of the patients and consumers, identify the three most important elements that you will include in this policy. State why these are important from your viewpoint.
2. What information do you find most important when recruiting staff?
3. Is it just the degrees they possess that is most important. What other things are good to know when hiring qualified staff?

Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions 16
Quality of responses to classmates 12
Frequency of responses to classmates 4
Reference to supporting readings and other materials 4
Language and grammar 4
Total: 40

2. You have been asked to develop a compensation package for the new CEO of the hospital, the new IT manager, and a new pediatric nurse. What components will you address in each of their packages? Will you offer the same type of compensation (variable, fixed, bonuses etc.) for each? Will performance play a part in your compensation package? Provide rationale to support your viewpoint.
What tools would you need to compose this package? Does the local area matter, or is it about the credentials?? When we consider what is needed we must consider the facility and the employee. Remember the additive, “you get what you pay for”.

Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions 16
Quality of responses to classmates 12
Frequency of responses to classmates 4
Reference to supporting readings and other materials 4
Language and grammar 4
Total: 40
3. You are a training coordinator with a personal care facility in Denver. The HR specialist has asked you to plan for a 30-minute employee orientation program on diversity in the healthcare organization. What elements will you include?
Why do we orientate new staff? Some companies wonder if the expense is necessary if we hire qualified employees, but it is more than that. This is where we can establish a culture and a behavior that is larger than what the resume states. What do you think about that?

Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions 16
Quality of responses to classmates 12
Frequency of responses to classmates 4
Reference to supporting readings and other materials 4
Language and grammar 4
Total: 40

Bias in science (and society)

 Biology homework help

Bias in science (and society):

Although many researchers are aware of measurement bias (e.g., measurement error), the bias to which I am referring is, in large part, an unconscious bias that stems from one’s own cultural systems.  All people are influenced by their culture; it shapes their views and interpretations for every situation. Scientists, as people, are not immune to the effects of cultural influence when it comes to framing hypotheses or interpretation of data (i.e., what are legitimate questions, who should be the focus of the study, etc.).
For this exercise you will explore two examples of how unconscious bias influenced (and continues to influence) Anthropology.

Evaluate an example:

The class session for this forum will consist of partner/group discussion followed by full class discussion.

  • For the partner/group discussion, you need to choose one of the following articles to read, answer the questions listed below for that article before class, and be prepared to share with your partner/group. You also need to consider the two questions under the “Everyone” bullet point.
  • For the full class discussion, your group/partnership needs to be prepared to share the consensus answers to the questions with everyone.

Article choices (choose 1):

Primatology:  http://www.nytimes.com/1984/09/18/science/new-view-of-female-primates-assails-stereotypes.html?pagewanted=all (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Piltdown man: http://www.livescience.com/56327-piltdown-man-hoax.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


  • Primatology:
    • In the mid-1980s there was a shift in how primate societies were understood. Summarize the information provided in the section “A Transformed Understanding” about the four areas of primate sex differences in behavior highlighted by the shift.
    • Do you think the bias referred to in the article is legitimate? Why or why not?
  • Piltdown:
    • The Piltdown skull was ‘discovered’ in 1912, and for 40 years it dominated the story of human evolution. According to the article, why was the Piltdown discovery such a ‘success’?
    • What do you think was the unconscious bias that influenced the persistence of this discovery? (consider our discussions about the history of evolutionary theory AND perceptions about what it means to be human)
  • Everyone:
    • Can you find/think of an example of potential bias from your field of study? Consider how research questions are framed and how they are funded.
    • Do you think this type of bias has an impact on science? Why or why not?
    • Think of at least two ways that scientists can work toward decreasing this type of bias in their research.

Written submission: (On Canvas, total word count 250-500)

  • Briefly summarize the article you choose to read for the forum.
  • Provide a summary of the discussion your group had about the example(s):
    • What type of bias(es) did your group decide were influencing the research/reception of research?
    • Did everyone agree on which (if any) bias(es) played a role in the examples you read? If not, what were the disagreements about?
  • Provide a summary of:
    • Examples that either your group or others in the class presented of potential bias in a different area of science (not biological anthropology).
    • Ways in which scientists can work toward decreasing this type of bias. If you feel that this type of bias is not important in science, tell me why you feel that way.

Differences between endotherms and exotherms

 Biology homework help
Use the Physiology Test Template to complete this assignment.
Read the Writing Good Multiple Choice questions article on the Berkeley Lab Training website for tips on writing multiple-choice questions: http://training.lbl.gov/Resources/MultipleChoice.html
Imagine you have been asked to teach a small group of your peers about animal organs.
Create 10 multiple-choice questions to test knowledge of the structure and function of animal organs.
Address the functions of each of the following concepts in your test.

  • Differences between asymmetrical, radial symmetry and bilateral symmetry.
  • Differences between endotherms and exotherms.
  • Definition and examples of epithelial tissue. (provide one example)
  • Definition and examples of connective tissue. (provide one example)
  • Definition and examples of muscle tissue. (provide one example)
  • Definition and examples of nervous tissue. (provide one example)

Use the Physiology Test Template to complete this assignment.
Read the Writing Good Multiple Choice questions article on the Berkeley Lab Training website for tips on writing multiple-choice questions: http://training.lbl.gov/Resources/MultipleChoice.html
Cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

Describe the approaches you would use to ensure that all aspects of patient care were considered when developing a CDS system

 Biology homework help
Unit 4 Assignment Instructions
Imagine that you have been appointed as director of clinical decision support at a healthcare delivery system. This healthcare system consists of several large hospitals and multiple outpatient clinics and uses the same EHR system across the enterprise.
There has been limited CDS activity at the institution prior to your arrival. Now, with Meaningful Use and the increasing need to provide increased care value, the appropriate use of CDS is an institutional priority. The current CDS available at your institution consists primarily of off-the-shelf drug interaction and drug–allergy alerting, which is the source of significant clinician complaints due to the rate of false-positive alerts.
There is a strong sense within the institution’s administration that IT in general and CDS specifically should be leveraged to improve care value and to enable the institution to influence its clinical practice patterns more systematically and more rapidly. You have a reasonable budget and adequate staff to make meaningful changes. You also have support from key institutional stakeholders, including healthcare system executives, the nursing informatics officer, and the chief medical informatics officer. You have been asked to devise a strategic plan for CDS at your institution within 3 months of your arrival and to have concrete “wins” within.
In your response, please include the following information:

  • Describe the approaches you would use to ensure that all aspects of patient care were considered when developing a CDS system. How would you prioritize the efforts of your CDS team?
  • Potential areas on which to focus include areas in which payment rates are tied to national quality measures, CDS interventions that meet Meaningful Use requirements, readmissions for congestive heart failure and other care events for which payers increasingly are not reimbursing, and areas that have been identified as institutional priorities for clinical improvement.


  • Your paper should be 4–5 pages in length.
  • You should include at least three peer-reviewed sources (your text may be one).
  • Your paper should be in APA format.