Describe the difference between sensitivity and specificity

week 2 Post an original response to the following questions. Use appropriate references when necessary. Provide a thoughtful response to at least one other classmate. You may need to rely heavily on the week 2 powerpoint to answer these questions. You will have until Sunday at 11:59 pm to respond. 1. A great deal of fingerprint examination has been considered subjective. Based on the lab standard operating procedures, individual examiners will use their training and expertise to evaluate all of the information available in a fingerprint to decide whether there is a “match” or not. There is no set number of points that must be met. Do you agree with this method? Explain why or why not. 2. Based on the formula used in the powerpoint, calculate the amount of 100 proof alcohol it would take for you personally to become “legally drunk” in the state of Maryland. The limit in Maryland is 0.08%. You can use a fake weight if you don’t want to expose how much you weigh to everyone :). Show your work. 3. Two very important components to forensic serological analyses are the sensitivity and specificity of the test being used. Describe the difference between sensitivity and specificity. Do you think one is more important than the other? Explain why or why not. 4. You are processing a sexual assault case. The suspect allegedly attempted to force another individual to perform oral sex on him. Upon arrest, the suspect defecated on himself. His underwear were submitted for testing. The investigators have requested amylase testing to corroborate or refute the suspect’s claim. Would you perform amylase testing in this case? Explain why or why not. Your responses will be graded using the following scale: 2 points: Detailed, original response provided for each of the questions. Reasoning is logical. Terms and concepts from the assigned materials are incorporated. 0.5 point: Proper form is used (grammar, spelling, style). If applicable, correct and full citations for sources are used. 0.5 point: Thoughtful response to at least one other classmate

List and describe each of the steps of the scientific method

Week 1 Discussion Actions for ‘Week 1 Discussion’ SubscribeHide Description Week 1 covers the following main concepts: definition of forensic biology cell biology basic cell differences scientific method validation Based on the assigned reading, post an original response to the questions found below. What is forensic biology and how does it differ from one other discipline of forensic science? Examples of other disciplines of forensic science would include areas such as forensic anthropology, forensic odontology, crime scene investigation, forensic toxicology, forensic chemistry, trace evidence, firearms & toolmarks, etc.. What is the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes? Describe the basic structure of a eukaryotic cell. List and describe each of the steps of the scientific method. How is data typically validated in forensic laboratories? Refer to the powerpoint and the FBI Quality Assurance Standards to help answer this question. You are not required to respond to your classmates for this conference. Be sure to correctly cite any material used in your responses that is not original. This conference is worth a total of 3 points. Your responses will be graded using the following scale: 2 points: Detailed, original response provided for each of the questions. Reasoning is logical. Terms and concepts from the assigned materials are incorporated. 1 point: Proper form is used (grammar, spelling, style). If applicable, correct and full citations for sources are used. Your responses are due by 11:59 pm on Sunday.

Human Health and Disease from an Evolutionary Perspective Discussion

Respond to Biology Questions: Human Health and Disease from an Evolutionary Perspective Discussion
Throughout the last couple of decades scientists have been taking a closer look at human health and disease through the lens of evolution. From hypothesizing as to the benefits of your body’s fever response to infections (see Function of Fever and Annals of Internal Medicine), to maintaining overall human health (see Michael Rose’s 55), to the burgeoning science of aging (see Evolutionary Theories of Aging and Longevity), evolutionary thinking can be used to develop testable hypotheses. For example, some scientists are using evolutionary biology concepts to determine why some bacteria and viruses are highly virulent while others are not, living in their hosts with few, if any, ill effects. Please watch these brief videos “Cholera: Domesticating Disease” [Video File] [04 Min 50 Sec] and “Double Immunity” [Video File] [02 Min 30 Sec] and then develop responses to the question below.
Function of Fever:
Annals of Internal Medicine:
Michael Rose’s 55:
Evolutionary Theories of Aging and Longevity:
Cholera: Domesticating Disease:
Double Immunity:
How would an understanding of evolution help health care professionals manage infectious diseases and epidemics? I would like you to consider the factors affecting the evolution of disease organisms and their level of virulence as part of your response. Please support your response with examples of humans coevolving with disease microbes. Lastly, please tell us if you would prefer to have your personal health evaluated from an evolutionary perspective?

  • Responses should be at least 450 words and must substantively integrate the subjects covered in the questions.
  • APA style formatting
  • Use 2 additional sources relevant to the discussion and in-text citations in APA style.
  • ·       See attach video links to complete assignment
  • Don’t forget to create references

* Responses should be at least 450 words and must substantively integrate the subjects covered in the question.
* Use 2 additional sources relevant to the discussion and in-text citations in APA style.
* See attach video links to complete assignment
*APA format
* Original Work about

Do you believe that evolution is progressive? 

Respond to Biology Questions: Progress in Evolution Discussion
Do you believe that evolution is progressive? Why or why not?
What does the Great Chain of Being (or Scala Naturae) have to do with the notion of progress and goals in evolution? What view does current thinking in evolutionary biology overwhelmingly support?
·       Responses should be at least 450 words and must substantively integrate the subjects covered in the questions.

  • APA style formatting
  • Use 3 academic sources relevant to the discussion and in-text citations in APA style.
  • Don’t forget to create a references page.

* Responses should be at least 450 words and must substantively integrate the subjects covered in the question.
*Use 3 academic sources relevant to the discussion and in-text citations in APA style.
* References page
*APA format
* Original Work
*Due Wednesday, February 16, 2016 8:00 PM