Identify the three main types of acellular pathogens. Describe what acellular means. Also, explain how the structure of a virion is useful for the virion and how it changes upon cell entry.

Identify the three main types of acellular pathogens. Describe what acellular means. Also, explain how the structure of a virion is useful for the virion and how it changes upon cell entry.
Characteristics of Viruses

Identify the three main types of acellular pathogens. Describe what acellular means.

Describe the structure of a virion (include in your answer capsid and envelope). Also, explain how the structure of a virion is useful for the virion and how it changes upon cell entry.

Explain why most viruses only infect a particular host organism and only specific cells in the host. What kinds of cells can be infected by viruses? Describe what is meant by the term bacteriophage (aka phage).

Describe what an enveloped virion is and how it is different from a naked virion.

Describe how a virus can obtain an envelope. Describe the similarities and differences between a virus’ envelope and a cell’s plasma membrane. Describe the function of proteins in the viral envelope in infection.

Viral Replication

Describe why viruses can’t reproduce outside a host cell and what they need the host cell for.

Describe lytic replication and its 5 stages.

Describe how the lysogenic replication cycle is different from the lytic replication cycle. Describe prophage, lysogenic conversion and induction.

Describe how animal viruses attach to cells. Describe the difference between the following types of viral cell entry: direct penetration, membrane fusion, and endocytosis. Identify which method the following viruses use to enter a cell: herpesvirus, poliovirus, and measles virus.

Culturing Viruses in the Laboratory

Describe how viruses are cultures in a lab and what they require.

Other Parasitic Particles: Viroids and Prions

Describe prions and identify diseases caused by prions. Also, identify how prions are unique infectious agents. Identify how prions are destroyed and what treatments are available for prion diseases.

Chapter 15: Innate Immunity

An Overview of the Body’s Defenses

Identify the three abilities a pathogen must have to cause disease in a host.

The Body’s First Line of Defense – Innate Non-specific immunity

Identify the immunological three lines of defense against a pathogen.

Describe the different ways that the skin defends against pathogens.

Describe the different ways that normal microbiota can defend against pathogens.
The Body’s Second Line of Defense – Innate Specific Immunity

Describe when the second line of defense is used and how it is different from the first line of defense.
Identify and describe the different components of blood and how they are used to defend against pathogens.
Describe the purpose of phagocytosis and describe the six steps of this process.
Identify which cells can attack/kill pathogens without phagocytosis and describe how they are able to do this and if they target certain types of pathogens.
Identify and describe the steps of inflammation and how they are beneficial in fighting infection. Also, describe the difference between acute and chronic inflammation.


smilesmile. .


The post Identify the three main types of acellular pathogens. Describe what acellular means. Also, explain how the structure of a virion is useful for the virion and how it changes upon cell entry. appeared first on My Nursing Paper.

Present two contrasting explanations and their associated evidence for the development of eating disorder.

Present two contrasting explanations and their associated evidence for the development of eating disorder.

Subject: Psychology
1. Provides a clear introduction which clearly articulates the major symptoms of the disorder in question(Eating Disorder) and explains the approach of the presentation.
2. Provides a clear indication of which two explanations for the origin of Mental Health issue are being discussed and Why they are constrasting.
3. Provides a suitable literature review of the empirical evidence for each explanation of the disorder.


smilesmile. .


The post Present two contrasting explanations and their associated evidence for the development of eating disorder. appeared first on My Nursing Paper.

Discuss the effects of poverty on marriages and families.

Discuss the effects of poverty on marriages and families.

1 Identify and describe an individual’s motivations for marriage.

2 Describe the problems and benefits associated with military marriages (CHP.7)

1 Compare the positions of pro-life and pro-choice.

2 Discuss the effects of poverty on marriages and families. (9)

1 Identify and describe the explanations for why spouses become involved in extramarital sex

2 Identify and describe positive stress management strategies .(12)

1 How have changing family functions and structure contributed to the incidence of divorce?

2 Describe the cycle of abuse. (13)

1 What is age? How do we know how old we are?

2 Describe the mental health challenges of the elderly. (15)


smilesmile. .


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Reflect upon voice recording and critically discuss the leadership role of the Registered Nurse in ensuring delivery of quality and safe patient care

Reflect upon voice recording and critically discuss the leadership role of the Registered Nurse in ensuring delivery of quality and safe patient care

Critical discussion essay

Assessment question:
The Registered Nurse is required to demonstrate a variety of leadership skills to be an effective leader within the healthcare team. Reflect upon and critically discuss the leadership role of the Registered Nurse in ensuring delivery of quality and safe patient care. You must draw upon the voice-recording interview provided & relevant literature to support the discussion.
You must listen to the voice recording that involves a Director of Nursing from a public healthcare organisation.
Find the attachment recorded voices interviews.
Write the essay in 3rd person.

Unit learning outcomes, Graduate Learning Outcomes:
The assignment addresses the following;
ULO1 Reflect upon the Registered Nurse’s role as a leader in the health care team
ULO4 Critique the principles and processes of clinical risk management and their application in health care domains
ULO6 Reflect on the importance of continuous professional development in preparation for transition to the role of Registered Nurse
GLO1 Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities: appropriate to the level of study related to a discipline or profession
GLO2 Communication: using oral, written and interpersonal communication to inform, motivate and effect change
GLO3 Digital literacy: using technologies to find, use and disseminate information
GLO4 Critical thinking: evaluating information using critical and analytical thinking and judgment
GLO5 Problem solving: creating solutions to authentic (real world and ill-defined) problems
GLO6 Self-management: working and learning independently, and taking responsibility for personal actions

Some tip how to do it!
Critically discussing write leadership roles of RN, and may also need to write some arugement around these roles, by compare between your view and the arguement, and evaluating.Make sure you tie the leadership role of the RN to ensuring quality and safe care delivery.

You may choose to very briefly explain a certain leadership style to give context to how it promotes quality and safe care but the assessment is not about ‘what is leadership’.

You may or may not refer to Lucy’s voice-recording interview but the assessment is not about structuring your assessment around what Lucy thinks, it is about you critically discussing what you believe the leadership role of the RN is in ensuring quality and safe care.

Any information that you draw upon from the voice recording must be referenced accordingly. To clarify the essence of the essay however, the recording is to provide a stimulus only- the essay is not to all being about what Lucy has said. Rather, it is hoped that Lucy’s interview will provoke thought.

You will need to attach the appendix whether you draw on it in the essay or not as digital literacy is one of the GLO’s for the unit and the assessment (as per unit guide).

Write about effective communication, patient centered care and critical thinking/ analysis skills being vital leadership skills of an RN in preventing falls, medication errors and pressure sores – make sure you explain the links between leadership skills and preventing harms.

Must contain a purposeful introduction that outlines what will be discussed in the assignment.
The body of the assignment will constitute about 80% of the word limit and provide key arguments supported by relevant literature. The body of the assignment is normally organised in paragraphs of approximately 100-150 words with each paragraph focused on explanation of one idea. There should be a logical progression of ideas as demonstrated by logically linked arguments/points made in each paragraph. Each paragraph should commence with a topic sentence and end with a link to the next paragraph. The conclusion should provide a summation of ideas that draws the discussion together and offers the student’s position drawn from the discussion. The conclusion paragraph should not present any new material (references are not expected).


smilesmile. .


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