Describe how to develop a performance measure based on this program the theory as input. Activiies. Outputs and Outcome.

Describe how to develop a performance measure based on this program the theory as input. Activiies. Outputs and Outcome.

Evaluata a health program, 30 points, 30 per cent of couse grade. select a health programme quality for the patein t popurallation. Evaluate the healthcare programe
Develop a programme objective for the program

Identiflyng the target population

Discuss the thery tha informss the program intervention and is concidered to lead t to program outcomes.

Describe how to develop a performance measure based on this program theltheory as input.Activiies. Outputs and Outcome.

Describe how to develop a performance measure based on this program in selecting a healthcare program used ti nimprove quality for a patient population, the program is intended to improve health outcome for patient’


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Provide 2 RN interventions for each goal that you developed in #1. Provide rationale for each intervention being performed by an RN.Short term goals can usually be achieved by the end of your shift.

Provide 2 RN interventions for each goal that you developed in #1. Provide rationale for each intervention being performed by an RN.Short term goals can usually be achieved by the end of your shift.

Provide 2 RN interventions for each goal that you developed in #1. Provide rationale for each intervention being performed by an RN.Short term goals can usually be achieved by the end of your shift. Long term goals are usually achieved by discharge. Write one short term and one long term goal for the following nursing diagnosis.Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired physical mobility related to ventilation-perfusion mismatch as evidenced by shortness of breath on ambulation and inability to ambulate more than 10 feet independently.Registered nurses perform interventions based on the following actions: (MEATA)MonitorEvaluateAssessTeachAdministerProvide 2 RN interventions for each goal that you developed in #1. Provide rationale for each intervention being performed by an RN.


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Family income is strongly correlated with incidences of child maltreatment, with lower income families reported more often for child maltreatment than higher income families. How might these factors be related?

Family income is strongly correlated with incidences of child maltreatment, with lower income families reported more often for child maltreatment than higher income families. How might these factors be related?
1. In a document write one paragraph for each of the following topics:

a. Family income is strongly correlated with incidences of child maltreatment, with lower income families reported more often for child maltreatment than higher income families. How might these factors be related? Consider societal factors that marginalize or discriminate against low-income families.

b. As a school social worker, what information would you need to know when working with parents who have substantiated allegations of child abuse against them? How would you gather this information while maintaining a positive working relationship with the parents? How would you assess and capitalize on their strengths?

c. Many people interpret the abusive or neglectful behavior of a parent to mean that they are a bad parent in every way. As a social worker who needs to work cooperatively with these parents, what social work ethical principles might help you maintain fairness and balance in your interactions with these parents?

d. You work in an investigative unit of Child Protective Services. A report comes in from an 8th grade teacher that a student may be a victim of child abuse. The teacher reports she noticed various bruises on the student’s arms one morning and the student has a history of absences from class. You arrange to meet with the student at school as part of your investigation. What should you look for? Consider which bio-psychosocial risk factors contribute to child abuse and research these if necessary. Which risk factors are most highly associated with child abuse and neglect? What questions could you ask the student to gather information about these risk factors?


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Evaluate the Impact of a recent Health Care initiative on nursing practice”IntroductionAccording to the strategy released by GOV.UK (2012) there were almost 1 million alcohol-related violent crimes and 1.2 million alcohol-related hospital admissions in2010/11 alone.

Evaluate the Impact of a recent Health Care initiative on nursing practice”IntroductionAccording to the strategy released by GOV.UK (2012) there were almost 1 million alcohol-related violent crimes and 1.2 million alcohol-related hospital admissions in2010/11 alone.

The levels of binge drinking among 15-16 year olds in the UK compare poorly with many other European countries and alcohol is one of the three biggest
lifestyle risk factors for disease and death in the United Kingdom after smoking and obesity. In a ploy to tackle alcoholism the government has published strategies
cornering alcohol consumption. The writer will approach this topic by briefly defining alcohol and its effect on an individual. The writer will discuss the aims and
objectives then briefly talk over the prevalence, determinants, and effects of alcohol/binge drinking. The writer will also critically analyse the aims of government
strategies in tackling alcohol drinking and afterward formulate an action plan initiatives that would address the gaps highlighted. Ethical consideration of the
initiatives will also be explored, and consequently reflection and conclusion will close the study.Aims and objectivesWhenever a new agenda needs to be pushed forward; the government releases policies on the particular subject in order to assist in the resolution of the issue by
pushing forward new theories. The overall aim of the essay is to evaluate the impact of the government proposals on alcoholism on the UK Population the essay will also evaluate how useful the
government strategies are on making healthcare practice in the UK more effective. The writer aims to do this by following these objectives. Define alcohol and its effect on an individual Discuss government initiatives on harmful drinking of alcohol. Evaluate the strategies and relating it to other objectives Discuss the impact of alcohol on healthcare and nursing practice
According to Ewles (2005) alcohol is a depressant drug and is one of the most popular and socially acceptable legally consumed drugs worldwide, alongside nicotine and
caffeine. Alcohol has a clear impact on the brain, altering mood and emotion, affecting co-ordination and reaction times and impacting our ability to assess situations
such as risk-taking behaviour. Alcohol consummation is very common around the world with no exception to the UK where it is very integrated into social life. Alcohol Concern (2017) states that 57 per cent of adults reported drinking alcohol in the previous week in 2016 which equates to 25.3 million adults in England.
Because of how common alcohol consumption is; alcohol misuse is the biggest risk factor for death, ill-health and disability among 15-49 year-olds in the UK, and the
fifth biggest risk factor across all ages and is estimated to cost the NHS around £3.5 billion annually. (Alcohol Concern, 2017)Windsor-Shellard, (2017) stated that “Men were more likely to be drinkers than women. Specifically, 62.8% of men drank in the previous week compared with 51.3% of
women. When looking at sex-specific patterns of binge drinking, 28.2% of males stated they exceeded 8 units of alcohol on their heaviest day, whereas 25.3% of females
stated that they exceeded 6 units of alcohol.”
Source NHS Digital (2016)
It is a major problem knowing the new generation are being exposed to this public health issue. By their innocent knowledge, they will be victims that in the longer


smilesmile. .


The post Evaluate the Impact of a recent Health Care initiative on nursing practice”IntroductionAccording to the strategy released by GOV.UK (2012) there were almost 1 million alcohol-related violent crimes and 1.2 million alcohol-related hospital admissions in2010/11 alone. appeared first on My Nursing Paper.