Explain the difference between active immunity and passive immunity

Biology homework help
1. What is homeostasis? Give a physiologic example of the negative feedback mechanism in the human body and explain the process.

2. List 4 differences between arteries and veins

3. Trace the pathway of blood through the adult human circulatory system.

4. Is it safe for a woman with blood type AB- to receive blood from a person with blood type O+ ? Explain the reason for your answer.

5. Explain the difference between active immunity and passive immunity

6. List 3 types of skeletons and give 2 examples of an animal for each skeleton type.

7. Discuss briefly about the characters and evolution of mammals?

8. List 4 characteristics of the tapeworm and explain how they help it adapt to its lifestyle?

9. Define molting and explain why insects have to molt?

10. Explain how the features of reptiles and amphibians help them adapt to their different environments?

11. List the 4 basic characteristics of chordates

How do the termite mounds benefit other organisms on the savanna?

Biology homework help

Respond to one (1) of the following three topics with a “primary post” of at least 125 words. Also, please reply to a fellow student on any topic..

  • (1) Pacific Lampreys. Watch the video on Pacific Lampreys (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 2012). Please address the following three questions: (a) where do Pacific lampreys fall in the taxonomy of vertebrates? (b) what challenges do Pacific lamprey populations face? (c) why are Native American tribes of the Northwest concerned about them? (Please note: take care not to confuse the Pacific lamprey (described in the video) with the Sea Lamprey, which is a completely different species that is considered an invasive species in the Great Lakes).
  • (2) Population Distribution of Termites in a Savanna. Watch the video describing Corina Tarnita’s research on the spacing of termite mounds in savanna ecosystems (HHMI Biointeractive, 2015). The address the following questions: (a) What were Tarnita’s findings about the spacing of termite mounds? (b) What does Tarnita think is the main factor that governs the spatial distribution of the termite mounds? (c) How do the termite mounds benefit other organisms on the savanna?
  • (3) Supporting the Energy Needs of a Large Brain. Read the article by Zimmer (2011). Brain tissue is energetically expensive. For a species to evolve a large brain, it may need to make certain adjustments to ensure that enough energy is available to support brain function. Zimmer (2011) discusses some different adjustments in the human line of descent that may have enabled us to evolve larger brain. Explain one of these adjustments.

Zimmer, C. (2011, July/August). The brain. Discover, 32 (6), 18-19. Retrieved from EBSCOhost via Strayer University LRC. [Note: this article is located behind a paywall on the web, but you can access it for free from the Strayer University Library via EBSCOhost].
HHMI Biointeractive (2015, November 11) Analyzing patterns in the savanna landscape. [Video]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/nJGpABrEatc
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. (2012). Taking the initiative to conserve Pacific Lamprey. [Video]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkwfDVAoSXk

How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems

 Biology homework help
Main organs of the system:
These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.
Skeletal muscle
What each organ does:
How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems
(Describe one interaction with another organ system)
One disease of the system:
Name and main function of the system:
Main organs of the system:
These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.
What each organ does:
How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems
(Describe one interaction with another organ system)
One disease of the system:
Name and main function of the system:
Main organs of the system:
These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.
Heart, arteries, veins, capillaries
What each organ does:
How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems
(Describe one interaction with another organ system)
One disease of the system:
Name and main function of the system:
Main organs of the system:
These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.
Lymph nodes
What each organ does:
How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems
(Describe one interaction with another organ system)
One disease of the system:
Name and main function of the system:
Main organs of the system:
These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.
Hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, testes, ovaries
What each organ does:
How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems
(Describe one interaction with another organ system)
One disease of the system:

Human Body Systems Worksheet

Biology homework help
Human Body Systems Worksheet
Fill in the table for each system. You must identify the system by the organs present. Be as concise as possible.

Name and main function of the system:
Main organs of the system:
These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.
Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus
Salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gall bladder
What each organ does:
How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems
(Describe one interaction with another organ system)
One disease of the system:
Name and main function of the system:
Main organs of the system:
These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.
What each organ does:
How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems
(Describe one interaction with another organ system)
One disease of the system:
Name and main function of the system:
Main organs of the system:
These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.
Scrotum, testes, vas deferens, urethra, penis
Ovaries, fallopian tube, uterus, vagina
What each organ does:
How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems
(Describe one interaction with another organ system)
One disease of the system:
Name and main function of the system:
Main organs of the system:
These are provided. Use this information to fill in the remainder of the table.
Bone, joints
What each organ does:
How the system affects other body systems or is affected by other systems
(Describe one interaction with another organ system)
One disease of the system:
Name and main function of the system: