How do the two articles inform each other? Do findings conflict?

How do the two articles inform each other? Do findings conflict?

READ BOOK Nieswiadomy, R. (2018). Foundations of Nursing Research. 7th Edition. Upper Saddle River. NJ: Pearson
ISBN10: 0132118572
ISBN13: 9780132118576

Chapters 6, 7 and 9

BELOW is the assignment.

Locate one research study that falls between Level I through IV and one study that is between level V through VII. These need to be from the same topic area (EXAMPLE. pain management in patients with dementia). Briefly (in one paragraph) describe each study and the major findings.

In a second paragraph, discuss: How do the two articles inform each other? Do findings conflict? Cite each article using APA format.

Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence/Levels of Evidence

Level I
Evidence for a systematic review or meta-analysis of all relevant RCTs or evidence-based clinical practice guidelines based on systematic reviews of RCTs.

Level II
Evidence obtained from at least one well-designed RCT.

Level III
Evidence obtained from one well-designed controlled trials without Randomization.

Level IV
Evidence from well-designed case-control and cohort studies.

Level V
Evidence from systematic reviews of descriptive or qualitative study.

Level VI
Evidence from single descriptive or qualitative study.

Level VII
Evidence from the opinion of authorities and/or reports of expert committees.

* Table from Melnyk, Bernadette Mazurek and Ellen Fineout-Overholt. Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005:10.

Critical Appraisal of the Literature
From the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford
How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine
(2nd Edition), Trisha Greenhalgh

hese are some of the most trusted EBP Nursing research resources for evidence-based summaries and guidelines available freely on the Internet:

National Guidelines Clearinghouse
AHRQ’s National Guideline Clearinghouse™ (NGC) is a public resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines.

TRIP (Turning Research Into Practice)
TRIP was created in 1997 to bring together all the evidence-based health care resources available on the Internet.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
The home page contains links to selective sites for evidence-based practice guidelines.

Cochrane Summaries
This link provides free access for the public to the index of Cochrane Reviews, which also includes abstracts and the plain language summaries for each review. To access the full-text reviews, use the subscription link (SSU only) in the section above.

PubMed (Public Index)
PubMed is a publicly available citation index. However, the SSU link to PubMed in the section above will include the SSU Find It feature, which allows you to directly access the full text when available. For other options on obtaining full-text articles, click the information icon.

Univ. of Massachusetts Public Health Clinical Guidelines and Systematic Reviews
This website, managed by the New England Region of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, provides free online access to evidence-based public health (EBPH) resources, knowledge domains of public health, and public health journals and databases.


• An open-source Nursing Research Resource: Current Nursing.
• Scope of Practice and Nursing Standards Sites:
◦ Standards for Acute Care Nurses
◦ Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) Standards
◦ Healthy People 2020
National Guidelines Database


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The post How do the two articles inform each other? Do findings conflict? appeared first on My Nursing Paper.

What type of historical evidence can be used to support nursing’s political advocacy?

What type of historical evidence can be used to support nursing’s political advocacy?

Why has nursing made policy and political competence such a strong part of the nursing curriculum and role development?
2. What are the most pressing in health care problems you see in your community? How can you frame that issue in a health policy context?
3. Can you identify areas in your own political competence that requires growth? What do you need to learn to be more effective?
4. Why has nursing made policy and political competence such a strong part of the nursing curriculum and role development?
Chapter 2
1. What types of alliances exist and what types need to be cultivated to affect change in your own areas of nursing practice?
2. What are the problems and/or the possibilities in developing crossdisciplinary
as well as public and private alliances to affect change?
3. What type of historical evidence can be used to support nursing’s political advocacy in providing primary health care?
4. Explore the advocacy efforts Lillian Wald, public health nurses in urban and rural settings, and nurse practitioners used to affect change in health care.
the book is online for free for reference.
Mason, D. J., Gardner, D. B., Outlaw, F. H., & O’Grady, E. T. (2015). Policy and Politics in Nursing and HealthcareRevised
Reprint (7th ed.): Elsevier Health Sciences.
ISBN: 9780323241441


