Explain various treatments for cancer

Biology homework help
Unit II Homework
Cancer and Genetics
In order for organisms to grow, repair, maintain, and reproduce, cells undergo cell division. Sometimes, cells uncontrollably divide, resulting in cancer. In the first part of the Cancer and Cell Division Lab, you will learn about normal cell division and will compare it to cell division that occurs in cancer cells. You will then visit a website to find out more information about cancer. You will learn why it occurs, why it kills, and new treatments that are being tested and used to treat cancer.
1. Explain the process of cancer, the effects on the human body, the various types, and the risk factors involved.
2. Explain various treatments for cancer.
3. Explain the various stages of mitosis.
No extra materials will be required to complete this lab other than internet service.
· Go to the following website: http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/genbio/virtual_labs/BL_23/BL_23.html
· Follow the steps under the PROCEDURE section.
· Type all answers directly on the data sheet.
· Select Save As, and save this document using your last name and student ID as the file name.
· Upload the data sheet as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file when you are finished.
While viewing the video, answer the following questions. Total: 8 points
1. In which stage of cell division is the DNA copied? (4 points)
2. During which stage of mitosis do the chromosomes line up in the middle? (4 points)
After viewing the video, click on the Information tab in the bottom right corner. Answer the following questions. Total: 12 points
1. In which of the cancer types listed, are males not at risk of developing? (4 points)
2. Cigarette smoke is a major risk factor for which type of cancer listed? (4 points)
3. The risk for which type of cancer increases after the age of 55? (4 points)
Continue following the directions under the PROCEDURE section, and complete the following table. Total: 40 points

Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase % of Cells Dividing % of Cells at rest
Normal Lungs
Cancerous Lungs
Normal Stomach
Cancerous Stomach
Normal Ovary
Cancerous Ovary

Continue following the directions under the PROCEDURES section and answer the following questions. Total: 12 points
1. Based on your data and observations, what are some of the differences between normal cells and cancer cells? (4 points)
2. Which type of cancer shows the most aggressive growth? Explain your answer. (4 points)
3. When studying cell division in tissue samples, scientists often calculate a mitotic index, which is the ratio of dividing cells to the total number of cells in the sample. Scientists often calculate the mitotic index to compare the growth rates of different types of tissue. Which type of tissue would have a higher mitotic index, normal tissue or cancerous tissue? Explain. (4 points)
Go to: http://www.cancer.org/
Click on Get Expert Information. Scroll down and click Cancer Basics. Read the sections Understanding Cancer, Cancer in the United States and Finding Cancer Information. After reading each of the Cancer Basics sections, go back to the Get Expert Information page and read about each major type of cancer: breast cancer, colon and rectal cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer and skin cancer. Answer the questions below. Total: 28 points
1. How many people in the US get cancer each year? (4 points)
2. Which activities or factors increase the risk for cancer? (4 points)
3. Since there are many different types of cancer, how is cancer named? (4 points)
4. List two signs or symptoms of breast cancer. (4 points)
5. Can males develop breast cancer? (4 points)
6. What is the most common type of cancer? (4 points)
7. List two ways you could get involved and help fight against cancer. (4 points)


Explain how an anamorphosis species can affect native plants and animals

Biology homework help
Part 1
I would like you to research one adaptation for 5 plants and 5 animals (can be any type of adaptation that allows that species to survive and reproduce) and write a few sentences explaining each one (does not have to be long). You need to include the name and a picture of each plant and animal you write about.
For example …
1) Male peacock -> Insert picture of a male peacock.
Adaptation: Male peacocks grow very long bright feathers in order to attract females. This is an indication of fitness and shows how healthy and strong they are. It also helps them survive because predators are scared of the long multicolored feathers.
2) Sunflower -> Insert picture of a sunflower
Adaption: Sunflowers have very flat and wide leaves. This allows them to absorb the most amount of sunlight possible and make enough glucose through photosynthesis.
Part 2
Research and briefly explain the following terms in your own words (You can not copy and paste or use another person’s descriptions) …
1. Native vs invasive plant species
2. Explain how an anamorphosis species can affect native plants and animals
3. Abiotic vs biotic factors
4. Co-evolution
5. Convergent evolution
Brief information about Edgewood Park: can be anything
7. Bay checkerspot butterfly: information about it and why it is endagered
8. Serpentine soil
9. How to recognize poison oak
10. Adaptions to nutrient poor soil

Explain the process of cancer, the effects on the human body, the various types, and the risk factors involved

