For this assignment:

  • Review the DSM-5 Abnormal Psychology by Ronald Comer of unipolar depression in Chapter 8.
  • Review the articles, “Assessment of Childhood Depression” and “Pediatric Antidepressant Use After the Black-Box Warning,” paying particular attention to the discussion of antidepressant use in children and adolescents, as well as associated risk factors and alternative treatment methods.
  • Review the abstract of the article from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) that includes a meta-analytic review of randomized clinical trials of antidepressant use with children and adolescents.
  • Access and review the article “Epidemiology of Depression and Suicide” listed in the Learning Resources, focusing on the section titled “Age-related demographics.”
  • Watch the PBS NewsHour segment on the risk of suicide in adolescents who are taking antidepressant medications. The link to this video segment is included in the required Learning Resources list.

The assignment: (2 pages)

  • Based on your review of these materials above, appraise the current research evidence regarding suicide risks associated with the use of antidepressant medications in the treatment of depression in children and adolescents. In your response, answer the following questions:
    • What preconceptions, if any, did you bring to this controversial issue, perhaps based on your personal experiences or the experiences of family members, friends, or other loved ones?
    • Evaluate the materials related to antidepressant use in children and adolescents. What did you find surprising? What did you find disturbing? What other reactions did you have to these materials?
    • What are your now more informed thoughts about this controversial issue? Should these medications continue to be used with depressed children and adolescents? Why or why not? What alternative treatments might you consider? Explain and justify your stance on this issue.

Support your written Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation.You are asked to provide and use at least two references of those listed above plus the required reference of the Ronald Cromer Abnormal Psychology DSM-5 (2013-2014). Any other referereces for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this course please provide references.



5-3 Short Paper: Using Empirical Support to Make Ethical DecisionsShort Paper
The focus of this paper is to conduct online research for evidence-based practice (EBP). Describe the ethical importance of utilizing evidence-based practices in psychology, and summarize two or three EBPs you may use in your career.
Module Resources Top of Form
Textbook: Bottom of Form
\\Decoding the Ethics Code: A Practical Guide for Psychologists
Chapter 5
Library Article: Self-Care Practices and Perceived Stress Levels Among Psychology Graduate Students
This article discusses the stress and self-care issues faced by psychology graduate students and offers supportive strategies for self-care. This article will help you in completing this week’s journal assignment.
Library Article: The Dissemination and Implementation of Evidence-Based Psychological Treatments: A Review of Current Efforts
This article reviews the importance of using empirically supported techniques in the field of psychology and examines the recent changes at the state and national levels.This article will help you in completing this week’s discussion and journal assignment
PSY 570 Short Paper Rubric
Requirements of submission: You should incorporate scholarly sources as evidence (three or more) within your short paper responses. Short paper assignments must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA citations. Page length requirements: 2–4 pages, not including APA title or reference page.

Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
Application of Ethical Content Demonstrates a comprehensive application of the ethical course content appropriate to the prompt(27-30) Demonstrates application of the ethical course content appropriate to the prompt(24-26) Demonstrates some application of the ethical course content appropriate to the prompt(21-23) Demonstrates limited or no application of the ethical course content(0-20) 30
Conclusions   Demonstrates insightful conclusions that are thoroughly defended with scholarly evidence; response extends beyond reiteration of module content(27-30) Demonstrates conclusions that are defended with scholarly evidence; some extensions beyond module content 
Demonstrates minimal conclusions that are minimally defended with scholarly evidence; no extensions beyond module content(21-23) Does not demonstrate insightful conclusions; scholarly evidence is not used appropriately to defend conclusions 
Research Incorporates three or more scholarly resources effectively that reflect depth and breadth of research used to develop the paper(18-20) Incorporates two scholarly resources effectively that reflect depth and breadth of research used to develop the paper(16-17) Incorporates one scholarly resource reflecting depth and breadth of research used to develop the paper(14-15) Does not incorporate scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research used to develop the paper(0-13) 20
APA Writing  No errors related to APA organization, grammar, style, and citations(18-20) Minor errors related to APA organization, grammar, style, and citations(16-17) Some errors related to APA organization, grammar, style, and citations(14-15) Major APA errors related to organization, grammar, style, and citations(0-13) 20
Earned TotalComments: 100%

Identify and briefly describe two examples of subdisciplines within psychology, and two examples of subtopics of those subdisciplines


•1  Evaluate the influence of diversity on psychology’s major concepts.
By diversity, I mean how psychology as a field has many subdisciplines with “diverse” areas of inquiry, such as biopsychology and organizational psychology. We’re not referring to any particular area which may focus on diversity issues such as multiculturalism.
•2  Identify and briefly describe two examples of subdisciplines within psychology, and two examples of subtopics of those subdisciplines (only one subtopic per subdiscipline).
Examples of subdisciplines (or major concepts) and their subtopics include the following:
Behaviorism: aggression, cheating, binge drinking, conditioning theories

Cognition: cognitive dissonance and false memories

•3  How can the subdisciplines or subtopics you identified be applied to other disciplines and venues in contemporary society in areas outside of psychology?
For example, you could explain how psychology could be used in education to help elementary school teachers keep children on task. Or, you could explain how psychology could be applied in marketing to improve a person’s perception of a product?
•4  How do the subdisciplines and subtopics compare to your personal theoretical perspective.
Discuss which subdisciplines and subtopics are in agreement or similar to your theoretical perspective. How is your perspective different, if it is?
•5  Finally, discuss your contribution to society in the areas of work, education, health, and leisure (current or future) as a result of your education in psychology.
•  One peer-reviewed resource should be cited in the body and referenced in an APA format references page.
 Level one headings are required.
An introduction and conclusion should be included which each explicitly identify the key elements the paper covers. All key elements should be discussed outside of the introduction and conclusion.