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Compare and contrast the social psychology constructs of social perception and self-perception. Answer the test questions thoroughly, substantively and in narrative format (in paragraphs and complete

Compare and contrast the social psychology constructs of social perception and self-perception.
Answer the test questions thoroughly, substantively and in narrative format (in paragraphs and complete

sentences; lists, sentence fragments and bulletted items are not permitted). Base each answer on an

assigned reading from the weekly course Lessons. Answers may range from 100 to 300 words with some

requiring more detail and longer lengths and some requiring less. Quoting is not permitted. All answers

must be paraphrased (which means restating what you read in your own words).

Question 1 of 12

20.0 Points

Describe what the field of social psychology focuses on and seeks to understand through research and

the related questions that it endeavors to answer.

Question 2 of 12 20.0 Points

Compare and contrast the social psychology constructs of social perception and self-perception. Include

in your answer the key concepts of at least two theories from our readings related to each construct.

Question 3 of 12

Describe factors which contribute to a strong attitude-behavior relationship.

20.0 Points

Question 4 of 12

20.0 Points

Explain the differences in thoughtful and spontaneous processing and the benefits of targeting messages

toward each type.

Question 5 of 12

Describe three methods of preventing persuasion.

20.0 Points

Question 6 of 12

Differentiate the forming, norming, storming and adjourning stages of group development.

20.0 Points

Question 7 of 12 20.0 Points

What are the dangers of groupthink?

20.0 Points

Question 8 of 12

A fellow online student and friend asks you to take a course exam for her by logging in with her user id

and password. You, of course, say no because such cheating would place you at high risk of receiving

academic disciplinary action, including expulsion. Your friend then changes her request to asking if you

will help her study for the exam, to which you say yes. Which compliance gaining technique is what

transpires between the two of you an example of and why does it work?

Question 9 of 12

Describe three factors which influence interpersonal attraction.

20.0 Points

20.0 Points

Question 10 of 12

What hypothesized cause of aggression did Albert Bandura’s famous Bobo doll experiment investigate

and how?

20.0 Points

Question 11 of 12

Describe an event and the public’s reaction to it that exemplifies the negative mood state reduction

explanation for why people engage in prosocial behavior.

20.0 Points

Question 12 of 12

How does the military battle commitment to “leave no man behind” exemplify the vested interest model of

human helping behavior.


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As a nurse leader, you have been asked to assess how a clinical documentation system called point click care(PCC)functions in your nursing workplace setting.

As a nurse leader, you have been asked to assess how a clinical documentation system called point click care(PCC)functions in your nursing workplace setting.

As a nurse leader, you have been asked to assess how a clinical documentation system called point click care(PCC)functions in your nursing workplace setting. For this written assignment, address each of the elements noted below. This assignment is limited to 6-8 pages (excluding the title page, abstract and references), must be in the form of a scholarly paper, and reflects APA format.

This scholarly paper addresses the elements noted below:

Use this as one of your sources: McGonigle, D. & Mastrain, K. (2012) Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge, Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers

1.System and Setting Description (10 points)
1.Describe the clinical documentation system including its intended use and function.
2.Describe the type of the setting the system is used in and the clients served.

2.Data Collection and System Analysis (10 points)
1.Describe how and when is the data collected? .
2.Identify who uses the data and how is it retrieved? .
3.Analyze if the system functions as intended?
4.Analyze if the system supports the work of the clinicians (workflow)?

3.Safety and Outcomes Analysis (25 points)
1.Describe how the system supports patient safety and safe care environments..
2.Analyze the impact the system has on improving client outcomes..
3.Discuss the strengths and limitations the system has on supporting clinical decision making and promoting
quality outcomes.


smilesmile. .


The post As a nurse leader, you have been asked to assess how a clinical documentation system called point click care(PCC)functions in your nursing workplace setting. appeared first on My Nursing Paper.