Developmental Psychology

  1. Go to YouTube and search the topic of “twin babies laughing at each other.” Take a look at a couple of different videos showing twin toddlers interacting. Even if you cannot view the video, express your opinion on the following questions. Do you believe twin toddlers can actually communicate with each other; even when they are babbling? Do they understand each other? How do infants communicate before they are able to speak their first word? Share specific examples from your own experience.
  2.   According to Feldman (2011, p. 244), “gender schemas are developed early in life and serve as a lens through which preschoolers view the world.” In your opinion, should preschoolers be encouraged to be androgynous (develop characteristics thought typical of both sexes), or encouraged to develop characteristics specific to their own gender? Use examples from your own experience to support your belief. Support your belief and examples with a reference from a scholarly source.
  3. How do you suppose the social, cultural, and educational impact of learning a second language or being raised as a child in a bilingual home affects a child’s development? Support your thoughts and considerations with either personal experience or information you have read in your textbook, on the internet from an educational or national organization site, and/or from national or local news sources.
  4. Adolescence is a time of transition from childhood to adulthood; from parental reliance to peer influence to autonomy. Is this transition easier or harder than it was 10-20 years ago? What do you think is the most influential factor (external or internal) in this transition from teenager to young adult today?
  5. Imagine that your boss has called you into her office at 4:00 pm. She apologizes for the late notice—her day has been crazy—and tells you that she believes you would be an excellent candidate for the management trainee program the company offers. She has scheduled you for an interview for the position at 8:00 am the very next morning. You leave the office in a daze and then your mind begins racing. What physical effects do you think this situation would have on your body? Everyone handles stress differently and in your unit this week you will learn about ways to look at stress. Psychologists, A. Lazarus and S. Folkman propose that people move through two stages of experiencing stress—primary appraisal and secondary appraisal. Using the scenario above, at first glance how would you personally assess the implications of this situation: As positive, negative, or neutral? At second glance, how would you go about handling this interview? Would you consider the above situation stressful? Why, or why not.
  6. In your opinion, what do you think causes an adult to experience a midlife crisis? Do you believe midlife crises are inevitable? Support your answer.

This week’s discussion forum and readings may have triggered some personal thoughts and feelings regarding abnormal psychology


Task 1: Indicate which character or historical figure you will investigate for your Week Two assignment, Week Three assignment, and your Final Paper. The character must be the same for each assignment, and you may not alter your choice after the conclusion of Week Two.
Review this list of movies or this list of historical case studies that are approved for use for this assignment.  You must choose from the provided lists.
Task 2: This week’s discussion forum and readings may have triggered some personal thoughts and feelings regarding abnormal psychology. One of the most important aspects of developing competence in abnormal psychology is to be honestly and completely aware of your personal attitudes toward people who have mental health conditions.
This 250- to 500-word journal entry is an opportunity for you to honestly reflect on your thoughts regarding abnormal psychology. For instance, what insights on bias or prejudice does this topic raise? What potential perception issues or conflicts between belief systems and knowledge sets might arise? Consider any other questions that came up for you over the course of this week’s assignments. You may share as much or as little as you wish, as long as it is evident in your journal that you have taken the time to reflect.
This journal does not require you to share personal information about your mental health or the mental health of people you know. Psychology instructors cannot ask students to divulge this kind of information for grading. For further information see Standard 7.04 in the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.
Your journal will be graded based on whether or not you provided a substantial and thoughtful entry.

What ethical concerns are raised when discussing unsettled science?


There are a number of research topics where forensic consultants may not be able to provide definitive answers. The chapters you read provide examples of areas where there is at least some controversy over either the topic itself or the research findings.For this discussion, pretend you have been hired to provide testimony on an unsettled and/or controversial area of scientific research. Discuss what you would do to prepare yourself for court and how you would present the research that has been conducted.
What ethical concerns are raised when discussing unsettled science? What pitfalls might you, as the forensic consultant, expect to face in court? How do you determine if these scientific findings meet, at a minimum, the criteria for FRE 702?

Reading and Resources (if needed)

TextbookPsychological Science in the Courtroom: Consensus and Controversy, Chapter 4
This reading discusses the current state of using hypnosis in forensic examinations.
TextbookBeyond Common Sense: Psychological Science in the Courtroom, Chapter 11, 12, 13, and 17
These chapters discuss polygraph testing, the role of social sciences in evolving standards, pretrial publicity, and sex discrimination and harassment.
Video: Exploring the Mind of a Killer  (Optional)
This is a fascinating TED Talk on the genetics of psychopathy.
Website: APA Amicus Briefs by Issue (Optional)
This site provides one-page summaries of amicus briefs filed by the APA, by issue.
Website: Controversies in Forensic Psychology (Optional)
This website has a series of short articles and reference lists for controversial areas in forensic psychology.

What is the history of victimology, and how has it developed?

Deliverable Length:  3-5 pages
You graduated from the AIU Criminal Justice Bachelor Program only 1 year ago, and you are now the victim rights advocate for your county prosecutor’s office. When you entered the criminal justice program, you never dreamed that you would have a career helping victims of crimes to navigate the criminal justice system. Your duties include everything from comforting a victim of a sexual assault to helping the families of murder victims. Already, you have had opportunities to help so many people, and this type of work makes you feel proud of what you do. You are so proud, that it is all you speak about to your families and friends. So when Grace, the chief attorney, asks you to do something, you try to do your absolute best. The following assignment is no different.
Grace, the chief attorney (CA), asks you to draft a report that she will use in her presentation to the county commission. Her goal is to keep the victim witness assistant positions that currently exist and increase the number of these positions in the future. She knows that providing victim advocacy is a relatively new concept to the criminal justice system and that the commissioners are not familiar with the concept that the criminal justice system should take a more active role with victims.
Grace needs you to provide information from 8 of the following 12 areas of discussion:

  • Give a definition of victimology.
  • What is the history of victimology, and how has it developed?
  • Explain how it is different from criminology, sociology, or psychology.
  • Who established the first safe houses for battered women? Where and when were these safe houses established?
  • Who established the first rape crisis centers? Where and when were these centers established?
  • How has the Civil Rights movement contributed to antidiscrimination efforts and the establishment of hate crime legislation and policy?
  • What role have children’s rights groups played in highlighting the problems that child victims face in the criminal justice system?
  • Which organizations might she contact that provide specific advocacy for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and homicide?
  • What services are not provided by government crime compensation programs?
  • Explain the need for all states to require mandatory reporting by religious organizations of child abuse by clergy.
  • How can the media be used to affect change in states that do not yet require mandatory reporting?
  • Research the clergy abuse in a state of your choice, and answer the following:
    • If mandatory reporting exists, how long has this been a requirement? What organizations are involved in tracking and helping the victims with this type of abuse?
    • If mandatory reporting does not exist, what alternative processes exist for reporting clergy abuse?