Biology homework help
Unit II Homework
Cancer and Genetics
In order for organisms to grow, repair, maintain, and reproduce, cells undergo cell division. Sometimes, cells uncontrollably divide, resulting in cancer. In the first part of the Cancer and Cell Division Lab, you will learn about normal cell division and will compare it to cell division that occurs in cancer cells. You will then visit a website to find out more information about cancer. You will learn why it occurs, why it kills, and new treatments that are being tested and used to treat cancer.
1. Explain the process of cancer, the effects on the human body, the various types, and the risk factors involved.
2. Explain various treatments for cancer.
3. Explain the various stages of mitosis.
No extra materials will be required to complete this lab other than internet service.
· Go to the following website: http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/genbio/virtual_labs/BL_23/BL_23.html
· Follow the steps under the PROCEDURE section.
· Type all answers directly on the data sheet.
· Select Save As, and save this document using your last name and student ID as the file name.
· Upload the data sheet as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file when you are finished.
While viewing the video, answer the following questions. Total: 8 points
1. In which stage of cell division is the DNA copied? (4 points)
2. During which stage of mitosis do the chromosomes line up in the middle? (4 points)
After viewing the video, click on the Information tab in the bottom right corner. Answer the following questions. Total: 12 points
1. In which of the cancer types listed, are males not at risk of developing? (4 points)
2. Cigarette smoke is a major risk factor for which type of cancer listed? (4 points)
3. The risk for which type of cancer increases after the age of 55? (4 points)
Continue following the directions under the PROCEDURE section, and complete the following table. Total: 40 points

Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase % of Cells Dividing % of Cells at rest
Normal Lungs
Cancerous Lungs
Normal Stomach
Cancerous Stomach
Normal Ovary
Cancerous Ovary

Where do we get glucose from?

Biology homework help

Name Ashley Waddy____________________
Biology 1111.06__________________

Chapter 7 Assignment

Worth 100 Points
Directions: Answer the following questions and/or statements below regarding understanding cellular respiration. Don’t forget to use the class format in answering these questions on the assignment. After you have completed the document, submit it in the appropriate dropbox. More than one submission will result in a 10-point penalty. Do not edit the document. The title along with the directions and questions must be included to avoid the 15-point penalty applied to the overall grade. Again, do not edit the document and add your answers to the original document. Remember, the submissions of pdf are not allowed in this class. If a pdf is submitted, you will receive a zero for the assignment for not following directions. Again, all work again should be placed in the dropbox. Also, the document that you submit should be a Microsoft Word Document. If your document is not a Microsoft Word Document, you will not receive any credit for the assignment. NO concessions will be given for late work, resubmissions, or concessions. Again, don’t forget that your answers should be written in the class template and to provide everything that is required for an assignment to avoid penalties. Check your syllabus regarding what is required for all activities
1. Write the chemical equation for cellular respiration. Circle the reactants and underline the products. C6H12O6 + 6O2 ———— 6CO2
2. Where in the cell does cellular respiration occur? It occurs in all the cells body and it is the reason we breathe.
3. Label the parts of the mitochondria – outer membrane, inner membrane, cristae (folds on the inner membrane). Type answer in the box.
4. Where do we get glucose from?
5. What gas combines with glucose in order for glucose to break down?
6. What type of organisms carry out cellular respiration?
7. What does cellular respiration produce for our cells?
8. Where is the energy in glucose stored?
9. What do humans & animals do with the CO2 produced when glucose breaks down?
10. What do plants do with the CO2 produced during cellular respiration?
11. What is the function of the mitochondria?
12. What do we do with the H2O produced when glucose breaks down?
13. What do plants do with the H2O they produce during cellular respiration?
14. What is energy? What is the energy current of the cell? What is energy used for in eukaryotic cells. Be specific. This answer must have at least 5 sentences in order to receive credit.
15. What does glycolysis mean?
16. Where in the cell does glycolysis occur? In the cytoplasm outside the mitochondria, is the breakdown of glucose to two molecules of pyruvate.
17. What is glucose broken down into during glycolysis?
18. Does glycolysis need/require O2?
19. Is glycolysis an anaerobic or aerobic process?
20. Where do the ATP’s that start glycolysis (stage 1) come from?
21. What’s the function of the Krebs Cycle and Electron Transport Chain (stage 2)?
22. What does fermentation mean? It is the anaerobic breakdown of glucose, resulting in the production of two ATP per glucose ensures that ATP is available for cellular processes.
23. Name the 2 types of fermentation. Acholic fermentation and lactic acid fermentation.
24. What organisms carry out alcohol fermentation?
25. Does alcohol fermentation require oxygen?
26. Why does bread dough rise? Explain this process with your understanding of fermentation. This answer must have at least 5 sentences to receive credit.
27. After we exercise strenuously our muscles are sore. Why? This answer must have at least 5 sentences to receive credit.
28. Does lactic acid fermentation require oxygen?
29. Does cellular respiration require oxygen?
30. How often does cellular respiration occur in our bodies?
31. Explain the preparatory reaction and its purpose in cellular respiration. This answer must have at least 5 sentences to receive credit.
32. How many ATP are produced in the Citric Acid Cycle? 6NAD+
33. What is the total amount of ATP produced in Glycolysis?
34. How many times does the Citric Acid Cycle turn to produce 6 NADH?
35. Explain the why ATP Synthase Complex is required in Cellular Respiration. This answer must have at least 5 sentences to receive credit.
36. What are the coenzymes that are used in cellular respiration?
37. Explain why fats produce more ATP than a glucose molecule. This answer must have at least 5 sentences to receive credit.
38. ATP Synthase Complex is found in which reaction that is a part of cellular respiration?
39. Why are H+ ions important for the output of cellular respiration? This answer must have at least 5 sentences to receive credit.
40. Tell one interesting thing that you learned about cellular respiration in chapter 7. This answer must have at least 5 sentences.
Inner membrane
Outer membrane