How would you verify that double stuffed Oreos are double stuffed?

 Biology homework help
Due Date:  Check calendar
From this information or any other valid double stuffed cookie website create an experimental design.
Possible resource:
1. Scientific Method
2.  APA style format
3.  APA Reference citation style
4.  Read the advertisement on the web about the double stuffed Oreo cookies versus the regular ones because you do not need to buy the cookies unless you want to have a Let’s Dunk the Oreo cookies in a Glass of Milk.  (Why Oreo’s?  it was my favorite cookie when I was a kid)
5.  Do not use any Google experiments found on the web.  I will catch it and you will get a 0.
6.  I place all assignments on safe assign and you have access to the report.  I also have another two programs.  So please show me how creative you are using what you learned and how you applied it.
7.  Make sure you read the instructions
Please READ and  ensure that you understand all the lecture notes and use the specific PowerPoints to help you understand the Scientific Method.  You may have to go back to 1.1
One of the best methods of learning this process is to employ all disciplines to apply all the steps to solve the problem.
You may find this amusing because students in science classes often start the first chapter for that familiar step-by-step flow chart. The documentation describes how scientists develop a hypothesis, test a hypothesis, gathers data, analysis and then draw conclusions, and finally summary.
These chapters often include an experiment where students follow directions and answer a question.  Unfortunately, these “canned” experiments often do not enhance or engage the creative process of designing a method to test a hypothesis.  The reason might be that the plan provides for them an activity checklist.
The fun of any investigative process is the development of an authentic approach to testing a hypothesis.  This method requires using critical thinking(logic) and clear communication, flexibility with changing a design that doesn’t seem to work.
Inquiry labs, or open-ended labs, allow students to explore science, answer a question, or test a hypothesis without the traditional recipe tied to traditional labs. Inquiry labs are a great way to start a chapter on learning the scientific method..
Each lab should begin with a simple question that leads to a way that will provide data to support the hypothesis and discover the relationship between the variables, independent and dependent.  I like to go to the grocery store and find my investigative problems there on the grocery shelves.
An example would be how many red M&Ms does a large bag of candy hold.  According to the M&M website, there is a certain percentage.  I love to play a thinking game and see how many red M&Ms are in the bag versus the total number of M&Ms.
Well here is your assignment.
Use the Scientific Method To solve the problem.
How would you verify that double stuffed Oreos are double stuffed?
(Hint: You must use the scientific method)

What is NLP?

Biology homework help
Unit 6 Assignment Instructions
Natural Language Processing (NLP), is not a new technology, but it is one that is not yet fully developed. Many healthcare professionals and organizations are working diligently on how to combine NLP with use in EMRs.
Complete an internet search over NLP, and answer the questions that follow by creating a 3–4 page paper. Cite sources when necessary, following APA formatting principles.

  • What is NLP?
  • What possible benefits will NLP provide to medical professionals and organizations?
  • o What possible disadvantages will occur due to using NLP technology?
  • What are the barriers to using NLP?

What biological structure does the winding stairs in Jerome’s apartment resemble? What do we call this arrangement?