Subject   Psychology Topic   ethics in psychology
Paper details 

Required Resources
The following resources are required to complete the assessment.
Internet Resources
Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have either been granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.
•American Psychological Association. (2014). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Retrieved from
Suggested Resources
The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing each assessment. They provide helpful information about the topics in this unit. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.
Library Resources
The following resources are provided for you in the Capella University Library and are linked directly in this course. These e-books or articles contain content relevant to the topics and assessments that are the focus of this unit.
•Kolmes, K. (2012). Social media in the future of professional psychology. Professional Psychology: Research & Practice, 43(6), 606–612.
•Leach, M. M., & Oakland, T. (2010). Displaying ethical behaviors by psychologists when standards are unclear. Ethics & Behavior, 20(3/4), 197–206.
•Gauthier, J. (2009). Ethical principles and human rights: Building a better world globally. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 22(1), 25–32.
•Sude, M. E. (2013). Text messaging and private practice: Ethical challenges and guidelines for developing personal best practices. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 35(3), 211–227.
•Barnett, J. E. (2008). The ethical practice of psychotherapy: Easily within our reach. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 64(5), 569–575.
Course Library Guide
A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the PSYC-FP3002 – Developing a Psychology Perspective Library Guide to h
As you complete the assessment work in this unit, you may find it helpful to consider the questions below. You are encouraged to discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community, in order to deepen your understanding of the topics.
•How can a psychology professional determine when a situation might require violating ethical principles?
•What kinds of ethical violations are also violations of the law?
Toggle Drawer
[u04a1] Ethics Case Study Assessment Description
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
•Competency 1: Communicate effectively.
•Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional.
•Competency 3: Apply ethical principles in the field of psychology.
•Identify the ethical issues of a case study.
•Point out how ethical principles can compete with each other.
•Analyze ethical solutions for a psychologist practicing outside of professional boundaries.
•Competency 4: Apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
•Explain the implications for a psychologist practicing outside of professional boundaries.
•Competency 5: Demonstrate an understanding of fundamentals of psychology principles.
•Analyze the limits of practice for a psychology professional in terms of competency and licensure.
elp direct your research.Assessment Preparation
To prepare for this assessment, complete the following:
•Review the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct on the APA Web site (linked in the Assessment Resources).
•Research the topic of ethics in psychology. Find at least 3 scholarly or professional resources on the topic of ethics. At least one of the resources you use in this assessment must be from the Capella University library.
•Read the case study below.
Case Study
Dr. Jones lives in and practices psychology in a small town. She began treating 52-year-old Mr. Albertson, who was suffering with depression. After only 5 sessions with Dr. Jones, Mr. Albertson suffered a serious concussion while at work. His impairment from his injury was quite noticeable; he had trouble understanding concepts and became easily confused during his next two sessions with Dr. Jones.
One of Mr. Albertson’s co-workers helped him find an attorney to protect his rights. Dr. Jones had Mr. Albertson sign a release so she could talk to the attorney and to the co-worker. The attorney called to say that workers’ compensation wanted to work out a settlement. The attorney, however, has no idea just how impaired Mr. Albertson is; they have never met face-to-face and have only communicated by e-mail and phone.
Mr. Albertson demonstrates multiple cognitive deficits. He needs assistance and monitoring with things like cleaning his house, shopping, transportation, paying bills, and understanding the settlement process. He will likely need to go into an assisted living facility. His family members all live some distance away and are unable to provide much help. Workers’ compensation refuses to pay for the services of an independent social worker, and attempts to find social service agencies that can help have not been successful. Further, Mr. Albertson does not appear to understand either his legal rights or the settlement process.
Before providing extra therapy support, Dr. Jones had Mr. Albertson sign a document explaining her fees for the additional services. She does not feel that he completely understands what is happening. Dr. Jones has been doing much of the case management work such as locating a long-time friend who is willing to help Mr. Albertson at home, referring him for neuropsychological testing, having long discussions with his primary physician, participating in conference calls with the attorney, and trying to find a guardian.
Assessment Instructions
Respond to the following questions regarding the case study you just read. Applying critical thinking and support your responses with references to the APA code of ethics and your own research. Your paper should be at least 4 but no more than 6 pages, excluding the title page and reference page.
•What are the potential ethical issues with this case?
•What are the competing ethical principles?
•Is Dr. Jones acting beyond the limits of her competency? Explain.
•Is Dr. Jones practicing outside the scope of her license? Explain. (Tip: Look for state licensing and legal requirements in your own state.)
•What are the possible implications that may occur as a result of Dr. Jones engaging in multiple roles in Mr. Albertson’s care? (Hint: Is there a conflict of interest? Are there possible issues involving confidentiality, legal, and so on?)
•What suggestions would you make to Dr. Jones?
Be sure that you support your statements, explanations, and decisions with references to at least 3 scholarly or professional resources. Follow APA guidelines throughout your paper.
Additional requirements:
•Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.
•Spacing: Typed, double-spaced.
Submission Guidelines