Explain the need for safe work environment

 Biology homework help
Employee Safety Handbook
You are a new HR specialist in a small hospital.  The hospital has recently had an increase in accidents and work related incidents. The hospital administration has never had a full time HR specialist and is not sure where to begin to address this issue.  One of the first tasks that you are to complete, is to create an employee safety handbook.  The handbook will serve as a guide for employees on how they are to interact in a safe and productive work environment.
Create an employee safety handbook.  Be sure to include the following:
· Explain the need for safe work environment.
· Identify the responsibilities of employees in maintaining a safe work environment.
· Incorporate employee relations doctrines.
· Delineate and describe OSHA standards as it relates to employees.
· Identify and address Joint Commission concerns as it relates to employees.
· Address ramifications if safety and performance management standards are not met.
. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Explained the need for safe work environment. 28
Identified responsibilities of employees in maintaining a safe work environment. 28
Incorporated employee relations doctrines. 24
Delineated and described OSHA standards as it relates to employees. 28
Identified and addressed Joint Commission concerns as it relates to employees. 24
Addressed ramifications if safety and performance management standards are not met. 24
Style (4 points): Tone, audience, and word choice
Organization (12 points): Introduction, transitions, and conclusion
Usage and Mechanics (12 points): Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure
APA Elements (16 points): In text citations and references, paraphrasing, and appropriate use of quotations and other elements of style
Total: 200
Criteria Maximum Points
GR1 Explained the need for safe work environment. 28 points
GR2 Identified responsibilities of employees in maintaining a safe work environment. 28 points
GR3 Incorporated employee relations doctrines. 24 points
GR4 Delineated and described OSHA standards as it relates to employees. 28 points
GR5 Identified and addressed Joint Commission concerns as it relates to employees. 24 points
GR6 Addressed ramifications if safety and performance management standards are not met. 24 points
GR7 Style, Tone, audience, and word choice Organization (12 points): Introduction, transitions, and conclusion Usage and Mechanics (12 points): Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure APA Elements (16 points): In text citations and references, 44 points

What is the phylum of your species?

 Biology homework help
use one PAGE for animal:
use one PAGE for plant
to answer these 10 questions for both (AMERICAN KESTEREL) as an animal and same 10 questions for (SAWEET GUM) as a plant complete and short answer.and the source as what he asked. just write the number of the question and the answer.
1. What is the scientific name of your plant or animal?
2. To which family does it belong? Use the technical name that ends dae in-idae or -aceae.
3. What is the range (geographical distribution) of your species?
4.Where would you expect to find one of your species? In other words, what habitat?
5. Did you find other common names for your species? What are they?
6. What is the phylum of your species? The botanists sometimes use the term division instead of phylum for plants.
7. What are some diagnostic traits of your species? In other words, how can you distinguish it from its nearest relatives?
8. What is an evolutionary adaptation of your species that helps it survive?
9. Give another interesting fact that you learned about your species.
10. Name the kingdom to which your species belongs. For the animal (not the plant), give also the name of the order to which it belongs.
List below three BOOKS you used to get your answers. You may use the intemet, but you still must cite three books. For the BOOKS, give the title, author(s), year published, city where published, call number, and page(s) where you found some answers..
The attachment file is an example of solution method and sources

What are the major differences between eukaryotes and prokaryotes?

 Biology homework help
1. What are the major differences between eukaryotes and prokaryotes?
2. What did you notice about the size of fungi as compared to bacteria?
3. What Domain are the Fungi classified in?
4. Fungi are divided into macroscopic & microscopic fungi. We did not discuss macroscopic fungi, but covered microscopic in detail. What are the two different groups of microscopic fungi?
5. What feature is fungal classification based on?
6. How do yeasts & molds differ in structure?
7. What are the variations in mold structure?
 – Protista
1. What did you notice about the size of protista as compared to bacteria?
2. What domain are the Protists classified in?
3. What are the 2 major divisions of Kingdom Protista?
4. What are diatoms?
5. Describe what diatoms look like under the light microscope. (If we didn’t look at the slide in class – search the internet)
6. What are the two life forms of protozoans?
7. How are protozoa classified?
8. Protozoans are divided into four major groups. What are they? Describe how they differ.
9. List each protozoan looked at in lab. Indicate its motility structure & which group it belongs to. You should also be able to identify the organism (& its scientific name) when shown a picture.
10. Many of the organisms we viewed are pathogens. Give a brief description of the disease or infection associated.
11. How does the ability to form cysts complicate health concerns?

What happens when you give a snail kite an exotic species to eat?

 Biology homework help

What happens when you give a snail kite an exotic species to eat?

Salmon in the Tree
Written Article

Written Article
400-500 words
At least 3 academic articles
In-text citations and reference section (CSE style)
Clearly define the question you are answering
Clear explanations of relevant biological principles, include data where applicable
Well organized- use paragraphs! Have an introduction, middle section where you use relevant details to answer the question, and then a concluding paragraph.
Citing your sources correctly – and avoiding plagiarism
Summary – Write a summary using your own words of the ideas or the text you want to use. Be original without using the words of the original work and be sure you cite the source for the information
Paraphrase – is similar to a summary. It just means taking what you have read and rewriting it in your own words. You must cite the paraphrase.
Use “direct quotes” only where absolutely necessary.
NOTE:  If there is evidence of plagiarism in your written article, you will receive zero for the assignment AND you will be reported to the Academic Integrity Committee
Using ‘in-text’ citations
Name-Year (N-Y) System in CSE
Be sure that every in-text citation has a corresponding entry in the reference list.
In-text citations (also known as parenthetical references) include the author’s last name and year of the reference without a comma, e.g., (Smith 2011).
If there is no author, include the first word(s) of the title (enough to identify the source) followed by an ellipsis (…), e.g., (Biological research … 2007)
For two authors, list both last names in the in-text citation separated by “and” (NOT an ampersand “&”), e.g., (Haggarty and Gaynor 2008)
For more than two authors, list the first author’s last name followed by “et al.” and the year, e.g., (Coyne et al. 2001)
Written Article

Writing Tips
Interpret facts for your reader
Know your audience
Be concise
No direct quotes
Do not use contractions, slang, or metaphors
Italicize species names
eg. Thermus aquaticus
Capitalize names of taxonomic groups
eg. Proteobacteria, Mammalia
Data is plural
Don’t be teleological, don’t anthropomorphize
Science Things