Drawing on Farmer’s work in Haiti, what were the core health needs he identified for the people of Haiti? Instruction & Requirements: Mountains Final Paper

Drawing on Farmer’s work in Haiti, what were the core health needs he identified for the people of Haiti?
Instruction & Requirements:
Mountains Final Paper

Length: 3 pages- 750-800 words double-spaced and typed in Microsoft WORD.


This paper is based on Mountains Beyond Mountains, Re-imagining Global Health chapters and Stories from the Shadows. But I expect you to develop your essay with previous readings in mind and integrate them where appropriate.

We are these books over the next three weeks before this paper is due. Please submit on time so that I have enough time to fairly evaluate papers. Participate hard in the discussion and you will do very well on this paper.

In no more than three pages, address the questions below. Draw from discussions and the readings as needed. Draw on everything we discussed sociologically as you discuss these questions.

(1) Public Health — Looking at the Core Needs of Health Care Globally

In Haiti, Kidder said that Farmer planned to create a public health system from scratch. Using all the assigned readings:

(A) What are the chief components of this health system and why is it so important to emphasize public health programs in poverty zones like Haiti?

(B) Think about the EPI Divide and the pockets of poverty in the U.S. that beg for similar types of outreach programs as those designed by Farmer. What lessons learned in Haiti about public health outreach are relevant to health care outreach and delivery in the U.S. today?

(C) Could such a public health program be effective in the U.S.? Compare Farmer’s approach with Jim O’Connell’s work with the homeless in Boston. What are the similarities in their approaches? What is unique to each population and adapted to each population?

(2) Identifying the Core Needs in Health Care

John McKiinlay wrote many years ago that we should think of health care as an onion. When you peel back the many layers of the onion, you finally reach its core, the essence of the onion. The same is true for health care. Despite the enormous amount of money and technology invested in U.S. health care, the country still ranks in the middle of the pack, especially on measures such as infant mortality, life expectancy, and even health information technology. (See Reid and WHO reports,)

(A) Drawing on Farmer’s work in Haiti, what were the core health needs he identified for the people of Haiti?

(B) Do these core needs in Haiti also apply in the U.S.?

(C) Drawing on similarities between Farmer’s program and the Boston Health Care for the Homeless in Boston programs:

What do you see as the basic core of health that we must establish in our 21st century health care system in the U.S. and globally?

(D) Important, what will be the biggest sociological challenges or obstacles to implementing such change in impoverished communities throughout the U.S. and impoverished countries throughout the world?

(3) Solving the MDR Problem in Peru and Looking at Global Intervention for Infectious Disease Outbreaks like Ebola

While the WHO has played a critical role in eradicating infectious diseases such as smallpox on a global scale in the past, it is clear those policies needed to change with the onset of multi-resistant TB.

(A) How did Farmer’s census technique first developed in Haiti shed light on developing a better treatment protocol for multi-resistant TB in Peru?

(B) Why was this paradigm shift in treatment protocol important and how does it impact the way we look at medical intervention for MDR, Ebola and other infectious diseases globally?


smilesmile. .


The post Drawing on Farmer’s work in Haiti, what were the core health needs he identified for the people of Haiti? Instruction & Requirements: Mountains Final Paper appeared first on My Nursing Paper.

Is it important to be aware of diversity in the group? If so, why? If not, why not? In this chapter, I’ll discuss diversity, ethics, and research on the effectiveness of groups. Diversity

Is it important to be aware of diversity in the group? If so, why? If not, why not? In this chapter, I’ll discuss diversity, ethics, and research on the effectiveness of groups.

Chapter 9
Other Important Aspects of Group Work
There are other aspects that are important to discuss in relation to group work. In this chapter, I’ll discuss diversity, ethics, and research on the effectiveness of groups.
Being aware of cultural diversity in the group and leading the group so that every member of the group, regardless of culture, is treated with dignity and respect is important. The ACA code of ethics addresses cultural diversity in several ways. Concerning informed consent in the counseling relationship it states, “Counselors communicate information in ways that are both developmentally and culturally appropriate.” It continues by stating, “In collaboration with clients, counselors consider cultural implications of informed consent procedures and, where possible, counselors adjust their practices accordingly.” In the section on confidentiality and privacy, the code addresses counselors being aware and sensitive to cultural meanings of confidentiality and privacy. Concerning the assessment of clients, the code addresses multicultural issues with this statement, “Counselors select and use with caution assessment techniques normed on populations other than that of the client. Counselors recognize the effects of age, color, culture, disability, ethnic group, gender, race, language preference, religion, spirituality, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status on test administration and interpretation, and they place test results in proper perspective with other relevant factors.
Singh, Merchant, Skudrzyk and Ingene (2012) prepared a document for the Association for Specialists in Group Work on this topic. They define multicultural as “the belief systems and typical daily activities of people from various diverse groups, and denotes that attending to the needs and values of these diverse groups ensures a more vibrant, dynamic, and empowered society overall. Examples of multicultural identities include (but are not limited to): gender identity and expression, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious/spiritual traditions, ability status, migration status, age, and social class.”
Singh, et. al. discuss competence in group performing and processing related to group diversity. Group workers demonstrating multicultural competence will: establish group norms to accept, value and respect cultural differences; attend to differences in acculturation levels; avoid stereotyping and labeling; demonstrate just and fair leadership; address overt and covert cultural conflicts in group; respond to language needs; incorporate traditional and spiritual healing methods that are culturally appropriate; use culturally grounded frameworks and techniques as appropriate; and use culturally-appropriate assessment and evaluation tools.