Biology homework help
Extra Credit: 20 pts Name:__________________________________________ Due: Section Day/time:_____________________________
GATTACA Movie Questions Introduction GATTACA is a science fiction movie about a future in which genetic technology determines your success or failure. Using what you’ve learned about DNA and genetics from class, answer the questions below. The questions must be answered in whole. Please use complete sentences to fully answer the question. Movie Questions
1. The title “GATTACA” is composed entirely of the letters found in which type of biological macromolecule? Describe how these “letters” are arranged in the molecule.
2. What biological structure does the winding stairs in Jerome’s apartment resemble? What do we call this arrangement? What components of the molecule are represented by the “steps”? What components are represented by the rails?
3. The FBI agents are called “Hoovers,” a reference to legendary top G-man J. Edgar Hoover, but also a clever reference to a vacuum cleaner brand. There are numerous shots of vacuums being used to gather hair, dead skin cells, and nails. What are these materials being collected? How would these materials be analyzed?
4. The surgery that Vincent undergoes to increase his height is called the Ilizarov procedure, named after the Russian doctor who invented it 40 years ago to treat dwarfism. This painful operation adds length by allowing new bone to grow in the gap left by gradually separating ends of the broken bone. The patient’s shinbones are cut in two, a brace is applied and metal pins would pull apart the ones a millimeter a day. Risks include feet permanently turned at odd angles, twisted legs, and weakened bones that break again and again. Why is Vincent undergoing this procedure? How does it relate to his designation as an “invalid”? How is the connotation of the word “invalid” in this movie different from the current connotation?
5. When GATTACA was first released, as part of the marketing campaign there were advertisements for people to call up and have their children genetically engineered. Thousands of people actually called the phone number, believing the advertisement to be true. Do you think scientists should be working on genetic engineering? Why? Note: technology has advanced since this movie came out. We currently have the capabilities to do some level engineering of gametes. This debate is no longer science fiction, its reality.
6. The film’s working title was “The Eighth Day,” an allusion to the days of creation described in the Bible’s book of Genesis. In the bible God created the earth from nothing in six days and rested on the seventh. Why do you think, The Eighth Day, was considered as a title? Why do you think it was rejected?
7. The beginning of the movie has a quote from Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament, “Consider God’s handiwork, who can straighten what He hath made crooked”. If we can choose the characteristics of our children in the future, then should we? Why or why not? Which characteristics would be OK to choose? Which would not? Who would decide and how?
8. The real Jerome is expected to be perfect because of his “superior” genes. Is this superiority a blessing or a curse for him and why?
9. The Mission Director at GATTACA says, “No one exceeds their (genetic) potential.” Do you agree? Did genes predict Vincent’s success (or failure)? What else might affect someone’s potential? What is the movie’s definition of a “de-generate”?
10. The piano player in the concert scene is playing a musical piece that can only be played by a person with 6 fingers on each hand. How feasible would this characteristic be to genetically engineer?
11. In movie, what do you think was scientifically feasible today? What do you think will be feasible in the future? After you answer this below to see what some of the science the movie got wrong.
Bad Science in GATTACA • Vincent tells Irene that he’s already 10000 heartbeats beyond his expected lifespan. No
doubt he means some much higher number; the human heart beats about 90000 times a day!
• Healthy individuals do not shed nucleated cells into their urine, so DNA cannot usually be obtained from it. If you pee out nucleated cells, then go to the hospital!
• The so-called “electric” cars have tailpipes which produced exhaust. • Here are some famous people who may have not been born if “genetically inferior”
children were discarded in the past: Abraham Lincoln (Marfan’s syndrome), Emily Dickenson (Manic Depression), Vincent van Gogh (Epilepsy), Albert Einstein (Dyslexia), John F. Kennedy (Addison’s disease), Rita Hayworth (Alzheimer’s disease), Ray Charles (Primary Glaucoma), Stephen Hawking (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), Jackie Joyner- Kersee (Asthma). Of course, the other birth that may never have taken place is your own!
12. Describe two other examples of “Bad Science” that you observed in the movie.

What influences have humans had on your local environment, positive or negative

 Biology homework help
respond to student post
Stacia post
The core values that best relate to this situation include:  basing work on the knowledge of how children develop and recognizing that children achieve their full potential in the context of relationships that are based on trust and respect.  In this particular situation, I am responsible for all of the children in my care.
Within the NAEYC Code the most relevant statement to this situation is found in Principles 1.1.  This principle, rightfully so, has precedence over all other principles within this particular code.  The code clearly states that above all, children shall not be harmed.  Practices that are emotionally damaging, physically harmful, disrespectful, degrading, dangerous, exploitative, or intimidating are not within the parameters of the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct.
This code is relevant to the situation addressed as stated in P-1.5 “We shall use appropriate assessment systems….”  In the situation, the assessment system is not appropriate as one of the core values is to be knowledgeable of the way that children learn and develop.  As highly qualified educational professionals, it is our responsibility to know and understand the children we teach.
Research has proven that standardized testing is not best practice for young children.  Also, removing children from an environment where they feel safe pushes the limits of the code of conduct for early childhood education.  As previously mentioned, the guiding principle in 1.1 describes how it is the responsibility of educators to keep children safe.  While the assessing is taking place, another professional is being left alone with children.  Not only is this stressful for the aid, it is not safe for the children she is now solely responsible for.  As an early childhood professional, I would bring this situation of standardized testing, removing children from the learning environment, and lack of supervision to the immediate supervisor or director of the program.  I would also use the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment to defend my stance.
Shante post
As educators, we have a responsibility for the type and quality of care of young children whom are too vulnerable to care for themselves.  The core value in this scenario is finding a way to assessment the skill set of the children by using traditional methods such as standardized pencil and paper tests.  The concern is that removal of the children to perform these test might disrupt their daily routine and could burden the teacher’s aide that has to remain in the classroom with the other children that are not being tested at the time.  To explore other scenarios on how the address this issue, there are several things that can be tried to see what systems would work best.  If there is another classroom that is already practicing this method, observations of that class can be done and a few students can be “tested” by being removed from the class and going to the practice test classroom.  The students can be taken in small groups or the classroom can be broken up so half can test and half can remain to see how this may disrupt the routine of the classroom.  One or both ways could be tried to see which seems more effective and less burdensome. Once this trial is complete, the test can be assessed to see how the well the children did.  One will have to take into consideration that not every child performs the same on test, so some leniency will have to be used.  If an overwhelming number of children perform poorly, the topic of incorporating observations may have to be revisited to assure that each child’s grading scale is determined by many different factors instead on objective viewpoint, such as a test. Once this is revisited, as the educators we then need to look at the procedure and why certain methods were initially put in place and revisit these ideals again.  Again, it is the educator’s job to protect those whom do not have a voice and are vulnerable.  If the educator feels as though this method is not successful, they will need to be firm with their beliefs and conclusions.
explain what you found interesting and/or most applicable about body chemistry
What influences have humans had on your local environment, positive or negative? Provide examples.