Corey (2008, p. 35) wrote, “Becoming a diversity-competent group counselor demands self- awareness and an open stance on your part. You need to be willing to modify strategies to fit the needs and situations of the individuals within your group. It is clear that no one “right” technique can be utilized with all group members, irrespective of their cultural background. It is important to realize that it takes time, study, and experience to become an effective multicultural group counselor. It is your responsibility as a group counselor to have a general understanding of your members’ cultural values.”


smilesmile. .


The post Is it important to be aware of diversity in the group? If so, why? If not, why not? In this chapter, I’ll discuss diversity, ethics, and research on the effectiveness of groups. Diversity appeared first on My Nursing Paper.

Identify the topic via the current event article and provide an overview of the issue, by summarizing the article and providing an overview of the its relationship to corrections, and how this topic is currently handled/addressed in corrections policy/practice (1 -2 pages).

Identify the topic via the current event article and provide an overview of the issue, by summarizing the article and providing an overview of the its relationship to corrections, and how this topic is currently handled/addressed in corrections policy/practice (1 -2 pages).

This is a current event of your choosing that relates to a topic in Corrections. To complete this assignment you will need to:

•Identify the topic via the current event article and provide an overview of the issue, by summarizing the article and providing an overview of the its relationship to corrections, and how this topic is currently handled/addressed in corrections policy/practice (1 -2 pages)

•Provide a critical evaluation of this topic including information that supports and/or disputes current policy and practice (approximately 2 pages)

•Provide thoughts on how best to improve/address the problems/issues inherent in the topic, including providing an example of ‘best practices’ (if they exist) (approximately 2 pages)

•Here are some frequent topics in corrections – you may chose a topic not on this list

oHistory of corrections

oPurposes of punishment


oPsychology of imprisonment

oInmate misconduct

oCorrections staffing

oLegal issues in corrections

oAge-specific correctional concerns

oGender issues in corrections

oCorrectional healthcare

oRisk/needs assessment

oInstitutional programming


oReentry issues


oDiversion Programs

oThe Death Penalty

oStaff Misconduct


smilesmile. .


The post Identify the topic via the current event article and provide an overview of the issue, by summarizing the article and providing an overview of the its relationship to corrections, and how this topic is currently handled/addressed in corrections policy/practice (1 -2 pages). appeared first on My Nursing Paper.

Is the definition of the concept of caring as presented in the theory of nursing as caring congruent with your own conceptual definition of caring? Nursing theory class

Is the definition of the concept of caring as presented in the theory of nursing as caring congruent with your own conceptual definition of caring?
Nursing theory class

Is the definition of the concept of caring as presented in the theory of nursing as caring congruent with your own conceptual definition of caring? What is it about the definition that is different? What is it about the definition that is similar? Identify one MSN Essential that most closely relates to how you understand and view caring and briefly explain your reason for the selection.

**As a reminder, all questions must be answered to receive full credit for this discussion. please include your name in the title bar of the discussion. Also, make sure to use scholarly sources to support your discussion.**

#2. Nnursing research class


How would your questions and strengths change if you were to perform the same study using a different method?


The proposed qualitative question for the desired research project is;

What are the different factors that hinder the transfer of clinical skills among nursing students?

According to Creswell (2014), “Narrative Approach” follows a set of in-depth interviews to study the lives of different individuals. Consequently, the identified information leads to the development of different themes, words and illustrates the stories. Therefore, this research question will be investigated under narrative qualitative research design. Furthermore, the research approach will follow in-depth semi-structured interviews because an in depth one-to-one interview between the researcher and the respondent allows the researcher to ask many questions from the participants to collect information (Zikmund et al., 2013). According to Mathew & Ross (2010), strengths of in-depth interview are; to follow common questions

introduction of interview questions in different ways or orders as necessary, and to allow the interviewee to answer the questions in their own way using their words (story telling)

Whereas the disadvantages of in-depth interviews are; they can be very time-consuming: setting up, interviewing, transcribing, analysing, feedback, reporting they can be costly, different interviewers may understand and transcribe interviews in different ways.

In the field of nursing discipline, emerging technologies are changing the nursing practices; such as genetics and genomics; less invasive and more accurate tools for diagnosis and treatment; 3D printing; robotics; biometrics; electronic health records; and computerized physician/provider order entry and clinical decision support (CPOE). However, with these changing technologies, it is important that nurses should have the competencies to implement these technologies. For instance, nurses may lack competence towards genomes and genetics, competencies to use less invasive tools and 3D printing, the use of robotics to increase patient care, and the appropriate use of CPOE to support clinical decision making and provide best practices (Huston, 2013). Whereas the use of mixed methods, that is, both quantitative and qualitative methods will be significant to investigate into the role of emerging technologies within the nursing practice. Because this method have the following set of advantages and both the methods will complement each other in the following manner; the strengths of one approach offset the weaknesses of the other, sed properly, a combination of methods provides more comprehensive and convincing evidence, mixed methods research can answer certain research questions that a single method approach cannot, a mixed method study can encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, mixed methods encourage the use of multiple worldviews/paradigms, mixed methods research is “practical” in that it permits the usage of multiple techniques and approaches that best address the research question (Guest & Fleming, 2015).


smilesmile. .


The post Is the definition of the concept of caring as presented in the theory of nursing as caring congruent with your own conceptual definition of caring? Nursing theory class appeared first on My Nursing Paper.